Aria  2.8.0
ArVCC4 Class Reference

Control the pan, tilt, and zoom mechanisms of the Canon VC-C4 and VC-C50i cameras. More...

#include <ArVCC4.h>

Inherits ArPTZ.

Public Types

enum  CameraType { CAMERA_VCC4, CAMERA_C50I }

Public Member Functions

void addErrorCB (ArFunctor *functor, ArListPos::Pos position)
 Adds an error callback to a list of callbacks to be called when there is a serious error in communicating - either the parameters were incorrect, the mode was incorrect, or there was an unknown error. More...
 ArVCC4 (ArRobot *robot, bool inverted=false, CommState commDirection=COMM_UNKNOWN, bool autoUpdate=true, bool disableLED=false, CameraType cameraType=CAMERA_VCC4)
 Constructor. More...
virtual bool autoFocus (void)
 Set autofocus mode: 0 = Autofocus, 1 = manual focus.
virtual bool canGetFOV (void)
virtual bool canGetRealPanTilt (void) const
virtual bool canGetRealZoom (void) const
virtual bool canSetFocus (void) const
bool canSetPanTiltSlew ()
virtual bool canZoom (void) const
virtual void connectHandler (void)
bool digitalZoom (int deg)
 adjust the digital zoom amount. More...
void disableAutoUpdate (void)
void disableIRFilterMode (void)
 Disable IR cutoff filter. This also turns off the LEDs, if they're on.
void disableIRLEDs (void)
 Turn off IR LEDs.
void enableAutoUpdate (void)
 Toggle the state of the auto-update.
void enableIRFilterMode (void)
 Enable physical IR cutoff filter.
void enableIRLEDs (void)
 Turn on IR LEDs. IR-filter must be in place for LEDs to turn on.
virtual bool focusFar (void)
 auto-fovus on a far object
virtual bool focusNear (void)
 auto-focus on a near object
bool getAutoUpdate (void)
double getDigitalZoom (void) const
virtual double getFOVAtMaxZoom (void)
 Gets the field of view at maximum zoom.
virtual double getFOVAtMinZoom (void)
 Gets the field of view at minimum zoom.
bool getIRFilterModeEnabled (void)
 Returns true if the IR cutoff filter is in place.
bool getIRLEDsEnabled (void)
 Returns true if the IR LEDs are on.
double getMaxPanSlew (void)
 Gets the maximum pan slew.
double getMaxTiltSlew (void)
 Gets the maximum tilt slew.
virtual int getMaxZoom (void) const
double getMinPanSlew (void)
 Gets the minimum pan slew.
double getMinTiltSlew (void)
 Gets the minimum tilt slew.
virtual int getMinZoom (void) const
double getPanSlew (void)
 Gets the current pan slew.
bool getPower (void)
void getRealPanTilt (void)
 Requests that a packet be sent to the camera to retrieve what the camera thinks are its pan/tilt positions. More...
void getRealZoomPos (void)
 Requests that a packet be sent to the camera to retrieve what the camera thinks is its zoom position. More...
double getTiltSlew (void)
 Gets the current tilt slew.
virtual const char * getTypeName ()
virtual int getZoom (void) const
bool haltPanTilt (void)
 Halts all pan-tilt movement.
bool haltZoom (void)
 Halts zoom movement.
virtual bool init (void)
bool isInitted (void)
 Returns true if the camera has been initialized.
virtual bool packetHandler (ArBasePacket *packet)
bool panSlew (double deg)
 Sets the rate that the unit pans at.
virtual bool power (bool state)
void preparePacket (ArVCC4Packet *packet)
 Adds device ID and delimeter to packet buffer.
void remErrorCB (ArFunctor *functor)
 Remove an error callback from the callback list.
virtual void reset (void)
void setLEDControlMode (int controlMode)
 Set the control mode for the status LED on the front of the camera 0 = auto-control, 1 = Green ON, 2 = All OFF, 3 = Red ON, 4 = Orange ON.
bool tiltSlew (double deg)
 Sets the rate the unit tilts at.
bool wasError (void)
 Returns true if the error callback list was called during the last cycle.
virtual bool zoom (int deg)
virtual ~ArVCC4 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ArPTZ
 ArPTZ (ArRobot *robot)
virtual bool canPanTiltSlew ()
 Can pan and tilt speed (slew rates) be set to move device?
virtual bool canSetGain (void) const
 If the driver can set gain on the camera, or not.
virtual int getAuxPort (void)
 Gets the port the device is set to communicate on.
virtual ArDeviceConnectiongetDeviceConnection (void)
 Gets the device connection used by this PTZ camera.
virtual double getFocus (double focus) const
 Get the focus the camera is set to. 0 if not supported.
virtual double getGain (double gain) const
 Get the gain the camera is set to. 0 if not supported.
bool getInverted ()
 Get whether the camera is inverted (upside down). If true, pan and tilt axes will be reversed.
virtual double getMaxNegPan (void) const
 Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted)
virtual double getMaxNegTilt (void) const
 Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted)
double getMaxPan () const
 Gets the highest positive degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
virtual double getMaxPosPan (void) const
 Gets the highest positive degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted)
virtual double getMaxPosTilt (void) const
 Gets the highest positive degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted)
double getMaxTilt () const
 Gets the highest positive degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
double getMinPan () const
 Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
double getMinTilt () const
 Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
virtual double getPan (void) const
 The angle the camera is panned to (or last commanded value sent, if unable to obtain real pan position) More...
ArRobotgetRobot ()
 Return ArRobot object this PTZ is associated with. May be NULL.
virtual double getTilt (void) const
 The angle the camera is tilted to (or last commanded value sent, if unable to obtain real pan position) More...
virtual bool pan (double degrees)
 Pans to the given degrees. 0 is straight ahead, - is to the left, + to the right.
virtual bool panRel (double degrees)
 Pans relative to current position by given degrees.
virtual bool panTilt (double degreesPan, double degreesTilt)
 Pans and tilts to the given degrees.
virtual bool panTiltRel (double degreesPan, double degreesTilt)
 Pans and tilts relatives to the current position by the given degrees.
virtual bool robotPacketHandler (ArRobotPacket *packet)
 Handles a packet that was read by the robot. More...
virtual bool sendPacket (ArBasePacket *packet)
 Sends a given packet to the camera (via robot or serial port, depending) More...
virtual void sensorInterpHandler (void)
 Internal, for attaching to the robots sensor interp to read serial port.
virtual bool setAuxPort (int auxPort)
 Sets the aux port on the robot to be used to communicate with this device. More...
virtual bool setDeviceConnection (ArDeviceConnection *connection, bool driveFromRobotLoop=true)
 Sets the device connection to be used by this PTZ camera, if set this camera will send commands via this connection, otherwise its via robot aux. More...
virtual bool setFocus (double focus) const
 Set focus on camera, range of 1-100. More...
virtual bool setGain (double gain) const
 Set gain on camera, range of 1-100. More...
void setInverted (bool inv)
 Set whether the camera is inverted (upside down). If true, pan and tilt axes will be reversed.
virtual bool tilt (double degrees)
 Tilts to the given degrees. 0 is middle, - is downward, + is upwards.
virtual bool tiltRel (double degrees)
 Tilts relative to the current position by given degrees.
virtual bool zoomRel (int zoomValue)
 Zooms relative to the current value, by the given value.
virtual ~ArPTZ ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void registerPTZType ()

