Index of types

access_permission [BatUnix]

Flags for the Unix.access call.

addr_info [BatUnix]

Address information returned by Unix.getaddrinfo.

alarm [BatGc]

An alarm is a piece of data that calls a user function at the end of each major GC cycle.

allocation [BatGc.Memprof]

The type of metadata associated with allocations.

allocation_source [BatGc.Memprof]
auto_cache [BatCache]

Automatically managed caches

backend_type [BatSys]

Currently, the official distribution only supports Native and Bytecode, but it can be other backends with alternative compilers, for example, javascript.

backtrace_slot [BatPrintexc]

The abstract type backtrace_slot represents a single slot of a backtrace.

base_t [BatBounded.BoundedType]

The base/raw type

base_u [BatBounded.S]

Raw unbounded type

bat__compare_t [BatNumber.Compare]
bat__infix_t [BatNumber.Infix]
bat__refops_t [BatNumber.RefOps]
big_int [BatBig_int]

The type of big integers.

bound_t [BatBounded]

`open or `closed or `unbounded bounds

bounded [BatNumber.Bounded]
bounding_f [BatBounded]

The type of a bounding function with limits specified by bounds

buf [BatUTF8.Buf]

Buffers for UTF-8 strings.

bytes [Batteries]
c_layout [BatBigarray]

See Bigarray.fortran_layout.

cell [BatConcreteQueue]
choice [BatOrd]

choice functions, see min and max.

comp [BatOrd]

The legacy int-returning comparisons : compare a b < 0 means a < b, compare a b = 0 means a = b, compare a b > 0 means a > b

complex32_elt [BatBigarray]
complex64_elt [BatBigarray]
components [BatPathGen.PathType]

A path can be represented by the following triple: (Path.parent path, Path.name_core path, Path.ext path)

control [BatGc]

The GC parameters are given as a control record.

decoding_table [BatBase64]

A decoding table maps chars 0..255 to the corresponding 0..63 value or -1 if the char is not accepted.

dir_handle [BatUnix]

The type of descriptors over opened directories.

discrete [BatNumber.Discrete]
discrete [BatNumber.Numeric]
dq [BatDeque]

The type of double-ended queues

easy_lev [BatLog]

The different verbosity levels supported in the Easy logger

elem [BatHeap.H]

Type of elements of the heap

elt [BatSet.S]

The type of the set elements.

elt [BatISet]

This kind of set only holds ints

encoding_table [BatBase64]

An encoding table maps integers 0..63 to the corresponding char.

enumerable [BatQueue]
enumerable [BatEnum.Enumerable]

The data structure, e.g.

eq [BatOrd]

The type for equality function.

error [BatUnix]

The type of error codes.

event [BatLogger]

A log event consists of an event name and a list of key-value parameters (an association list).

extern_flags [BatMarshal]

The flags to the Marshal.to_* functions below.

f_printer [BatIO]
fg [BatFingerTree.S]

The type of finger trees containing elements of type 'a measured by 'm.

file_descr [BatUnix]

The abstract type of file descriptors.

file_kind [BatUnix]
file_perm [BatUnix]

The type of file access rights, e.g.

flag [BatLog]
float32_elt [BatBigarray]
float64_elt [BatBigarray]
flow_action [BatUnix]
flush_queue [BatUnix]
formatter [BatLogger]

the type of a log formatter is a function that takes the logger, the level of the log statement (which will be the currently enabled level or one of its successors), the event record, and a unix timestamp indicating the time the event was created.

formatter [BatFormat]

Abstract data corresponding to a pretty-printer (also called a formatter) and all its machinery.

formatter_tag_functions [BatFormat]
fortran_layout [BatBigarray]

To facilitate interoperability with existing C and Fortran code, this library supports two different memory layouts for big arrays, one compatible with the C conventions, the other compatible with the Fortran conventions.

fpkind [BatFloat.Safe_float]

Classes of floating point numbers

fpkind [BatFloat]

Classes of floating point numbers

getaddrinfo_option [BatUnix]

Options to Unix.getaddrinfo.

