vision.h File Reference
#include <af/defines.h>
#include <af/features.h>

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AFAPI features fast (const array &in, const float thr=20.0f, const unsigned arc_length=9, const bool non_max=true, const float feature_ratio=0.05, const unsigned edge=3)
 C++ Interface for FAST feature detector. More...
AFAPI features harris (const array &in, const unsigned max_corners=500, const float min_response=1e5f, const float sigma=1.f, const unsigned block_size=0, const float k_thr=0.04f)
 C++ Interface for Harris corner detector. More...
AFAPI void orb (features &feat, array &desc, const array &image, const float fast_thr=20.f, const unsigned max_feat=400, const float scl_fctr=1.5f, const unsigned levels=4, const bool blur_img=false)
 C++ Interface for ORB feature descriptor. More...
AFAPI void sift (features &feat, array &desc, const array &in, const unsigned n_layers=3, const float contrast_thr=0.04f, const float edge_thr=10.f, const float init_sigma=1.6f, const bool double_input=true, const float intensity_scale=0.00390625f, const float feature_ratio=0.05f)
 C++ Interface for SIFT feature detector and descriptor. More...
AFAPI void gloh (features &feat, array &desc, const array &in, const unsigned n_layers=3, const float contrast_thr=0.04f, const float edge_thr=10.f, const float init_sigma=1.6f, const bool double_input=true, const float intensity_scale=0.00390625f, const float feature_ratio=0.05f)
 C++ Interface for SIFT feature detector and GLOH descriptor. More...
AFAPI void hammingMatcher (array &idx, array &dist, const array &query, const array &train, const dim_t dist_dim=0, const unsigned n_dist=1)
 C++ Interface wrapper for Hamming matcher. More...
AFAPI void nearestNeighbour (array &idx, array &dist, const array &query, const array &train, const dim_t dist_dim=0, const unsigned n_dist=1, const af_match_type dist_type=AF_SSD)
 C++ Interface wrapper for Nearest Neighbour. More...
AFAPI array matchTemplate (const array &searchImg, const array &templateImg, const matchType mType=AF_SAD)
 C++ Interface for image template matching. More...
AFAPI features susan (const array &in, const unsigned radius=3, const float diff_thr=32.0f, const float geom_thr=10.0f, const float feature_ratio=0.05f, const unsigned edge=3)
 C++ Interface for SUSAN corner detector. More...
AFAPI array dog (const array &in, const int radius1, const int radius2)
 C++ Interface wrapper for Difference of Gaussians. More...
AFAPI void homography (array &H, int &inliers, const array &x_src, const array &y_src, const array &x_dst, const array &y_dst, const af_homography_type htype=AF_HOMOGRAPHY_RANSAC, const float inlier_thr=3.f, const unsigned iterations=1000, const dtype otype=f32)
 C++ Interface for Homography estimation. More...
AFAPI af_err af_fast (af_features *out, const af_array in, const float thr, const unsigned arc_length, const bool non_max, const float feature_ratio, const unsigned edge)
 C Interface for FAST feature detector. More...
AFAPI af_err af_harris (af_features *out, const af_array in, const unsigned max_corners, const float min_response, const float sigma, const unsigned block_size, const float k_thr)
 C Interface for Harris corner detector. More...
AFAPI af_err af_orb (af_features *feat, af_array *desc, const af_array in, const float fast_thr, const unsigned max_feat, const float scl_fctr, const unsigned levels, const bool blur_img)
 C Interface for ORB feature descriptor. More...
AFAPI af_err af_sift (af_features *feat, af_array *desc, const af_array in, const unsigned n_layers, const float contrast_thr, const float edge_thr, const float init_sigma, const bool double_input, const float intensity_scale, const float feature_ratio)
 C++ Interface for SIFT feature detector and descriptor. More...
AFAPI af_err af_gloh (af_features *feat, af_array *desc, const af_array in, const unsigned n_layers, const float contrast_thr, const float edge_thr, const float init_sigma, const bool double_input, const float intensity_scale, const float feature_ratio)
 C++ Interface for SIFT feature detector and GLOH descriptor. More...
AFAPI af_err af_hamming_matcher (af_array *idx, af_array *dist, const af_array query, const af_array train, const dim_t dist_dim, const unsigned n_dist)
 C Interface wrapper for Hamming matcher. More...
AFAPI af_err af_nearest_neighbour (af_array *idx, af_array *dist, const af_array query, const af_array train, const dim_t dist_dim, const unsigned n_dist, const af_match_type dist_type)
 C Interface wrapper for Nearest Neighbour. More...
AFAPI af_err af_match_template (af_array *out, const af_array search_img, const af_array template_img, const af_match_type m_type)
 C Interface for image template matching. More...
AFAPI af_err af_susan (af_features *out, const af_array in, const unsigned radius, const float diff_thr, const float geom_thr, const float feature_ratio, const unsigned edge)
 C Interface for SUSAN corner detector. More...
AFAPI af_err af_dog (af_array *out, const af_array in, const int radius1, const int radius2)
 C Interface wrapper for Difference of Gaussians. More...
AFAPI af_err af_homography (af_array *H, int *inliers, const af_array x_src, const af_array y_src, const af_array x_dst, const af_array y_dst, const af_homography_type htype, const float inlier_thr, const unsigned iterations, const af_dtype otype)
 C Interface wrapper for Homography estimation. More...