Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform. More...


template<int rank>
array fftR2C (const array &in, const dim4 &dims, const double norm_factor=0)
 C++ Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals. More...
template<int rank>
array fftR2C (const array &in, const double norm_factor=0)
 C++ Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI af_err af_fft_r2c (af_array *out, const af_array in, const double norm_factor, const dim_t pad0)
 C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI af_err af_fft2_r2c (af_array *out, const af_array in, const double norm_factor, const dim_t pad0, const dim_t pad1)
 C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for two dimensional signals. More...
AFAPI af_err af_fft3_r2c (af_array *out, const af_array in, const double norm_factor, const dim_t pad0, const dim_t pad1, const dim_t pad2)
 C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for three dimensional signals. More...

Detailed Description

Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform.

Function Documentation

AFAPI af_err af_fft2_r2c ( af_array out,
const af_array  in,
const double  norm_factor,
const dim_t  pad0,
const dim_t  pad1 

C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for two dimensional signals.

[out]outis a complex array containing the non redundant parts of in.
[in]inis a real array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
[in]pad0is the length of output signals along first dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
[in]pad1is the length of output signals along second dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
AF_SUCCESS if the fft transform is successful, otherwise an appropriate error code is returned.
The first dimension of the output will be of size (pad0 / 2) + 1. The second dimension of the output will be pad1. The remaining dimensions are unchanged.
AFAPI af_err af_fft3_r2c ( af_array out,
const af_array  in,
const double  norm_factor,
const dim_t  pad0,
const dim_t  pad1,
const dim_t  pad2 

C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for three dimensional signals.

[out]outis a complex array containing the non redundant parts of in.
[in]inis a real array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
[in]pad0is the length of output signals along first dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
[in]pad1is the length of output signals along second dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
[in]pad2is the length of output signals along third dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
AF_SUCCESS if the fft transform is successful, otherwise an appropriate error code is returned.
The first dimension of the output will be of size (pad0 / 2) + 1. The second dimension of the output will be pad1. The third dimension of the output will be pad 2.
AFAPI af_err af_fft_r2c ( af_array out,
const af_array  in,
const double  norm_factor,
const dim_t  pad0 

C Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals.

[out]outis a complex array containing the non redundant parts of in.
[in]inis a real array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
[in]pad0is the length of output signals along first dimension - used to either truncate/pad the input
AF_SUCCESS if the fft transform is successful, otherwise an appropriate error code is returned.
The first dimension of the output will be of size (pad0 / 2) + 1. The remaining dimensions are unchanged.
array af::fftR2C ( const array in,
const dim4 dims,
const double  norm_factor = 0 

C++ Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals.

[in]inis a real array
[in]dimsis the requested padded dimensions before the transform is applied
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
a complex array containing the non redundant parts of in along the first dimension.
The first dimension of the output will be of size (dims[0] / 2) + 1. The remaining dimensions are unchanged.
array af::fftR2C ( const array in,
const double  norm_factor = 0 

C++ Interface for real to complex fast fourier transform for one dimensional signals.

[in]inis a real array
[in]norm_factoris the normalization factor with which the input is scaled before the transformation is applied
a complex array containing the non redundant parts of in along the first dimension.
The first dimension of the output will be of size (in.dims(0) / 2) + 1. The remaining dimensions are unchanged.