getnameinfo_option [BatUnix]

Options to Unix.getnameinfo.

group [BatOptParse.OptParser]

The type of an option group.

group_entry [BatUnix]

Structure of entries in the groups database.

hobj [BatHashcons]

The type t hobj represents hashed objects of type t.

host_entry [BatUnix]

Structure of entries in the hosts database.

in_bits [BatIO]
index [BatUTF8]

Positions in the string represented by the number of bytes from the head.

inet_addr [BatUnix]

The abstract type of Internet addresses.

input [BatInnerIO]
input [BatIO]

The abstract input type.

int16_signed_elt [BatBigarray]
int16_unsigned_elt [BatBigarray]
int32_elt [BatBigarray]
int64_elt [BatBigarray]
int8_signed_elt [BatBigarray]
int8_unsigned_elt [BatBigarray]
int_elt [BatBigarray]
interval_timer [BatUnix]

The three kinds of interval timers.

interval_timer_status [BatUnix]

The type describing the status of an interval timer

key [BatMap.S]

The type of the map keys.

key [BatInnerWeaktbl.S]
key [BatIMap]
key [BatHashtbl.S]
key [BatHashcons.Table]

type of objects in the table

kind [BatBigarray]

To each element kind is associated an OCaml type, which is the type of OCaml values that can be stored in the big array or read back from it.

layout [BatBigarray]

The type 'a layout represents one of the two supported memory layouts: C-style if 'a is Bigarray.c_layout, Fortran-style if 'a is Bigarray.fortran_layout.

level [BatLogger]
lexbuf [BatLexing]

The type of lexer buffers.

lexer_error [BatGenlex]
location [BatPrintexc]

The type of location information found in backtraces.

lock [BatConcurrent]

The light-weight type of a lock, i.e.

lock_command [BatUnix]

Commands for Unix.lockf.

log [BatLogger]
m [BatOption.Monad]

The type of values in this monad : option

m [BatInterfaces.Monad]

The type of a monad producing values of type 'a.

m [BatEnum.Monad]

The type of the BatEnum monad's elements, thus BatEnum.t.

m [BatEnum.WithMonad]

Type of the monadic elements.

manual_cache [BatCache]
mappable [BatInterfaces.Mappable]

The data structure, e.g.

monoid [BatFingerTree]

The type of the element of a monoid.

msg_flag [BatUnix]
name_info [BatUnix]

Host and service information returned by Unix.getnameinfo.

nativeint_elt [BatBigarray]
node [BatSeq]
node_t [BatLazyList]
node_t [BatDllist]
num [BatNum]

The type of numbers.

numeric [BatNumber]

The smallest set of operations supported by every set of numbers.

open_flag [BatUnix]
open_in_flag [BatFile]
open_out_flag [BatFile]

Flags governing file output; they correspond to the relevant flags to the POSIX open() call.

open_temporary_out_flag [BatFile]
ord [BatOrd]

The type of ordering functions returning an order variant.

order [BatOrd]
out_bits [BatIO]
output [BatInnerIO]
output [BatIO]

The abstract output type, 'a is the accumulator data, it is returned when the close_out function is called.

passwd_entry [BatUnix]

Structure of entries in the passwd database.

permission [BatFile]

The list of operations which are permitted on a file.

position [BatLexing]

A value of type position describes a point in a source file.

position [BatCharParser]

The position inside one file or one stream.

printer [BatIO]

The type of a printing function to print a 'a to an output that produces 'b as result.

process_status [BatUnix]

The termination status of a process.

process_times [BatUnix]

The execution times (CPU times) of a process.

protocol_entry [BatUnix]

Structure of entries in the protocols database.

raw_backtrace [BatPrintexc]

The abstract type raw_backtrace stores a backtrace in a low-level format, instead of directly exposing them as string as the get_backtrace() function does.

raw_backtrace_entry [BatPrintexc]

A raw_backtrace_entry is an element of a raw_backtrace.

raw_backtrace_slot [BatPrintexc]

