getting device pointer, allocating and freeing memory More...


 Allocate memory using the ArrayFire memory manager.
 Allocate memory on host.
 Get the device pointer from the array and lock the buffer in memory manager.
 Gets the information about device and platform as strings.
 Memory manager related functions.
 Free device memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Free memory allocated on host internally by ArrayFire.
 Free pinned memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Get the current device ID.
 Gets the number of compute devices on the system.
 Display ArrayFire and device info.
 Get af::info() as a string.
 Check if double precision support is available for specified device.
 Allocate pinned memory using ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Change current device to specified device.
 Blocks until all operations on device are finished.

Detailed Description

getting device pointer, allocating and freeing memory