Definition: algorithm.h:14
AFAPI array stdev(const array &in, const dim_t dim=-1)
C++ Interface for standard deviation.
AFAPI af_err af_var_weighted(af_array *out, const af_array in, const af_array weights, const dim_t dim)
C Interface for variance of weighted input array.
AFAPI af_err af_var_all_weighted(double *realVal, double *imagVal, const af_array in, const af_array weights)
C Interface for variance of all elements in weighted input.
AFAPI af_err af_var_all(double *realVal, double *imagVal, const af_array in, const bool isbiased)
C Interface for variance of all elements.
AFAPI array mean(const array &in, const dim_t dim=-1)
C++ Interface for mean.
static af::array array(af::dim4 idims, cl_mem buf, af::dtype type, bool retain=false)
Create an af::array object from an OpenCL cl_mem buffer.
Definition: opencl.h:329
Definition: defines.h:63
long long dim_t
Definition: defines.h:50
AFAPI array imag(const array &in)
C++ Interface for getting imaginary part from complex array.
AFAPI array real(const array &in)
C++ Interface for getting real part from complex array.
#define AFAPI
Definition: defines.h:31
AFAPI af_err af_stdev(af_array *out, const af_array in, const dim_t dim)
C Interface for standard deviation.
AFAPI T corrcoef(const array &X, const array &Y)
C++ Interface for correlation coefficient.
AFAPI af_err af_cov(af_array *out, const af_array X, const af_array Y, const bool isbiased)
C Interface for covariance.
AFAPI af_err af_mean_weighted(af_array *out, const af_array in, const af_array weights, const dim_t dim)
C Interface for mean of weighted input array.
void * af_array
Definition: defines.h:222
AFAPI array cov(const array &X, const array &Y, const bool isbiased=false)
C++ Interface for covariance.
AFAPI af_err af_stdev_all(double *real, double *imag, const af_array in)
C Interface for standard deviation of all elements.
AFAPI af_err af_corrcoef(double *realVal, double *imagVal, const af_array X, const af_array Y)
C Interface for correlation coefficient.
AFAPI array var(const array &in, const bool isbiased=false, const dim_t dim=-1)
C++ Interface for variance.
AFAPI af_err af_var(af_array *out, const af_array in, const bool isbiased, const dim_t dim)
C Interface for variance.
AFAPI af_err af_mean_all_weighted(double *real, double *imag, const af_array in, const af_array weights)
C Interface for mean of all elements in weighted input.
AFAPI af_err af_mean_all(double *real, double *imag, const af_array in)
C Interface for mean of all elements.
AFAPI af_err af_mean(af_array *out, const af_array in, const dim_t dim)
C Interface for mean.