This type allows direct access to raw backtrace slots, without any conversion in an OCaml-usable data-structure.

report [BatParserCo]
resizer_t [BatDynArray]

The type of a resizer function.

result [BatPervasives]

This type represents the outcome of a function which has the possibility of failure.

result [BatInnerPervasives]
scanbuf [BatScanf.Scanning]

The type of scanning buffers.

scanner [BatScanf]

The type of formatted input scanners: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner is the type of a formatted input function that reads from some scanning buffer according to some format string; more precisely, if scan is some formatted input function, then scan ib fmt f applies f to the arguments specified by the format string fmt, when scan has read those arguments from the scanning input buffer ib.

seek_command [BatUnix]

Positioning modes for Unix.lseek.

service_entry [BatUnix]

Structure of entries in the services database.

setattr_when [BatUnix]
shutdown_command [BatUnix]

The type of commands for shutdown.

signal_behavior [BatSys]
sigprocmask_command [BatUnix]
sockaddr [BatUnix]
socket_bool_option [BatUnix]

The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt and modified with Unix.setsockopt.

socket_domain [BatUnix]

The type of socket domains.

socket_float_option [BatUnix]

The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_float and modified with Unix.setsockopt_float.

socket_int_option [BatUnix]

The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_int and modified with Unix.setsockopt_int.

socket_optint_option [BatUnix]

The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_optint and modified with Unix.setsockopt_optint.

socket_type [BatUnix]

The type of socket kinds, specifying the semantics of communications.

stat [BatGc]

The memory management counters are returned in a stat record.

state [BatParserCo]

The current state of the parser.

statistics [BatHashtbl]
stats [BatUnix.LargeFile]
stats [BatUnix]

The information returned by the Unix.stat calls.

t [BatVect.Make]

The type of a polymorphic vect.

t [BatVect]

The type of a polymorphic vect.

t [BatUref]

A synonym for convenience

t [BatUnit]

The unit type, i.e.

t [BatUTF8]

UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings.

t [BatUChar]
t [BatTuple.Tuple5]
t [BatTuple.Tuple4]
t [BatTuple.Tuple3]
t [BatTuple.Tuple2]
t [BatText]

The type of the rope.

t [BatSubstring]

Substring.t is the type of substrings of a basestring, an efficient representation of a piece of a string.

t [BatString.Cap]

The type of capability strings.

t [BatString]

An alias for the type of strings.

t [BatStream]
t [BatStack]

The type of stacks containing elements of type 'a.

t [BatSet.PSet]

The type of sets.

t [BatSet.S]

The type of sets.

t [BatSet]

The type of sets.

t [BatSeq]

A sequence is a computation which returns a list-like node

t [BatReturn]

A label which may be used to return values of type 'a

t [BatResult]

The type of a result.

t [BatRefList]

The type of an empty ref list

t [BatRef]

The type of references.

t [BatRandom.Incubator.Private_state_enums.State]

same as BatRandom.State

t [BatRandom.State]

The type of PRNG states.

t [BatRMutex]

The type of mutexes.

t [BatQueue]

The type of queues containing elements of type 'a.

t [BatPrintf]

The format to use for displaying the various arguments passed to the function.

t [BatPrintexc.Slot]
t [BatPrintexc]

The type of exception values.

t [BatPathGen.StringType]

Type for strings.

t [BatPathGen.PathType]

A type for storing paths.

t [BatParserCo.Source]

A source of elements of type 'a, with a user-defined state of type 'b

t [BatParserCo]

A parser for elements of type 'a, producing elements of type 'b, with user-defined states of type 'c.

t [BatOption]
t [BatOptParse.OptParser]

The type of an option parser.

t [BatOptParse.Formatter]
t [BatOptParse.Opt]

Option type.

t [BatNumber.Numeric]
t [BatNum]
t [BatNativeint]

An alias for the type of native integers.

t [BatMultiPMap]
t [BatMultiMap]
t [BatMap.PMap]
t [BatMap.S]

The type of maps from type key to type 'a.

t [BatMap]
t [BatLog.Level_sig]

