Complete List of ArrayFire Functions


 Difference of Gaussians.
 Summed Area Tables.
 Absolute value.
 Perform exclusive sum along specified dimension.
 arc cos of input
 acosh of input
 Addition of two inputs.
 Allocate memory using the ArrayFire memory manager.
 Allocate memory on host.
 Find if of all of the values in input are true.
 Logical and of two inputs.
 Find if of any of the values in input are true.
 approx1 interpolates data along the first dimensions.
 approx2 performs interpolation on data along the first and second dimensions.
 Phase of a number in the complex plane.
 Get the device pointer from the array and lock the buffer in memory manager.
 arc sin of input
 asinh of input
 Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences.
 arc tan of input
 atanh of input
 Bilateral Filter.
 Bitwise and operation of two inputs.
 Bitwise or operation of two inputs.
 Left shift an input.
 Right shift an input.
 Bitwise xor operation of two inputs.
 Casting inputs from one type to another.
 Cube root of input arrays.
 Round to integer greater than equal to current value.
 Perform Cholesky decomposition.
 Gets a reference of a col in a 2D af::array.
 Colorspace conversion function.
 create complex arrays
 Get complex conjugate.
 Create a array from a scalar input value.
 Convolution Integral for any dimensional data.
 Convolution Integral for one dimensional data.
 Convolution Integral for two dimensional data.
 Convolution Integral for three dimensional data.
 Find the correlation coefficient of values in the input.
 cos of input
 cosh of input
 Count the number of non-zero elements in the input.
 Find the covariance of values in the input.
 Delete memory created by saveImageMem and af_save_image_memory function.
 Find the determinant of the input matrix.
 Gets the information about device and platform as strings.
 Memory manager related functions.
 Extract diagonal from a matrix when extract is set to true.
 First order numerical difference along specified dimension.
 Second order numerical difference along specified dimension.
 Dilation(morphological operator) for images.
 Dilation(morphological operator) for volumes.
 Divide one input by another.
 Calculate the dot product of a vector.
 Check if input two inputs are equal.
 Error function value.
 Complementary Error function value.
 Erosion(morphological operator) for images.
 Erosion(morphological operator) for volumes.
 Exponential of input.
 Exponential of input - 1.
 Factorial function.
 FAST feature detector.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 Complex to Real Fast Fourier Transform.
 Convolution using Fast Fourier Transform.
 2D Convolution using Fast Fourier Transform
 3D Convolution using Fast Fourier Transform
 Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform.
 This function implements a Finite Impulse Filter.
 Flatten the input to a single dimension.
 Flip the input along sepcified dimension.
 Round to integer less than equal to current value.
 Free device memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Free memory allocated on host internally by ArrayFire.
 Free pinned memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Creates a Gaussian Kernel.
 Check if input is greater than or equal to another.
 Get's the backend enum for the active backend.
 Returns an integer indicating the backends loaded successfully.
 Get the number of backends whose libraries were successfully loaded.
 Get's the backend enum for an array.
 Get the current device ID.
 Gets the number of compute devices on the system.
 Get's the id of the device an array was created on.
 Get the seed for random number generator.
 SIFT feature detector and GLOH descriptor extractor.
 Calculate the gradients of the input.
 Grayscale to RGB colorspace converter.
 Check if input is greater than another.
 Hamming Matcher.
 Harris corner detector.
 Histogram equalization of input image.
 Histogram of input data.
 Homography Estimation.
 HSV to RGB colorspace converter.
 Hypotenuse of the two inputs.
 Create an identity array with diagonal values 1.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 Fast Fourier Transform.
 This function implements a Infinite Impulse Filter.
 Get imaginary part of complex arrays.
 lookup values on array based on sequences
 Display ArrayFire and device info.
 Get af::info() as a string.
 Invert a matrix.
 Create an sequence [0, dims.elements() - 1] and modify to specified dimensions dims and then tile it according to tile_dims.
