Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences. More...


AFAPI af_err af_assign_seq (af_array *out, const af_array lhs, const unsigned ndims, const af_seq *const indices, const af_array rhs)
 Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences. More...
AFAPI af_err af_assign_gen (af_array *out, const af_array lhs, const dim_t ndims, const af_index_t *indices, const af_array rhs)
 Assignment of an array using af_seq, or af_array. More...

Detailed Description

Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences.

Function Documentation

AFAPI af_err af_assign_gen ( af_array out,
const af_array  lhs,
const dim_t  ndims,
const af_index_t indices,
const af_array  rhs 

Assignment of an array using af_seq, or af_array.

Generalized assignment function that accepts either af_array or af_seq along a dimension to assign elements form an input array to an output array

[out]outoutput array containing values at indexed by the sequences
[in]lhsis the input array
[in]ndimsis the number of af_index_t provided
[in]indicesis an af_array of af_index_t objects
[in]rhsis the array whose values will be assigned to lhs
AFAPI af_err af_assign_seq ( af_array out,
const af_array  lhs,
const unsigned  ndims,
const af_seq *const  indices,
const af_array  rhs 

Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences.

[out]outoutput array with values of rhs copied to locations specified by index and values from lhs in all other locations.
[in]lhsis array whose values are used for indices NOT specified by index
[in]ndimsis the number of sequences provided
[in]indicesis an array of sequences
[in]rhsis the array whose values are used for indices specified by index