A | |
Arg [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Array [Extlib.ExtArray] | |
Array [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Array [Batteries] | |
Array [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Array0 [BatBigarray] | Zero-dimensional arrays. |
Array1 [BatBigarray] | One-dimensional arrays. |
Array2 [BatBigarray] | Two-dimensional arrays. |
Array3 [BatBigarray] | Three-dimensional arrays. |
ArrayLabels [Batteries.Legacy] | |
B | |
Base64 [Extlib] | |
Base64 [Batteries] | |
BatArray | Array operations |
BatAvlTree | Internals of ISet and IMap, usable as generic tree library |
BatBase64 | Base64 codec. |
BatBig_int | Operations on arbitrary-precision integers. |
BatBigarray | Additional and modified functions for big arrays. |
BatBitSet | Efficient bit sets. |
BatBool | Operations on booleans |
BatBounded | Bounded values |
BatBuffer | Extensible string buffers. |
BatBytes | Byte sequence operations. |
BatBytesCompat | |
BatCache | The data structure for a manual cache with keys |
BatChar | Operations on characters. |
BatCharParser | Parsing character strings. |
BatComplex | Additional and modified functions for complex numbers. |
BatConcreteQueue | |
BatConcurrent | Definition of concurrency primitives. |
BatDeque | Functional double-ended queues |
BatDigest | MD5 message digest. |
BatDllist | A mutable, imperative, circular, doubly linked list library |
BatDynArray | Dynamic arrays. |
BatEither | Either type. |
BatEnum | Enumeration over abstract collection of elements. |
BatFile | File manipulation. |
BatFilename | Operations on file names. |
BatFingerTree | This module implements a generic finger tree datastructure as described here: Finger Trees: A Simple General-purpose Data Structure http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.pdf |
BatFloat | Operations on floating-point numbers. |
BatFormat | |
BatGc | Memory management control and statistics; finalised values. |
BatGenlex | A generic lexical analyzer. |
BatGlobal | Mutable global variable. |
BatHashcons | Hash consing of data structures |
BatHashtbl | Extra functions over hashtables. |
BatHeap | Functional heaps over ordered types |
BatIMap | DIET Maps from integers, packed using ranges |
BatIO | High-order abstract I/O. |
BatISet | DIET : Discrete Interval Encoding Trees |
BatInnerIO | Core of the BatIO module. |
BatInnerPervasives | |
BatInnerShuffle | |
BatInnerWeaktbl | Weak hash table library for OCaml, with an interface compatible with the standard Hashtbl module. |
BatInt | Operations on integers. |
BatInt32 | 32-bit integers. |
BatInt64 | 64-bit integers. |
BatInterfaces | Common signatures for data structures. |
BatLazyList | Lazy lists of elements. |
BatLexing | Simple lexing using ocaml conventions |
BatList | Additional and modified functions for lists. |
BatLog | Simple logging |
BatLogger | Logging Library |
BatMap | Association tables over ordered types. |
BatMarshal | Marshaling of data structures. |
BatMultiMap | Polymorphic Multi-Map. |
BatMultiPMap | Polymorphic Multi-Map. |
BatMutex | Locks for mutual exclusion. |
BatNativeint | Processor-native integers. |
BatNum | Operation on arbitrary-precision numbers. |
BatNumber | A common interface for numbers. |
BatOpaqueInnerSys | |
BatOptParse | Modules for GNU |
BatOption | Functions for the option type. |
BatOrd | |
BatParserCo | A simple parser combinator library. |
BatPathGen | Filepath handling. |
BatPervasives | Additional functions. |
BatPrintexc | Facilities for printing exceptions. |
BatPrintf | |
BatQueue | First-in first-out queues. |
BatRMutex | Reentrant Mutexes |
BatRandom | Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG). |
BatRef | Operations on references. |
BatRefList | Reference on lists. |
BatResult | Monadic results of computations that can raise exceptions |
BatReturn | Local exceptions/labels/goto/return. |
BatScanf | Formatted input functions. |
BatSeq | Sequence of elements |
BatSet | Sets over ordered types. |
BatSplay | Maps over ordered types based on splay trees. |
BatStack | Last-in first-out stacks. |
BatStream | Streams and stream parsers |
BatString | String operations. |
BatSubstring | |
BatSys | System interface. |
BatText | Heavyweight strings ("ropes") |
BatTuple | Tuples. |
BatUChar | Unicode characters. |
BatUTF8 | UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. |
BatUnit | Operations on |
BatUnix | Low-level interface to the operating system (both Unix and Windows). |
BatUref | Unifiable references using destructive union-find |
