| Computer Vision |
| A list of computer vision algorithms.
| Functions to create and modify Arrays |
| Array constructors, random number generation, transpose, indexing, etc.
| Functions to work with internal array layout |
| Functions to work with arrayfire's internal data structure.
| Image Processing |
| Image filtering, morphing and transformations.
| Input and Output functions |
| Functions to read and write data.
| Interface Functions |
| Backend specific functions.
| Linear Algebra |
| Matrix multiply, solve, decompositions.
| Mathematical functions |
| Functions from standard math library.
| Signal Processing |
| Convolutions, FFTs, filters.
| Statistics |
| A list of Statistics functions.
| Unified API Functions |
| Functions to set current backend and utilities.
| Vector Algorithms |
| sum, min, max, sort, set operations, etc.