Contains various utility functions, including cross-platform wrappers around common system functions. More...
#include <ariaUtil.h>
Public Types | |
enum | BITS { BIT0 = 0x1, BIT1 = 0x2, BIT2 = 0x4, BIT3 = 0x8, BIT4 = 0x10, BIT5 = 0x20, BIT6 = 0x40, BIT7 = 0x80, BIT8 = 0x100, BIT9 = 0x200, BIT10 = 0x400, BIT11 = 0x800, BIT12 = 0x1000, BIT13 = 0x2000, BIT14 = 0x4000, BIT15 = 0x8000 } |
Values for the bits from 0 to 16. More... | |
These are for passing into getStringFromRegistry. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | addDirectories (char *dest, size_t destLength, const char *baseDir, const char *insideDir) |
Adds two directories, taking care of all slash issues. More... | |
static void | appendSlash (char *path, size_t pathLength) |
Appends a slash to a path if there is not one there already. More... | |
static void | appendSlash (std::string &path) |
Appends a slash to the given string path if necessary. More... | |
static double | atof (const char *nptr) |
Returns the floating point number from the string representation of that number in nptr, or HUGE_VAL for "inf" or -HUGE_VAL for "-inf". | |
static bool | changeFileTimestamp (const char *fileName, time_t timestamp) |
Sets the timestamp on the specified file. | |
static const char * | convertBool (int val) |
Converts an integer value into a string for true or false. | |
static int | creat (const char *pathname, mode_t mode, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Opens a file, defaulting it so that the file will close on exec. | |
template<class T > | |
static void | deleteSet (T begin, T end) |
Delete all members of a set. Does NOT empty the set. More... | |
template<class T > | |
static void | deleteSetPairs (T begin, T end) |
Delete all members of a set. Does NOT empty the set. More... | |
static void | escapeSpaces (char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxLen) |
Puts a \ before spaces in src, puts it into dest. More... | |
static double | feetToMeters (const double f) |
Convert US feet to meters. | |
static bool | findFile (const char *fileName) |
OS-independent way of checking to see if a file exists and is readable. More... | |
static bool | findFirstStringInRegistry (const char *key, const char *value, char *str, int len) |
Returns a string from the Windows registry, searching each of the following registry root paths in order: REGKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. | |
static int | findMax (int first, int second) |
Returns the maximum of the two values. | |
static double | findMax (double first, double second) |
Returns the maximum of the two values. | |
static int | findMin (int first, int second) |
Returns the minimum of the two values. | |
static double | findMin (double first, double second) |
Returns the minimum of the two values. | |
static void | fixSlashes (char *path, size_t pathLength) |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string for windows or linux. More... | |
static void | fixSlashes (std::string &path) |
Fixes the slash orientation in the given file path string for the current platform. More... | |
static void | fixSlashesBackward (char *path, size_t pathLength) |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string to be all backward. More... | |
static void | fixSlashesForward (char *path, size_t pathLength) |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string to be all forward. More... | |
static bool | floatIsNormal (double f) |
Return true if the value of f is not NaN and is not infinite (+/- INF) | |
static FILE * | fopen (const char *path, const char *mode, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Opens a file, defaulting it so that the file will close on exec. | |
static void | functorPrintf (ArFunctor1< const char *> *functor, char *str,...) |
Function for doing a printf style call to a functor. More... | |
static bool | getDirectory (const char *fileName, char *result, size_t resultLen) |
Pulls the directory out of a file name. | |
static bool | getFileName (const char *fileName, char *result, size_t resultLen) |
Pulls the filename out of the file name. | |
static char | getSlash () |
Returns the slash (i.e. separator) character for the current platform. More... | |
static bool | getStringFromFile (const char *fileName, char *str, size_t strLen) |
Gets a string contained in an arbitrary file. More... | |
static bool | getStringFromRegistry (REGKEY root, const char *key, const char *value, char *str, int len) |
Returns a string from the Windows registry. More... | |
static unsigned int | getTime (void) |
Get the time in milliseconds. More... | |
static bool | isOnlyAlphaNumeric (const char *str) |
Returns true if this string is only alphanumeric (i.e. it contains only leters and numbers), false if it contains any non alphanumeric characters (punctuation, whitespace, control characters, etc.) | |
static bool | isOnlyNumeric (const char *str) |
Returns true if this string is only numeric (i.e. it contains only numeric. | |
static bool | isStrEmpty (const char *str) |
Returns true if the given string is null or of zero length, false otherwise. | |
static bool | isStrInList (const char *str, const std::list< std::string > &list, bool isIgnoreCase=false) |
Determines whether the given text is contained in the given list of strings. | |
static bool | localtime (const time_t *timep, struct tm *result) |
Interface to native platform localtime() function. More... | |
static bool | localtime (struct tm *result) |
Call ArUtil::localtime(const time_t*, struct tm *) with the current time obtained by calling time(NULL). More... | |
static void | lower (char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxLen) |
Lowers a string from src into dest, make sure there's enough space. More... | |
static bool | matchCase (const char *baseDir, const char *fileName, char *result, size_t resultLen) |