Protected Types

enum  Error {
enum  Param {
  MAX_PAN = 98, MIN_PAN = -98, MAX_TILT = 88, MIN_TILT = -30,
enum  State {

Protected Member Functions

void camTask (void)
virtual double getPan_i (void) const
virtual double getTilt_i (void) const
virtual bool pan_i (double deg)
virtual bool panRel_i (double deg)
virtual bool panTilt_i (double pdeg, double tdeg)
virtual bool panTiltRel_i (double pdeg, double tdeg)
void processGetPanTiltResponse (void)
void processGetProductNameResponse (void)
void processGetZoomResponse (void)
virtual ArBasePacketreadPacket (void)
void requestBytes (int num=6)
bool sendCameraNameRequest (void)
bool sendDigitalZoom (void)
bool sendFocus (void)
bool sendHaltPanTilt (void)
bool sendHaltZoom (void)
bool sendInit (void)
bool sendIRFilterControl (void)
bool sendIRLEDControl (void)
bool sendLEDControlMode (void)
 This controls the status of the LED. More...
bool sendPanSlew (void)
bool sendPanTilt (void)
bool sendPower (void)
bool sendProductNameRequest (void)
bool sendRealPanTiltRequest (void)
bool sendRealZoomRequest (void)
bool sendTiltSlew (void)
bool sendZoom (void)
bool setControlMode (void)
bool setDefaultRange (void)
void switchState (State state, int delayTime=0)
void throwError ()
virtual bool tilt_i (double deg)
virtual bool tiltRel_i (double deg)
bool timeout (int mSec=0)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ArPTZ
void setLimits (double maxPosPan, double maxNegPan, double maxPosTilt, double maxNegTilt, int maxZoom=0, int minZoom=0)
 Subclasses call this to set extents (limits) returned by getMaxPosPan(), getMaxNegPan(), getMaxPosTilt(), getMaxNegTilt(), getMaxZoom(), and getMinZoom(). More...
virtual double getMaxPosPan_i (void) const
 Versions of the pan and tilt limit accessors where inversion is not applied, for use by subclasses to check when given pan/tilt commands. More...
double getMaxPan_i () const
virtual double getMaxPosTilt_i (void) const
double getMinPan_i () const
virtual double getMaxNegPan_i (void) const
double getMaxTilt_i () const
virtual double getMaxNegTilt_i (void) const
double getMinTilt_i () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static ArPTZcreate (size_t index, ArPTZParams params, ArArgumentParser *parser, ArRobot *robot)
 Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options. More...