BatVect | Extensible vectors with constant-time append/prepend. |
Batteries | |
BatteriesConfig | |
BatteriesExceptionless | |
BatteriesPrint | |
BatteriesThread | |
BigEndian [BatIO] | Same operations as module |
Big_int [Batteries] | |
Big_int [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Bigarray [Batteries] | |
Bigarray [Batteries.Legacy] | |
BitSet [Extlib] | |
BitSet [Batteries] | |
Bit_set [Batteries] | |
Bool [Batteries] | |
Bounded [Batteries.Incubator] | |
Buf [BatUTF8] | Buffer module for UTF-8 strings |
Buffer [Batteries] | |
Buffer [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Bytes [Batteries] | |
Bytes [Batteries.Legacy] | |
C | |
C [BatGenlex.Languages.Library] | |
Cache [Batteries] | |
Callback [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Cap [BatteriesExceptionless.Array] | |
Cap [BatString] | Capabilities for strings. |
Cap [BatHashtbl] | Capabilities for hashtables. |
Cap [BatArray] | Capabilities for arrays. |
Char [Batteries] | |
Char [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Char [BatSet] | |
Char [BatMap] | |
CharParser [Batteries] | |
Comp [BatTuple.Tuple5] | |
Comp [BatTuple.Tuple4] | |
Comp [BatTuple.Tuple3] | |
Comp [BatTuple.Tuple2] | |
Comp [BatOrd] | |
Comp [BatList] | |
Comp [BatChar.Incubator] | |
Compare [BatNumber.Numeric] | |
Compare [BatNum] | |
Compare [BatNativeint] | |
Compare [BatInt64] | |
Compare [BatInt32] | |
Compare [BatInt.Safe_int] | |
Compare [BatInt] | |
Compare [BatFloat] | |
Compare [BatComplex] | |
Compare [BatBool] | |
Compare [BatBig_int] | |
Complex [Batteries] | |
Complex [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Concurrent [Batteries] | |
D | |
Deque [Batteries] | |
Digest [Batteries] | |
Digest [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Dllist [Extlib] | |
Dllist [Batteries] | |
DynArray [Extlib] | |
DynArray [Batteries] | |
E | |
Easy [BatLog] | A simple-to-use logger with verbosity levels that outputs by default to stderr (changeable at runtime) with the date and time at the beginning of each log message. |
Either [Batteries] | |
Either [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Enum [Extlib] | |
Enum [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Enum [Batteries] | |
Eq [BatTuple.Tuple5] | |
Eq [BatTuple.Tuple4] | |
Eq [BatTuple.Tuple3] | |
Eq [BatTuple.Tuple2] | |
Eq [BatOrd] | |
Eq [BatList] | |
Eq [BatChar.Incubator] | |
Eq [BatArray.Incubator] | |
EqComp [BatOrd] | |
EqOrd [BatOrd] | |
Exceptionless [BatString.Cap] | Exceptionless counterparts for error-raising operations |
Exceptionless [BatString] | Exceptionless counterparts for error-raising operations |
Exceptionless [BatStack] | |
Exceptionless [BatSet.S] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatSeq] | |
Exceptionless [BatQueue] | |
Exceptionless [BatMap.PMap] | Exceptionless versions of functions |
Exceptionless [BatMap] | Exceptionless versions of functions |
Exceptionless [BatMap.S] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatList] | Exceptionless counterparts for error-raising operations |
Exceptionless [BatLazyList.Labels] | |
Exceptionless [BatLazyList] | Exceptionless counterparts for error-raising operations |
Exceptionless [BatHashtbl.Cap] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatHashtbl.S] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatHashtbl] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatEnum] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatDynArray] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatArray.Cap] | Operations on |
Exceptionless [BatArray] | Operations on |
ExtArray [Extlib] | |
ExtHashtbl [Extlib] | |
ExtList [Extlib] | |
ExtString [Extlib] | |
Extlib | |
F | |
File [Batteries] | |
Filename [Batteries] | |
Filename [Batteries.Legacy] | |
FingerTree [Batteries] | |
Float [Batteries] | |
Float [BatSet] | |
Float [BatMap] | |
Format [Batteries] | |
Format [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Formatter [BatOptParse] | This module contains the types and functions for implementing custom usage message formatters. |
G | |
Gc [Batteries] | |
Gc [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Genarray [BatBigarray] | Generic arrays (of arbitrarily many dimensions) |
Generic [BatFingerTree] | |
Genlex [Batteries] | |
Genlex [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Global [Extlib] | |
Global [Batteries] | |
H | |
H [BatHashcons] | Hashing utilities |
Hashcons [Batteries] | |
Hashtbl [Extlib.ExtHashtbl] | |
Hashtbl [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Hashtbl [Batteries] | |