this matches the case out of what file we want More... | |
static double | metersToFeet (const double m) |
Convert meters to US feet. | |
static double | mSecToSec (const double msec) |
Convert milliseconds to seconds. | |
static int | open (const char *pathname, int flags, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Opens a file, defaulting it so that the file will close on exec. | |
static int | open (const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Opens a file, defaulting it so that the file will close on exec. | |
static time_t | parseTime (const char *str, bool *ok=NULL, bool toToday=true) |
Parses the given time string (h:mm) and returns the corresponding time. More... | |
static FILE * | popen (const char *command, const char *type, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Opens a pipe, defaulting it so that the file will close on exec. | |
static void | putCurrentDayInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current day (GMT) of the month in s (e.g. More... | |
static void | putCurrentHourInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current hour (GMT) in s (e.g. More... | |
static void | putCurrentMinuteInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current minute (GMT) in s (e.g. More... | |
static void | putCurrentMonthInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current month (GMT) in s (e.g. More... | |
static void | putCurrentSecondInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current second (GMT) in s (e.g. More... | |
static void | putCurrentYearInString (char *s, size_t len) |
Put the current year (GMT) in s (e.g. More... | |
static double | secToMSec (const double sec) |
Convert seconds to milliseconds. | |
static void | setFileCloseOnExec (int fd, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Sets if the file descriptor will be closed on exec or not. | |
static void | setFileCloseOnExec (FILE *file, bool closeOnExec=true) |
Sets if the file descriptor will be closed on exec or not. | |
static long | sizeFile (const char *fileName) |
OS-independent way of finding the size of a file. More... | |
static long | sizeFile (std::string fileName) |
OS-independent way of finding the size of a file. | |
static void | sleep (unsigned int ms) |
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds. More... | |
static int | strcasecmp (std::string str, std::string str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case) More... | |
static int | strcasecmp (std::string str, const char *str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case) More... | |
static int | strcasecmp (const char *str, std::string str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case) More... | |
static int | strcasecmp (const char *str, const char *str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case) More... | |
static int | strcasequotecmp (const std::string &str1, const std::string &str2) |
Compares two strings (ignoring case and surrounding quotes) More... | |
static int | strcmp (std::string str, std::string str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal. More... | |
static int | strcmp (std::string str, const char *str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal. More... | |
static int | strcmp (const char *str, std::string str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal. More... | |
static int | strcmp (const char *str, const char *str2) |
Finds out if two strings are equal. More... | |
static bool | stripQuotes (char *dest, const char *src, size_t destLen) |
Strips out the quotes in the src buffer into the dest buffer. | |
static bool | stripQuotes (std::string *strToStrip) |
Strips the quotes from the given string. More... | |
static bool | strSuffixCaseCmp (const char *str, const char *suffix) |
Finds out if a string has a suffix. | |
static bool | strSuffixCmp (const char *str, const char *suffix) |
Finds out if a string has a suffix. | |
static void | writeToFile (const char *str, FILE *file) |
Function for doing a fprintf to a file (here to make a functor for) | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const char * | COM1 = "/dev/ttyS0" |
First serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM10 = "/dev/ttyS9" |
Tenth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM11 = "/dev/ttyS10" |
Eleventh serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM12 = "/dev/ttyS11" |
Twelth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM13 = "/dev/ttyS12" |
Thirteenth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM14 = "/dev/ttyS13" |
Fourteenth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM15 = "/dev/ttyS14" |
Fifteenth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM16 = "/dev/ttyS15" |
Sixteenth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM2 = "/dev/ttyS1" |
Second serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM3 = "/dev/ttyS2" |
Third serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM4 = "/dev/ttyS3" |
Fourth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM5 = "/dev/ttyS4" |
Fifth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM6 = "/dev/ttyS5" |
Sixth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM7 = "/dev/ttyS6" |
Seventh serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM8 = "/dev/ttyS7" |
Eighth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | COM9 = "/dev/ttyS8" |
Ninth serial port device name (value depends on compilation platform) | |
static const char * | FALSESTRING = "false" |
"false" | |
static const char * | TRUESTRING = "true" |
"true" | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static std::list< std::string > | splitFileName (const char *fileName) |
this splits up a file name (it isn't exported since it'd crash with dlls) More... | |
Contains various utility functions, including cross-platform wrappers around common system functions.