Protected Attributes

bool myAutoUpdate
int myAutoUpdateCycle
int myBytesLeft
bool myCameraHasBeenInitted
bool myCameraIsInitted
CameraType myCameraType
CommState myCommType
bool myDesiredIRFilterMode
bool myDesiredIRLEDsMode
int myDesiredLEDControlMode
int myDigitalZoom
int myDigitalZoomDesired
unsigned int myError
std::list< ArFunctor * > myErrorCBList
int myFocusMode
int myFocusModeDesired
double myFOVAtMaxZoom
double myFOVAtMinZoom
bool myHaltPanTiltRequested
bool myHaltZoomRequested
ArTime myIdleTime
bool myInitRequested
bool myIRFilterModeEnabled
bool myIRLEDsEnabled
State myNextState
ArVCC4Packet myPacket
unsigned char myPacketBuf [50]
int myPacketBufLen
ArTime myPacketTime
int myPacketTimeout
double myPan
double myPanDesired
double myPanResponse
double myPanSent
double myPanSlew
double myPanSlewDesired
double myPanSlewSent
bool myPowerState
bool myPowerStateDesired
State myPreviousState
std::string myProductName
char myProductNameResponse [4]
bool myRealPanTiltRequested
bool myRealZoomRequested
bool myRequestProductName
bool myResponseReceived
State myState
int myStateDelayTime
ArTime myStateTime
int myStateTimeout
ArFunctorC< ArVCC4myTaskCB
double myTilt
double myTiltDesired
double myTiltResponse
double myTiltSent
double myTiltSlew
double myTiltSlewDesired
double myTiltSlewSent
bool myUsingAuxPort
bool myWaitingOnPacket
bool myWaitingOnStop
bool myWasError
int myZoom
int myZoomDesired
int myZoomResponse
int myZoomSent
- Protected Attributes inherited from ArPTZ
int myAuxPort
ArCommands::Commands myAuxRxCmd
ArCommands::Commands myAuxTxCmd
ArFunctorC< ArPTZmyConnectCB
bool myInverted
double myMaxNegPan
double myMaxNegTilt
double myMaxPosPan
double myMaxPosTilt
int myMaxZoom
int myMinZoom
ArRetFunctor1C< bool, ArPTZ, ArRobotPacket * > myRobotPacketHandlerCB
ArFunctorC< ArPTZmySensorInterpCB

Static Protected Attributes

static ArPTZConnector::GlobalPTZCreateFunc ourCreateFunc
 Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options. More...

Detailed Description

Control the pan, tilt, and zoom mechanisms of the Canon VC-C4 and VC-C50i cameras.

An ArVCC4 object can be used to control the pan, tilt, zoom and some other aspects of the Canon VC-C4 camera. Since the camera is typically connected to the robot microcontroller's auxilliary serial port, and also uses ArRobot task cycle callbacks, a connected and running ArRobot object is required.

Communication with the camera can operate in two modes or directions. In unidirectional mode(COMM_UNIDIRECTIONAL), ArVCC4 simply sends commands to the camera, and waits for some time to allow the camera to process it. However, it will have no way of verifying that a command was successfully received by the cameral. In bidirectional mode (COMM_BIDIRECTIONAL), ArVCC4 waits for a response from the camera. Bidirectinal mode requires that the CTS line (pin 2 on the VISCA port) be connected. When you create an ArVCC4 object, you can request a specific mode, or you can specify COMM_UNKNOWN, and ArVCC4 will switch into bidirectional mode if it receives any responses from the camera.

Programmer's manuals for the VC-C45 and VC-C50i, detailing the communications protocol (including commands not implemented by ArVCC4), as well as user manuals containing specifications and hardware information, are available at ArVCC4 sends commands to the camera using the ArVCC4Packet class to construct the command, and using either the ArRobot pointer or an internal ArDeviceConnection, depending on whether the camera is connected to the robot microcontroller's auxilliary serial port (the usual connection method for most robots) or a computer serial port.

Command-Response details:

This camera has a reponse mechanism, whereby each packet sent to the camera generates an answer within 300ms. For the most part, the answer consists of a 6-byte packet which has an error-status within it. Some commands generate longer packets. Receiving the error status is helpful in that you know that the camera will or will not execute the command. However, it doesn't tell you when the command is completed.

