Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2014, ArrayFire
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
6  * The complete license agreement can be obtained at:
7  *
8  ********************************************************/
10 #pragma once
11 #include <af/defines.h>
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 namespace af
15 {
16 class array;
21 DEPRECATED("Use getDeviceCount instead")
22 AFAPI int devicecount();
27 DEPRECATED("Use getDevice instead")
28 AFAPI int deviceget();
33 DEPRECATED("Use setDevice instead")
34 AFAPI void deviceset(const int device);
39 DEPRECATED("Use loadImage instead")
40 AFAPI array loadimage(const char* filename, const bool is_color=false);
45 DEPRECATED("Use saveImage instead")
46 AFAPI void saveimage(const char* filename, const array& in);
51 DEPRECATED("Use gaussianKernel instead")
52 AFAPI array gaussiankernel(const int rows, const int cols, const double sig_r = 0, const double sig_c = 0);
57 template<typename T>
58 DEPRECATED("Use allTrue instead")
59 T alltrue(const array &in);
64 template<typename T>
65 DEPRECATED("Use anyTrue instead")
66 T anytrue(const array &in);
71 DEPRECATED("Use allTrue instead")
72 AFAPI array alltrue(const array &in, const int dim = -1);
77 DEPRECATED("Use anyTrue instead")
78 AFAPI array anytrue(const array &in, const int dim = -1);
83 DEPRECATED("Use setUnique instead")
84 AFAPI array setunique(const array &in, const bool is_sorted=false);
89 DEPRECATED("Use setUnion instead")
90 AFAPI array setunion(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false);
95 DEPRECATED("Use setIntersect instead")
96 AFAPI array setintersect(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false);
101 DEPRECATED("Use histEqual instead")
102 AFAPI array histequal(const array& in, const array& hist);
107 DEPRECATED("Use colorSpace instead")
108 AFAPI array colorspace(const array& image, const CSpace to, const CSpace from);
127 DEPRECATED("Use af::convolve instead")
128 AFAPI array filter(const array& image, const array& kernel);
133 DEPRECATED("Use af::product instead")
134 AFAPI array mul(const array& in, const int dim = -1);
139 template<typename T>
140 DEPRECATED("Use af::product instead")
141 T mul(const array& in);
146 DEPRECATED("Use deviceInfo instead")
147 AFAPI void deviceprop(char* d_name, char* d_platform, char *d_toolkit, char* d_compute);
149 }
150 #endif
AFAPI void saveImage(const char *filename, const array &in)
C++ Interface for saving an image.
AFAPI array loadimage(const char *filename, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for loading an image.
Definition: algorithm.h:14
AFAPI array setunion(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false)
C++ Interface for performing union of two arrays.
AFAPI array convolve(const array &signal, const array &filter, const convMode mode=AF_CONV_DEFAULT, const convDomain domain=AF_CONV_AUTO)
C++ Interface for convolution any(one through three) dimensional signals.
AFAPI array mul(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface for product of elements in an array.
AFAPI array setunique(const array &in, const bool is_sorted=false)
C++ Interface for getting unique values.
AFAPI array histEqual(const array &in, const array &hist)
C++ Interface for histogram equalization.
AFAPI void deviceset(const int device)
Sets the current device.
AFAPI array colorspace(const array &image, const CSpace to, const CSpace from)
C++ Interface wrapper for colorspace conversion.
AFAPI array allTrue(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface for checking all true values in an array.
AFAPI int deviceget()
Gets the current device ID.
AFAPI array gaussiankernel(const int rows, const int cols, const double sig_r=0, const double sig_c=0)
Creates a Gaussian Kernel.
static af::array array(af::dim4 idims, cl_mem buf, af::dtype type, bool retain=false)
Create an af::array object from an OpenCL cl_mem buffer.
Definition: opencl.h:329
AFAPI void deviceprop(char *d_name, char *d_platform, char *d_toolkit, char *d_compute)
Gets the information about device and platform as strings.
AFAPI array histequal(const array &in, const array &hist)
C++ Interface for histogram equalization.
AFAPI void saveimage(const char *filename, const array &in)
C++ Interface for saving an image.
#define DEPRECATED(msg)
Definition: defines.h:37
AFAPI array gaussianKernel(const int rows, const int cols, const double sig_r=0, const double sig_c=0)
C++ Interface for generating gausian kernels.
AFAPI array setintersect(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false)
C++ Interface for performing intersect of two arrays.
AFAPI array product(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface for product of elements in an array.
#define AFAPI
Definition: defines.h:31
AFAPI array setIntersect(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false)
C++ Interface for performing intersect of two arrays.
AFAPI array anyTrue(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface for checking any true values in an array.
AFAPI array setUnique(const array &in, const bool is_sorted=false)
C++ Interface for getting unique values.
AFAPI int devicecount()
Gets the number of devices.
AFAPI array loadImage(const char *filename, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for loading an image.
AFAPI void deviceInfo(char *d_name, char *d_platform, char *d_toolkit, char *d_compute)
Gets the information about device and platform as strings.
AFAPI array colorSpace(const array &image, const CSpace to, const CSpace from)
C++ Interface wrapper for colorspace conversion.
af_cspace_t CSpace
Definition: defines.h:406
AFAPI array filter(const array &image, const array &kernel)
Image Filtering.
T anytrue(const array &in)
C++ Interface for checking if all values in an array are true.
AFAPI array setUnion(const array &first, const array &second, const bool is_unique=false)
C++ Interface for performing union of two arrays.
AFAPI void setDevice(const int device)
Sets the current device.
T alltrue(const array &in)
C++ Interface for checking if all values in an array are true.
AFAPI int getDevice()
Gets the current device ID.