enum ArUtil::BITS |
Values for the bits from 0 to 16.
enum ArUtil::REGKEY |
static |
Adds two directories, taking care of all slash issues.
This function will take the baseDir and add insideDir after it, separated by appropriate directory path separators for this platform, with a final directory separator retained or added after inside dir.
For example on Linux, this results in 'baseDir/insideDir/', whereas backslashes are used on Windows instead. The resulting string is placed in the dest buffer (the path string will be truncated if there is not enough space in dest according to destLength)
dest | the place to put the result |
destLength | the length available in dest |
baseDir | the directory to start with |
insideDir | the directory to place after the baseDir |
static |
Appends a slash to a path if there is not one there already.
Append a directory separator character to the given path string, depending on the platform.
On Windows, a backslash ('\') is added. On other platforms, a forward slash ('/') is appended. If there is no more allocated space in the path string (as given by the
path | the path string to append a slash to |
pathLength | maximum length allocated for path string |
static |
Appends a slash to the given string path if necessary.
Append the appropriate directory separator for this platform (a forward slash "/" on Linux, or a backslash "\" on Windows) to.
inlinestatic |
Delete all members of a set. Does NOT empty the set.
Assumes that T is an iterator that supports the operator*, operator!= and operator++. The return is assumed to be a pointer to a class that needs to be deleted.
inlinestatic |
Delete all members of a set. Does NOT empty the set.
Assumes that T is an iterator that supports the operator**, operator!= and operator++. The return is assumed to be a pair. The second value of the pair is assumed to be a pointer to a class that needs to be deleted.
static |
Puts a \ before spaces in src, puts it into dest.
This copies src into dest but puts a \ before any spaces in src, escaping them...
its mostly for use with ArArgumentBuilder... make sure you have at least maxLen spaces in the arrays that you're passing as dest... this allocates no memory
static |
OS-independent way of checking to see if a file exists and is readable.
fileName | name of the file to size |
static |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string for windows or linux.
Replace in path all incorrect directory separators for this platform with the correct directory separator character (forward slash '/' on Linux, backslash '\' on Windows).
path | the path in which to fix the orientation of the slashes |
pathLength | the maximum length of path |
static |
Fixes the slash orientation in the given file path string for the current platform.
Replace in path all incorrect directory separators for this platform with the correct directory separator character (forward slash '/' on Linux, backslash '\' on Windows).
path | the path in which to fix the orientation of the slashes |
static |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string to be all backward.
Replace any forward slash charactars ('/') in path with backslashes ('\').
path | the path in which to fix the orientation of the slashes |
pathLength | size of path |
static |
Fix the slash orientation in file path string to be all forward.
Replace any forward slash charactars ('/') in path with backslashes ('\').
path | the path in which to fix the orientation of the slashes |
pathLength | size of path |
static |
Function for doing a printf style call to a functor.
Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.
static |
Returns the slash (i.e. separator) character for the current platform.
What is the appropriate directory path separator character for this platform?
static |
Gets a string contained in an arbitrary file.
This function reads a string from a file.
The file can contain spaces or tabs, but a '\r' or '\n' will be treated as the end of the string, and the string cannot have more characters than the value given by strLen. This is mostly for internal use with Linux to determine the Aria directory from a file in /etc, but will work with Linux or Windows.
fileName | name of the file in which to look |
str | the string to copy the file contents into |
strLen | the maximum allocated length of str |
static |
Returns a string from the Windows registry.
