void |
MethodGen.addAnnotationsAsAttribute(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
int |
ConstantPoolGen.addConstant(Constant c,
ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Import constant from another ConstantPool and return new index.
void |
MethodGen.addParameterAnnotationsAsAttribute(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
int |
Instruction.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
This method also gives right results for instructions whose
effect on the stack depends on the constant pool entry they
int |
InvokeInstruction.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Also works for instructions whose stack effect depends on the
constant pool entry they reference.
int |
INVOKEINTERFACE.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
MULTIANEWARRAY.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Also works for instructions whose stack effect depends on the
constant pool entry they reference.
int |
PUTFIELD.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
PUTSTATIC.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
StackConsumer.consumeStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
static ElementValueGen |
ElementValueGen.copy(ElementValue value,
ConstantPoolGen cpool,
boolean copyPoolEntries) |
Creates an (modifiable) ElementValueGen copy of an (immutable)
ElementValue - constant pool is assumed correct.
FieldGen |
FieldGen.copy(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
MethodGen |
MethodGen.copy(java.lang.String className,
ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type[] |
InvokeInstruction.getArgumentTypes(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
FieldOrMethod.getClassName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
INVOKEDYNAMIC.getClassName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Override the parent method because our classname is held elsewhere.
java.lang.String |
InvokeInstruction.getClassName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
This overrides the deprecated version as we know here that the referenced class
may legally be an array.
ObjectType |
FieldOrMethod.getClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
CodeException |
CodeExceptionGen.getCodeException(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Get CodeException object.
This relies on that the instruction list has already been dumped
to byte code or or that the `setPositions' methods has been
called for the instruction list.
java.lang.String |
FieldInstruction.getFieldName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
protected int |
FieldInstruction.getFieldSize(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
FieldInstruction.getFieldType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
LineNumberTable |
MethodGen.getLineNumberTable(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
ObjectType |
ANEWARRAY.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ObjectType |
CHECKCAST.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ObjectType |
FieldOrMethod.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Gets the ObjectType of the method return or field.
ObjectType |
INSTANCEOF.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ObjectType |
LoadClass.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Returns the ObjectType of the referenced class or interface
that may be loaded and resolved.
ObjectType |
MULTIANEWARRAY.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ObjectType |
NEW.getLoadClassType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
LocalVariable |
LocalVariableGen.getLocalVariable(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Gets LocalVariable object.
LocalVariableTable |
MethodGen.getLocalVariableTable(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
static int |
MethodGen.getMaxStack(ConstantPoolGen cp,
InstructionList il,
CodeExceptionGen[] et) |
Computes stack usage of an instruction list by performing control flow analysis.
java.lang.String |
InvokeInstruction.getMethodName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
FieldOrMethod.getName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
NameSignatureInstruction.getName(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ConstantNameAndType |
NameSignatureInstruction.getNameAndType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
ReferenceType |
FieldOrMethod.getReferenceType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Gets the reference type representing the class, interface,
or array class referenced by the instruction.
ReferenceType |
INVOKEDYNAMIC.getReferenceType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Since InvokeDynamic doesn't refer to a reference type, just return java.lang.Object,
as that is the only type we can say for sure the reference will be.
Type |
InvokeInstruction.getReturnType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
FieldOrMethod.getSignature(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.String |
NameSignatureInstruction.getSignature(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
ACONST_NULL.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
ArithmeticInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
ArrayInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
BIPUSH.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
ConversionInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
CPInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
DCMPG.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
DCMPL.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
DCONST.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
FCMPG.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
FCMPL.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
FCONST.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
FieldInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
ICONST.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
IINC.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
InvokeInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
JsrInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
LCMP.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
LCONST.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
LDC.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
LDC2_W.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Type |
LoadClass.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Returns the type associated with this instruction.
Type |
LocalVariableInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Returns the type associated with the instruction -
in case of ALOAD or ASTORE Type.OBJECT is returned.
Type |
RET.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
ReturnInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
SIPUSH.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
StackInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
Type |
TypedInstruction.getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.Object |
LDC.getValue(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
java.lang.Number |
LDC2_W.getValue(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
GETFIELD.produceStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
GETSTATIC.produceStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
int |
Instruction.produceStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
This method also gives right results for instructions whose
effect on the stack depends on the constant pool entry they
int |
InvokeInstruction.produceStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
Also works for instructions whose stack effect depends on the
constant pool entry they reference.
int |
StackProducer.produceStack(ConstantPoolGen cpg) |
static AnnotationEntryGen |
AnnotationEntryGen.read(java.io.DataInput dis,
ConstantPoolGen cpool,
boolean b) |
static ElementValueGen |
ElementValueGen.readElementValue(java.io.DataInput dis,
ConstantPoolGen cpGen) |
void |
InstructionList.replaceConstantPool(ConstantPoolGen old_cp,
ConstantPoolGen new_cp) |
Replace all references to the old constant pool with references to the new constant pool
void |
ClassGen.setConstantPool(ConstantPoolGen constant_pool) |
void |
FieldGenOrMethodGen.setConstantPool(ConstantPoolGen cp) |
void |
InstructionFactory.setConstantPool(ConstantPoolGen c) |