Join up to 4 arrays along specified dimension. More...


AFAPI array join (const int dim, const array &first, const array &second)
 Join 2 arrays along dim. More...
AFAPI array join (const int dim, const array &first, const array &second, const array &third)
 Join 3 arrays along dim. More...
AFAPI array join (const int dim, const array &first, const array &second, const array &third, const array &fourth)
 Join 4 arrays along dim. More...
AFAPI af_err af_join (af_array *out, const int dim, const af_array first, const af_array second)
 Join 2 arrays along dim. More...
AFAPI af_err af_join_many (af_array *out, const int dim, const unsigned n_arrays, const af_array *inputs)
 Join many arrays along dim. More...

Detailed Description

Join up to 4 arrays along specified dimension.

Requires that all dimensions except the join dimension must be the same for all arrays.

Function Documentation

AFAPI af_err af_join ( af_array out,
const int  dim,
const af_array  first,
const af_array  second 

Join 2 arrays along dim.

[out]outis the generated array
[in]dimis the dimension along which join occurs
[in]firstis the first input array
[in]secondis the second input array
AFAPI af_err af_join_many ( af_array out,
const int  dim,
const unsigned  n_arrays,
const af_array inputs 

Join many arrays along dim.

Current limit is set to 10 arrays.

[out]outis the generated array
[in]dimis the dimension along which join occurs
[in]n_arraysnumber of arrays to join
[in]inputsis an array of af_arrays containing handles to the arrays to be joined
AFAPI array af::join ( const int  dim,
const array first,
const array second 

Join 2 arrays along dim.

[in]dimis the dimension along which join occurs
[in]firstis the first input array
[in]secondis the second input array
the array that joins input arrays along the given dimension
financial/monte_carlo_options.cpp, graphics/conway_pretty.cpp, graphics/plot3.cpp, machine_learning/deep_belief_net.cpp, machine_learning/logistic_regression.cpp, machine_learning/neural_network.cpp, machine_learning/perceptron.cpp, and machine_learning/softmax_regression.cpp.
AFAPI array af::join ( const int  dim,
const array first,
const array second,
const array third 

Join 3 arrays along dim.

[in]dimis the dimension along which join occurs
[in]firstis the first input array
[in]secondis the second input array
[in]thirdis the third input array
the array that joins input arrays along the given dimension
AFAPI array af::join ( const int  dim,
const array first,
const array second,
const array third,
const array fourth 

Join 4 arrays along dim.

[in]dimis the dimension along which join occurs
[in]firstis the first input array
[in]secondis the second input array
[in]thirdis the third input array
[in]fourthis the fourth input array
the array that joins input arrays along the given dimension