 Check if double precision support is available for specified device.
 Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with ImageIO (FreeImage) support.
 Returns true is ArrayFire is compiled with LAPACK support.
 Check if values are Nan.
 Check if values are infinite.
 Check if values are zero.
 Join up to 4 arrays along specified dimension.
 Check if input is less than or equal to another.
 Logarithm of absolute values of Gamma function.
 Load an image from disk to an array.
 Load an image from memory which is stored as a FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
 Natural logarithm.
 logarithm base 10
 Natural logarithm of (1 + in)
 Create a lower triangular marix from input array.
 Check if input is less than another.
 Perform LU decomposition.
 Template Matching.
 Matrix multiplication using array.
 Find the maximum values and their locations.
 Maximum of two inputs.
 Find maximum value from a window.
 Find the mean of values in the input.
 Meanshift Filter.
 Median Filter.
 Find the median of values in the input.
 Minimum of two inputs.
 Find the minimum values and their locations.
 Find minimum value from a window.
 Compute \(x - n * y\) where n is quotient of \(x / y\).
 Modify the input dimensions without changing the data order.
 Multiply two inputs element wise.
 Nearest Neighbour.
 Negative of an input.
 Check if input two inputs are not equal.
 Find the norm of the input matrix.
 Logical not of an input.
 Gets a reference to a set of elements.
 Multiplies and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
 Adds and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
 Subtracts and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
 Divides and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
 Assignes the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
 Logical or of two inputs.
 ORB Feature descriptor.
 Allocate pinned memory using ArrayFire's memory manager.
 Raise an array to a power.
 Print the array to screen.
 Find the product of values in the input.
 Perform QR decomposition.
 Create a random array sampled from a normal distribution.
 Create a random array sampled from uniform distribution.
 Creates an array with [0, n] values along the seq_dim which is tiled across other dimensions.
 Find the rank of the input matrix.
 Load an array from a file.
 Get real part of complex arrays.
 Find blobs in given image.
 Remainder operation.
 Reorder the input by in the specified order.
 Replace elements of an array based on an conditional array.
 Resize an input image.
 RGB to Grayscale colorspace converter.
 RGB to HSV colorspace converter.
 RGB to YCbCr colorspace converter.
 Find root of an input.
 Rotate an input image.
 Round to nearest integer.
 Gets a reference of a row in a 2D af::array.
 Save an array to a binary file.
 Save an array to disk as an image.
 Save an array to memory as an image using FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
 Scale an input image.
 Select elements from two arrays based on an conditional array.
 Set the current backend when using Unified backend.
 Change current device to specified device.
 Set the seed for random number generator.
 Find intersection of two inputs.
 Find union of two inputs.
 Find unique values from an input.
 Circular shift slong specified dimensions.
 SIFT feature detector and descriptor extractor.
 Check if input is negative.
 sin of input
 sinh of input
 Skew an input image.
 Gets a reference of a matrix in a 3D af::array.
 Sobel Operators.
 Solve a system of equations.
 Solve a system of equations.
 Sort input arrays.
 Sort input arrays based on keys.
 Sort input arrays get the sorted indices.
 Square root of input arrays.
 Find the standar deviation of values in the input.
 Subtract one input from another.
 Find the sum of values in the input.
 SUSAN corner detector.
 Perform Singular Value Decomposition.
 Blocks until all operations on device are finished.
 tan of input
 tanh of input
 Gamma function.
 Tile the input array along specified dimensions.
 Print the array to a string instead of the screen.
 Transform an input image.
 Transform input coordinates.
 Translate an input image.
 Matrix Transpose.
 Truncate to nearest integer.
 Generate an array with image windows as columns.
 Create a upper triangular marix from input array.
 Utility functions to create objects of type af_index_t.
 Find the variance of values in the input.
 Locate the indices of non-zero elements.
 Wrap takes an unwrapped image (see unwrap()) and converts it back to an image.
 YCbCr to RGB colorspace converter.

Detailed Description