Fast Fourier Transform. More...


AFAPI array ifftNorm (const array &in, const double norm_factor, const dim_t odim0=0)
 C++ Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI void ifftInPlace (array &in, const double norm_factor=1)
 C++ Interface for fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI array ifft (const array &in, const dim_t odim0=0)
 C++ Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI af_err af_ifft (af_array *out, const af_array in, const double norm_factor, const dim_t odim0)
 C Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI af_err af_ifft_inplace (af_array in, const double norm_factor)
 C Interface for fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals. More...

Detailed Description

Fast Fourier Transform.

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a signal or array. This is most commonly used to convert data in the time (or space) domain to the frequency domain, Then, the inverse FFT (iFFT) is used to return the data to the original domain.

There are numerous algorithms to compute the FFT of an array, and the specifics of the algorithm depend on the target hardware. Most algorithms, however, use a Cooley-Tukey scheme in a divide-and-conquer approach.

There are some convenience functions provided for fft where normalization factor is not required as input paramter. In such cases, the normalization factor is calculated internally based on the input data provided.

Function Documentation

AFAPI af_err af_ifft ( af_array out,
const af_array  in,
const double  norm_factor,
const dim_t  odim0 

C Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals.

[out]outis the transformed array
[in]inis the input array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
[in]odim0is the length of output signals - used to either truncate or pad the input signals
AF_SUCCESS if the fft transform is successful, otherwise an appropriate error code is returned.
AFAPI af_err af_ifft_inplace ( af_array  in,
const double  norm_factor 

C Interface for fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals.

[in,out]inis the input array on entry and the output of 1D inverse fourier transform at exit
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
AF_SUCCESS if the ifft transform is successful, otherwise an appropriate error code is returned.
The input in must be a complex array
AFAPI array af::ifft ( const array in,
const dim_t  odim0 = 0 

C++ Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals.

This version of fft function uses a default norm_factor parameter that is calculated internally based on the input signals.

[in]inis the input array
[in]odim0is the length of output signals - used to either truncate or pad the input signals
the transformed array
AFAPI void af::ifftInPlace ( array in,
const double  norm_factor = 1 

C++ Interface for fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals.

[in,out]inis the input array on entry and the output of 1D inverse fourier transform on exit
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
The input in must be complex
AFAPI array af::ifftNorm ( const array in,
const double  norm_factor,
const dim_t  odim0 = 0 

C++ Interface for inverse fast fourier transform on one dimensional signals.

[in]inis the input array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
[in]odim0is the length of output signals - used to either truncate or pad the input signals
the transformed array