In order for the the reponses to work, the CTS line on the camera must be high. This is pin 2 on the visca port. If your camera is not wired in such a fashion, then no answers will be sent to the computer, and the computer will not know whether or not the last packet was processed correctly. Because of this, systems operating without the answer feature will need to run with delays between sending packets. Otherwise, packets will be ignored, but you will have no way of knowing that. To achieve this, there are two types of communication modes that this class will operate under - COMM_UNIDIRECTIONAL or COMM_BIDIRECTIONAL. The default is COMM_UNKNOWN, in which it will use bidirectional commuication if a response is received.

To handle the states and packet processing, this class runs as a user-task, different than the other pan/tilt devices. Because of this, it must have a valid robot connection and a valid serial connection if using a computer serial port. Note that the computer port must be set independently of this class. The aux port can be selected via setAuxPort from the ArPTZ class.

Unit Conversions:

The camera's pan and tilt commands work on a number of units equal to (degrees / 0.1125). The panTilt function always rounds the conversion closer to zero, so that a magnitude greater than the allowable range of movement is not sent to the camera.

C50i features:

NEW - There is now limited support for the night-mode version of the C50i. To enable night-mode support, pass the camera type in with the constructor. Night-mode consists of two parts - a phsyical IR-cutoff filter, and IR LEDs. The cutoff filter must be enabled first, then turn on the IR LEDs.

This camera has a digital zoom as well as the optical one. There is an additional function for handling the digital. There is also limited support for the auto-focus mechanism, which may need to be elaborated on for better night-vision. In addition to the focus, there are also gain and backlight adjustments that can be made, but are not yet implemented in this class.


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Error

enum ArVCC4::Error

No error.


Camera busy, will not execute the command.


Illegal parameters to function call.


Not in host control mode.


Unknown error condition. Should never happen.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArVCC4()

ArVCC4::ArVCC4 ( ArRobot robot,
bool  inverted = false,
CommState  commDirection = COMM_UNKNOWN,
bool  autoUpdate = true,
bool  disableLED = false,
CameraType  cameraType = CAMERA_VCC4 


robotthe robot this camera is attached to
invertedif this camera is inverted or not, the only time a camera will normally be inverted is on a robot where it's mounted on the underside of something, ie like in a peoplebot
commDirectionthis is the type of communications that the camera should use. It can be unidirectional, bidirectional, or unknown. If unidirectional it sends packets without knowing if the camera has received them or not. This results in necessary 300 ms delays between packets, otherwise the packets will get dropped. In bidirectional mode, responses are received from the camera and evaluated for success of receipt of the previous command. In unknown mode, it will use bidirectional communication if a response is received, otherwise it will be unidirectional.
autoUpdatethis will cause the usertask to periodically query the camera for actual positional information (pan, tilt, zoom). This will happen every 1 sec idle time, and will switch between pan/tilt info and zoom info.
disableLEDif set to true this will force the LED, on the front of the camera, to turn off. Otherwise it will function normally
cameraTypeused to discriminate between VC-C4 and C50i

Member Function Documentation

◆ addErrorCB()

void ArVCC4::addErrorCB ( ArFunctor functor,
ArListPos::Pos  position 

Adds an error callback to a list of callbacks to be called when there is a serious error in communicating - either the parameters were incorrect, the mode was incorrect, or there was an unknown error.

◆ create()

ArPTZ * ArVCC4::create ( size_t  index,
ArPTZParams  params,
ArArgumentParser parser,
ArRobot robot 

Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options.


◆ digitalZoom()

bool ArVCC4::digitalZoom ( int  deg)

adjust the digital zoom amount.

Has four states, takes 0-3 for: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x

◆ getRealPanTilt()

void ArVCC4::getRealPanTilt ( void  )

Requests that a packet be sent to the camera to retrieve what the camera thinks are its pan/tilt positions.

getPan() and getTilt() will then return this information instead of your last requested values.

◆ getRealZoomPos()

void ArVCC4::getRealZoomPos ( void  )

Requests that a packet be sent to the camera to retrieve what the camera thinks is its zoom position.

getZoom() will then return this information instead of your last requested value.

◆ sendLEDControlMode()

bool ArVCC4::sendLEDControlMode ( void  )

This controls the status of the LED.

0 - disable forced control 1 - green forced on 2 - all forced off 3 - red forced on 4 - orange forced on

Member Data Documentation

◆ ourCreateFunc

ArPTZConnector::GlobalPTZCreateFunc ArVCC4::ourCreateFunc

Used by ArPTZConnector to create an ArVCC4 object based on robot parameters and program options.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: