This is the complete list of members for ArSimulatedGPS, including all inherited members.
addNMEAHandler(const char *message, ArNMEAParser::Handler *handler) | ArGPS | inline |
ArGPS() (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
ArSimulatedGPS(ArRobot *robot=NULL) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | |
BadFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
blockingConnect(unsigned long connectTimeout=20000) | ArGPS | inline |
clearDummyPosition() (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inline |
clearPosition() (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inline |
connect(unsigned long connectTimeout=10000) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | virtual |
DeadReckFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
DGPSFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
feetToMeters(double f) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inlineprotectedstatic |
FixType enum name | ArGPS | |
FloatRTKinFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
getAltimeter() const | ArGPS | inline |
getAltitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
getAltitudeError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getBeaconChannel() const | ArGPS | inline |
getBeaconFreq() const | ArGPS | inline |
getBeaconSignalStrength() const | ArGPS | inline |
getBeaconSNR() const | ArGPS | inline |
getBecaonBPS() const | ArGPS | inline |
getCompassHeadingMag() const | ArGPS | inline |
getCompassHeadingTrue() const | ArGPS | inline |
getCurrentDataRef() const | ArGPS | inline |
getDeviceConnection() const | ArGPS | inline |
getDGPSStationID() const | ArGPS | inline |
getErrorEllipse() const | ArGPS | inline |
getFixType() const | ArGPS | inline |
getFixTypeName() const | ArGPS | |
getFixTypeName(FixType type) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | static |
getGarminPositionError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getGarminVerticalPositionError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getGPSPositionTimestamp() const | ArGPS | inline |
getHDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
getInputsRMS() const | ArGPS | inline |
getLatitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
getLatitudeError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getLatLonError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getLongitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
getLongitudeError() const | ArGPS | inline |
getMeanSNR() const | ArGPS | inline |
getNumSatellitesTracked() const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inline |
getPDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
getSpeed() const | ArGPS | inline |
getTimeReceivedPosition() const | ArGPS | inline |
getVDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
gpsDegminToDegrees(double degmin) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protectedstatic |
GPSFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
handleGPGGA(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleGPGSA(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleGPGST(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleGPGSV(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleGPMSS(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleGPRMC(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handleHCHDx(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handlePGRME(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
handlePGRMZ(ArNMEAParser::Message msg) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
haveAltimeter() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveAltitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveAltitudeError() const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inline |
haveBeaconInfo() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveCompassHeadingMag() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveCompassHeadingTrue() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveDGPSStation() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveErrorEllipse() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveGarminPositionError() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveGarminVerticalPositionError() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveHDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveInputsRMS() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveLatitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveLatLonError() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveLongitude() const | ArGPS | inline |
havePDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
havePosition() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveSNR() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveSpeed() const | ArGPS | inline |
haveVDOP() const | ArGPS | inline |
initDevice() (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inlinevirtual |
knotsToMPS(double knots) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protectedstatic |
lock() | ArGPS | inline |
logData() const | ArGPS | |
ManualFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
metersToFeet(double m) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inlineprotectedstatic |
mpsToMph(const double mps) | ArGPS | inlineprotectedstatic |
myArgParser (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myCreatedOwnDeviceCon (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myData (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myDevice (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPGGAHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPGSAHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPGSTHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPGSVHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPMSSHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myGPRMCHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myHCHDxHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myMutex (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myNMEAParser (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myParseArgsCallback (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myPGRMEHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
myPGRMZHandler (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
mySNRNum (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
mySNRSum (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
NoFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
OmnistarConverged enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
OmnistarConverging enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
parseGPRMC(const ArNMEAParser::Message &msg, double &latitudeResult, double &longitudeResult, bool &qualityFlagResult, bool &gotPosition, ArTime &timeGotPositionResult, ArTime &gpsTimestampResult, bool &gotSpeedResult, double &speedResult) | ArGPS | protected |
PPSFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
printData(bool labels=true) const | ArGPS | |
printDataLabelsHeader() const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
read(unsigned long maxTime=0) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inlinevirtual |
ReadData enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
ReadError enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
ReadFinished enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
ReadFlags | ArGPS | |
readFloatFromString(const std::string &str, double *target, double(*convf)(double)=NULL) const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
readFloatFromStringVec(const std::vector< std::string > *vec, size_t i, double *target, double(*convf)(double)=NULL) const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
readTimeFromString(const std::string &s, ArTime *time) const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
ReadUpdated enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
readUShortFromString(const std::string &str, unsigned short *target, unsigned short(*convf)(unsigned short)=NULL) const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
readUShortFromStringVec(const std::vector< std::string > *vec, size_t i, unsigned short *target, unsigned short(*convf)(unsigned short)=NULL) const (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | protected |
readWithLock(unsigned int maxTime) | ArGPS | inline |
removeNMEAHandler(const char *message) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inline |
replaceNMEAHandler(const char *message, ArNMEAParser::Handler *handler) (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inline |
RTKinFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
setCompassHeadingMag(double val) | ArGPS | inline |
setCompassHeadingMagWithLock(double val) | ArGPS | inline |
setCompassHeadingTrue(double val) | ArGPS | inline |
setCompassHeadingTrueWithLock(double val) | ArGPS | inline |
setDeviceConnection(ArDeviceConnection *deviceConn) | ArGPS | inline |
setDummyPosition(double latitude, double longitude) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inline |
setDummyPosition(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inline |
setDummyPosition(ArArgumentBuilder *args) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | |
setDummyPositionFromArgs(ArArgumentBuilder *args) (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | inline |
setIgnoreChecksum(bool ignore) | ArGPS | inline |
SimulatedFix enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
UnknownFixType enum value (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | |
unlock() | ArGPS | inline |
waitForData(unsigned long timeout) | ArGPS | protected |
~ArGPS() (defined in ArGPS) | ArGPS | inlinevirtual |
~ArSimulatedGPS() (defined in ArSimulatedGPS) | ArSimulatedGPS | virtual |