Hashtbl [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Heap [Batteries] | |
I | |
IMap [Batteries] | |
IO [Extlib] | |
IO [Batteries] | |
ISet [Batteries] | |
IString [BatString] | uses icompare as ordering function |
Immediate64 [BatSys] | |
Incubator [Batteries] | |
Incubator [BatSet] | Incubator |
Incubator [BatRandom] | |
Incubator [BatOrd] | |
Incubator [BatChar] | |
Incubator [BatArray] | |
Index [BatRefList] | Functions that operate on the element at index |
Infix [BatSeq] | |
Infix [BatResult] | This infix module provides the operator |
Infix [BatPathGen.PathType] | As other Operators modules in batteries are named "Infix" we provide Infix as well. |
Infix [BatParserCo] | Infix submodule regrouping all infix operators |
Infix [BatOption] | |
Infix [BatNumber.Numeric] | |
Infix [BatNum] | |
Infix [BatNativeint] | |
Infix [BatMultiPMap] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatMultiMap] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatMap.PMap] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatMap] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatMap.S] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatList] | Infix submodule regrouping all infix operators |
Infix [BatLazyList] | Infix submodule regrouping all infix operators |
Infix [BatInt64] | |
Infix [BatInt32] | |
Infix [BatInt.Safe_int] | |
Infix [BatInt] | |
Infix [BatIMap] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatHashtbl.S] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatHashtbl] | Infix operators over a |
Infix [BatFloat] | |
Infix [BatEnum] | |
Infix [BatComplex] | |
Infix [BatChar] | Infix submodule regrouping all infix operators |
Infix [BatBounded.BoundedNumericType] | |
Infix [BatBool] | |
Infix [BatBig_int] | |
Input [BatInnerIO] | |
Int [Batteries] | |
Int [BatSet] | |
Int [BatMap] | |
Int32 [Batteries] | |
Int32 [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Int32 [BatSet] | |
Int32 [BatMap] | |
Int64 [Batteries] | |
Int64 [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Int64 [BatSet] | |
Int64 [BatMap] | |
Interfaces [Batteries] | |
L | |
LExceptionless [BatList.Labels] | |
LExceptionless [BatEnum.Labels] | |
LExceptionless [BatArray.Labels] | |
Labels [BatteriesExceptionless.LazyList] | |
Labels [BatteriesExceptionless.Enum] | |
Labels [BatteriesExceptionless.List] | |
Labels [BatteriesExceptionless.Array] | |
Labels [BatVect.Make] | Operations on |
Labels [BatVect] | Operations on |
Labels [BatSet.S] | Operations on |
Labels [BatOption] | Operations on options, with labels. |
Labels [BatMap.S] | Operations on |
Labels [BatList] | Operations on |
Labels [BatLazyList] | Operations on |
Labels [BatHashtbl.Cap] | Operations on |
Labels [BatHashtbl.S] | Operations on |
Labels [BatHashtbl] | Operations on |
Labels [BatEnum] | Operations on |
Labels [BatArray.Cap] | Operations on |
Labels [BatArray] | Operations on |
Languages [BatGenlex] | |
LargeFile [BatUnix] | File operations on large files. |
Lazy [Batteries.Legacy] | |
LazyList [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
LazyList [Batteries] | |
Legacy [Batteries] | |
Lexing [Batteries] | |
Lexing [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Library [BatGenlex.Languages] | |
List [Extlib.ExtList] | |
List [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
List [Batteries] | |
List [Batteries.Legacy] | |
ListLabels [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Log [Batteries.Incubator] | |
Logger [Batteries] | |
M | |
Make [BatVect] | |
Make [BatSet] | Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type. |
Make [BatPathGen] | Constructs path handling module for string-like type and its operations given in |
Make [BatMap] | Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type. |
Make [BatLog] | Build a logger module with custom, fixed output, prefix and flags |
Make [BatInnerWeaktbl] | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
Make [BatHeap] | Functorized heaps over arbitrary orderings. |
Make [BatHashtbl] | Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure. |
Make [BatGenlex.Languages] | |
Make [BatBounded] | Functor to build an implementation of a bounded type given the bounded
values definition |
Make2 [BatSet] | |
MakeLock [BatConcurrent] | |
MakeNumeric [BatBounded] | |
MakeTable [BatHashcons] | |
Make_lev [BatLog] | Make your own level-based logger, like |
Map [BatteriesExceptionless.Splay] | |
Map [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Map [Batteries] | |
Map [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Map [BatSplay] | |