A type for level values, usually a polymorphic variant

t [BatLog.Config]
t [BatList]
t [BatLazyList]

The type of a lazy list.

t [BatInterfaces.OrderedType]
t [BatInt64]
t [BatInt32]
t [BatInt.Safe_int]

An alias for the type of integers.

t [BatInt]

An alias for the type of integers.

t [BatInnerWeaktbl.HashedType]
t [BatInnerWeaktbl.S]
t [BatInnerWeaktbl]

The type of hash tables from type 'a to type 'b.

t [BatInnerIO.Output]
t [BatInnerIO.Input]
t [BatISet]

the underlying representation is a balanced tree of ranges

t [BatIMap]
t [BatHeap.H]

Type of the heap

t [BatHeap]

Heap of elements that are compared with

t [BatHashtbl.HashedType]

The type of the hashtable keys.

t [BatHashtbl.Cap]

The type of a hashtable.

t [BatHashtbl.S]
t [BatHashtbl]

A Hashtable with keys of type 'a and values 'b

t [BatHashcons.Table]

type of the table

t [BatHashcons]

A synonym for convenience

t [BatGlobal]

Abstract type of a global

t [BatGenlex]

A lexer

t [BatFloat.Safe_float]

The type of floating-point numbers.

t [BatFloat]

The type of floating-point numbers.

t [BatFingerTree]
t [BatEnum]
t [BatEither]
t [BatDynArray]
t [BatDllist]
t [BatDigest]

The type of digests: 16-character strings.

t [BatDeque]

A synonym for convenience

t [BatConcurrent.BaseLock]

The type of a lock.

t [BatConcurrent.Lock]

The type of a lock.

t [BatConcreteQueue]
t [BatComplex]
t [BatOrd.Eq]
t [BatOrd.Ord]
t [BatOrd.Comp]
t [BatChar]

An alias for the type of characters.

t [BatBytes]

An alias for the type of byte sequences.

t [BatBuffer]

The abstract type of buffers.

t [BatBounded.BoundedType]

The type that makes up the bounded range

t [BatBounded.S]

Private version of BatBounded.S.u to avoid construction of BatBounded.S.t values without using make below.

t [BatBool]

The type of booleans.

t [BatBitSet]
t [BatBigarray.Array3]

The type of three-dimensional big arrays whose elements have OCaml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.

t [BatBigarray.Array2]

The type of two-dimensional big arrays whose elements have OCaml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.

t [BatBigarray.Array1]

The type of one-dimensional big arrays whose elements have OCaml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.

t [BatBigarray.Array0]

The type of zero-dimensional big arrays whose elements have OCaml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.

t [BatBigarray.Genarray]

The type Genarray.t is the type of big arrays with variable numbers of dimensions.

t [BatBig_int]
t [BatArray.Incubator.Ord]
t [BatArray.Incubator.Eq]
t [BatArray.Cap]

The type of arrays with capabilities.

t [BatArray]

The type of arrays.

tag [BatFormat]
tchar [BatPathGen.StringType]

Character type used by t.

terminal_io [BatUnix]
tm [BatUnix]

The type representing wallclock time and calendar date.

token [BatGenlex]

The type of tokens.

tracker [BatGc.Memprof]

A ('minor, 'major) tracker describes how memprof should track sampled blocks over their lifetime, keeping a user-defined piece of metadata for each of them: 'minor is the type of metadata to keep for minor blocks, and 'major the type of metadata for major blocks.

tree [BatAvlTree]
u [BatBounded.S]

BatBounded.S.base_u after bounding constraints have been applied

uchar [BatUChar]

Aliases of type t

uchar [BatPathGen.PathType]

Type of characters.

uref [BatUref]

A t uref is a reference to a cell that contains a value of type t.

ustring [BatPathGen.PathType]

Type of strings used.

validator [BatPathGen.PathType]

Validators should check if all characters of given string can be used in a name (path component).

wait_flag [BatUnix]

Flags for Unix.waitpid.

wrap [BatFingerTree.S]

A type meant to avoid duplication of signatures.