Look up the given value under the given key, within the given registry root key.
root | the root key to use, one of the REGKEY enum values |
key | the name of the key to find |
value | the value name in which to find the string |
str | where to put the string found, or if it could not be found, an empty (length() == 0) string |
len | the length of the allocated memory in str |
static |
Get the time in milliseconds.
Get the time in milliseconds, counting from some arbitrary point.
This time is only valid within this run of the program, it does not represent "time of day". In other words, values returned by getTime() may be compared to each other within the same run time of a program. If ARIA was compiled on Linux with POSIX monotonic clock functions available, and the current running Linux kernel supports the monotonic clock, then the clock_gettime() function is used with the CLOCK_MONOTONIC option (this is an accurate clock that is robust against e.g. changes to the system time, etc.). Otherwise, gettimeofday() is used instead. Programs using ARIA on Linux must therefore link to the librt library (with -lrt) as well as libAria. On Windows, the timeGetTime() function is used from the winmm library – this means programs using ARIA on Windows must be linked to the winmm.lib library as well as ARIA.
static |
Interface to native platform localtime() function.
On Linux, this is equivalent to a call to localtime_r(timep, result) (which is threadsafe, including the returned pointer, since it uses a different time struct for each thread) On Windows, this is equivalent to a call to localtime(timep, result). In addition, a static mutex is used to make it threadsafe.
timep | Pointer to current time (Unix time_t; seconds since epoch) |
result | The result of calling platform localtime function is copied into this struct, so it must have been allocated. |
static |
Call ArUtil::localtime(const time_t*, struct tm *) with the current time obtained by calling time(NULL).
Call ArUtil::localtime() with the current time obtained by calling time(NULL).
static |
Lowers a string from src into dest, make sure there's enough space.
This copies src into dest but makes it lower case make sure you have at least maxLen arrays that you're passing as dest...
this allocates no memory
static |
this matches the case out of what file we want
baseDir | the base directory to work from |
fileName | the fileName to squash the case from |
result | where to put the result |
resultLen | length of the result |
static |
Parses the given time string (h:mm) and returns the corresponding time.
str | the char * string to be parsed; in the 24-hour format h:mm |
ok | an output bool * set to true if the time is successfully parsed; false, otherwise |
toToday | true to find the time on the current day, false to find the time on 1/1/70 |
static |
Put the current day (GMT) of the month in s (e.g.
s | String buffer (allocated) to write day into |
len | Size of s |
static |
Put the current hour (GMT) in s (e.g.
"13" for 1 o'clock PM).
s | String buffer (allocated) to write hour into |
len | Size of s |
static |
Put the current minute (GMT) in s (e.g.
s | String buffer (allocated) to write minutes into |
len | Size of s |
static |
Put the current month (GMT) in s (e.g.
"09" if September).
s | String buffer (allocated) to write month into |
len | Size of s |
static |
Put the current second (GMT) in s (e.g.
s | String buffer (allocated) to write seconds into |
len | Size of s |
static |
Put the current year (GMT) in s (e.g.
s | String buffer (allocated) to write year into |
len | Size of s |
static |
OS-independent way of finding the size of a file.
fileName | name of the file to size |
static |
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds.
Sleep (do nothing, without continuing the program) for.
ms | the number of milliseconds to sleep for |
staticprotected |
this splits up a file name (it isn't exported since it'd crash with dlls)
This function assumes the slashes are all heading the right way already.
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case)
This compares two strings ignoring case, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case)
This compares two strings ignoring case, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case)
This compares two strings ignoring case, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal (ignoring case)
This compares two strings ignoring case, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Compares two strings (ignoring case and surrounding quotes)
This helper method is primarily used to ignore surrounding quotes when comparing ArArgumentBuilder args.
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal.
This compares two strings, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
(This is a version of the standard C strcmp() function for use with std::string strings instead.)
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal.
This compares two strings, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
(This is a version of the standard C strcmp() function for use with std::string strings instead.)
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal.
This compares two strings, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
(This is a version of the standard C strcmp() function for use with std::string strings instead.)
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Finds out if two strings are equal.
This compares two strings, it returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.
str | the string to compare |
str2 | the second string to compare |
static |
Strips the quotes from the given string.
This method behaves similarly to the char[] version, except that it modifies the given std::string.
If the first and last characters of the string are quotation marks ("), then they are removed from the string. Multiple nested quotation marks are not handled.
strToStrip | a pointer to the std::string to be read/modified; must be non-NULL |