Marshal [Batteries] | |
Marshal [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Memprof [BatGc] |
Monad [BatResult] | |
Monad [BatOption] | This module provides everything needed to write and execute computations in the Option monad. |
Monad [BatEnum] | The BatEnum Monad |
MoreLabels [Batteries.Legacy] | |
MultiMap [Batteries] | |
MultiPMap [Batteries] | |
Mutex [BatteriesThread] | |
N | |
Nativeint [Batteries] | |
Nativeint [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Nativeint [BatSet] | |
Nativeint [BatMap] | |
NoLock [BatConcurrent] | |
Num [Batteries] | |
Num [Batteries.Legacy] | |
NumString [BatString] | uses numeric_compare as its ordering function |
Number [Batteries] | |
O | |
OCaml [BatGenlex.Languages.Library] | |
OfString [BatPathGen] | This implementation can be used with UTF-8, but encoding of used strings is not verified. |
Oo [Batteries.Legacy] | |
OperatorLift [BatPathGen.PathType] | Convenience operator for lifting primitive strings to |
Operators [BatPathGen.PathType] | Infix operators for path construction. |
Opt [BatOptParse] | This module contains the basic functions and types for defining new option types and accessing the values of options. |
OptParse [Extlib] | |
OptParser [BatOptParse] | This module contains the option parser itself. |
Option [Extlib] | |
Option [Batteries] | |
Ord [BatTuple.Tuple5] | |
Ord [BatTuple.Tuple4] | |
Ord [BatTuple.Tuple3] | |
Ord [BatTuple.Tuple2] | |
Ord [BatOrd] | |
Ord [BatList] | |
Ord [BatChar.Incubator] | |
Ord [BatArray.Incubator] | |
Output [BatInnerIO] | |
P | |
PMap [Extlib] | |
PMap [BatteriesExceptionless.Map] | |
PMap [BatMap] | |
PSet [BatSet] | |
Parse [BatPathGen.StringType] | |
ParserCo [Batteries] | |
Parsing [Batteries.Legacy] | |
PathGen [Batteries.Incubator] | |
Printexc [Batteries] | |
Printexc [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Printf [Batteries] | |
Printf [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Private_state_enums [BatRandom.Incubator] | |
Product [BatSet.Make2] | |
Q | |
Queue [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Queue [Batteries] | |
Queue [Batteries.Legacy] | |
R | |
RMutex [BatteriesThread] | |
Random [Batteries] | |
Random [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Ref [Batteries] | |
RefList [Extlib] | |
RefList [Batteries] | |
Result [Batteries] | |
Result [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Return [Batteries] | |
Rev [BatOrd] | |
RevComp [BatOrd] | |
RevOrd [BatOrd] | |
S | |
Safe_float [BatFloat] | Operations on floating-point numbers, with exceptions raised in case of error. |
Safe_int [BatInt] | Safe operations on integers. |
Scanf [Batteries] | |
Scanf [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Scanning [BatScanf] | Scanning buffers |
Seq [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Seq [Batteries] | |
Seq [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Set [Batteries] | |
Set [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Slot [BatPrintexc] | |
Source [BatParserCo] | A source for parsing. |
Splay [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Splay [Batteries] | |
Stack [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
Stack [Batteries] | |
Stack [Batteries.Legacy] | |
State [BatRandom.Incubator.Private_state_enums] | |
State [BatRandom] | Manipulate the current state of the random generator. |
Std [Extlib] | |
StdLabels [Batteries.Legacy] | |
StdOpt [BatOptParse] | This module contains various standard options. |
Str [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Stream [Batteries] | |
Stream [Batteries.Legacy] | |
StreamLabels [BatStream] | |
String [Extlib.ExtString] | |
String [BatteriesExceptionless] | |
String [Batteries] | |
String [Batteries.Legacy] | |
String [BatSet] | |
String [BatMap] | |
StringLabels [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Substring [Batteries] | |
Sys [Batteries] | |
Sys [Batteries.Legacy] | |
T | |
TaggedInfix [BatNum] | |
Text [Batteries] | |
Tuple [Batteries] | |
Tuple2 [Batteries] | |
Tuple2 [BatTuple] | Pairs. |
Tuple3 [Batteries] | |
Tuple3 [BatTuple] | Triples. |
Tuple4 [Batteries] | |
Tuple4 [BatTuple] | 4-Tuples. |
Tuple5 [Batteries] | |
Tuple5 [BatTuple] | 5-Tuples. |
U | |
UChar [Extlib] | |
UChar [Batteries] | |
UTF8 [Extlib] | |
UTF8 [Batteries] | |
Unit [Batteries] | |
Unix [Batteries] | |
Unix [Batteries.Legacy] | |
Uref [Batteries] | |
V | |
Vect [Batteries] | |
W | |
Weak [Batteries.Legacy] | |
WithMonad [BatEnum] | Monadic operations on Enumerations containing monadic elements |