| ArSZSeries (int laserNumber, const char *name="SZSeries") |
| Constructor.
virtual bool | asyncConnect (void) |
virtual bool | blockingConnect (void) |
virtual bool | disconnect (void) |
virtual bool | isConnected (void) |
virtual bool | isTryingToConnect (void) |
void | log (void) |
| Logs the information about the sensor.
| ~ArSZSeries () |
| Destructor.
void | addConnectCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50) |
| Adds a connect callback.
void | addDisconnectNormallyCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50) |
| Adds a callback for when disconnect is called while connected.
void | addDisconnectOnErrorCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50) |
| Adds a callback for when disconnection happens because of an error.
void | addFailedConnectCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50) |
| Adds a callback for when a connection to the robot is failed.
void | addIgnoreReading (double ignoreReading) |
| Adds a degree at which to ignore readings (within 1 degree of nearest integer)
bool | addIgnoreReadings (const char *ignoreReadings) |
| Adds a series of degree at which to ignore readings (within 1 degree of nearest integer)
void | addReadingCB (ArFunctor *functor, int position=50) |
| Adds a callback that is called whenever a laser reading is processed.
virtual void | applyTransform (ArTransform trans, bool doCumulative=true) |
| Applies a transform to the buffers. More...
| ArLaser (int laserNumber, const char *name, unsigned int absoluteMaxRange, bool locationDependent=false, bool appendLaserNumberToName=true) |
| Constructor.
bool | canChooseAutoBaud (void) |
| Gets if you can choose autoBaud for the laser. More...
bool | canChooseDegrees (void) |
| Gets if you can choose the number of degrees. More...
bool | canChooseIncrement (void) |
| Gets if you can choose an increment. More...
bool | canChooseReflectorBits (void) |
| Gets if you can choose reflectorBits for the laser. More...
bool | canChooseStartingBaud (void) |
| Gets if you can choose startingBaud for the laser. More...
bool | canChooseUnits (void) |
| Gets if you can choose units for the laser. More...
bool | canSetDegrees (void) |
| Sees if this class can set the degrees with doubles or not. More...
bool | canSetIncrement (void) |
| Gets if you can set an increment. More...
bool | canSetPowerControlled (void) |
| Gets if you can set powerControlled for the laser. More...
bool | chooseAutoBaud (const char *reflectorBits) |
| Sets the reflectorBits to one of the choices from getAutoBaudChoices. More...
bool | chooseDegrees (const char *range) |
| Sets the range to one of the choices from getDegreesChoices. More...
bool | chooseIncrement (const char *increment) |
| Sets the increment to one of the choices from getIncrementChoices. More...
bool | chooseReflectorBits (const char *reflectorBits) |
| Sets the reflectorBits to one of the choices from getReflectorBitsChoices. More...
bool | chooseStartingBaud (const char *reflectorBits) |
| Sets the reflectorBits to one of the choices from getStartingBaudChoices. More...
bool | chooseUnits (const char *units) |
| Sets the units to one of the choices from getUnitsChoices. More...
void | clearIgnoreReadings (void) |
| Clears the degrees we ignore readings at.
void | copyReadingCount (const ArLaser *laser) |
| Copies the reading count stuff from another laser (for the laser filter)
unsigned int | getAbsoluteMaxRange (void) |
| Gets the absolute maximum range on the sensor.
const char * | getAutoBaudChoice (void) |
| Gets the reflectorBits that was chosen. More...
std::list< std::string > | getAutoBaudChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of reflectorBits choices. More...
const char * | getAutoBaudChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of reflectorBits choices seperated by |s. More...
virtual double | getConnectionTimeoutSeconds (void) |
| Gets the number of seconds without a response until connection assumed lost. More...
double | getCumulativeCleanDist (void) |
| Cumulative readings that are this close to current beams are discarded.
int | getCumulativeCleanInterval (void) |
| Cumulative readings are cleaned every this number of milliseconds.
int | getCumulativeCleanOffset (void) |
| Gets the offset for cumulative cleaning.
const char * | getDefaultPortType (void) |
| Gets the default port type for the laser.
int | getDefaultTcpPort (void) |
| Gets the default TCP port for the laser.
const char * | getDegreesChoice (void) |
| Gets the range that was chosen. More...
double | getDegreesChoiceDouble (void) |
| Gets the range that was chosen as a double. More...
std::list< std::string > | getDegreesChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of range choices. More...
std::map< std::string, double > | getDegreesChoicesMap (void) |
| Gets the map of degrees choices to what they mean. More...
const char * | getDegreesChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of degrees choices seperated by |s. More...
virtual ArDeviceConnection * | getDeviceConnection (void) |
| Gets the device connection.
double | getEndDegrees (void) |
| Gets the end angle. More...
double | getEndDegreesMax (void) |
| Gets the maximum value for the end angle. More...
double | getEndDegreesMin (void) |
| Gets the minimum value for the end angle. More...
bool | getFlipped (void) |
| Gets if the laser is flipped or not.
const std::set< int > * | getIgnoreReadings (void) const |
| Gets the list of readings that we ignore.
double | getIncrement (void) |
| Gets the increment. More...
const char * | getIncrementChoice (void) |
| Gets the increment that was chosen. More...
double | getIncrementChoiceDouble (void) |
| Gets the increment that was chosen as a double. More...
std::list< std::string > | getIncrementChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of increment choices. More...
std::map< std::string, double > | getIncrementChoicesMap (void) |
| Gets the map of increment choices to what they mean. More...
const char * | getIncrementChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of increment choices seperated by |s. More...
double | getIncrementMax (void) |
| Gets the increment maximum. More...
double | getIncrementMin (void) |
| Gets the increment minimum. More...
ArLog::LogLevel | getInfoLogLevel (void) |
| Gets the log level that informational things are logged at.
int | getLaserNumber (void) |
| Gets the number of the laser this is.
ArTime | getLastReadingTime (void) |
| Gets the time data was last receieved.
bool | getPowerControlled (void) |
| Gets if the power is controlled. More...
int | getReadingCount (void) |
| Gets the number of laser readings received in the last second.
const char * | getReflectorBitsChoice (void) |
| Gets the reflectorBits that was chosen. More...
std::list< std::string > | getReflectorBitsChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of reflectorBits choices. More...
const char * | getReflectorBitsChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of reflectorBits choices seperated by |s. More...
ArPose | getSensorPosition (void) |
| Gets the position of the sensor on the robot.
double | getSensorPositionTh (void) |
| Gets the heading of the sensor on the robot.
double | getSensorPositionX (void) |
| Gets the X position of the sensor on the robot.
double | getSensorPositionY (void) |
| Gets the Y position of the sensor on the robot.
double | getSensorPositionZ (void) |
| Gets the Z position of the sensor on the robot (0 is unknown)
double | getStartDegrees (void) |
| Gets the start angle. More...
double | getStartDegreesMax (void) |
| Gets the maximum value for the start angle. More...
double | getStartDegreesMin (void) |
| Gets the minimum value for the start angle. More...
const char * | getStartingBaudChoice (void) |
| Gets the reflectorBits that was chosen. More...
std::list< std::string > | getStartingBaudChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of reflectorBits choices. More...
const char * | getStartingBaudChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of reflectorBits choices seperated by |s. More...
const char * | getUnitsChoice (void) |
| Gets the units that was chosen. More...
std::list< std::string > | getUnitsChoices (void) |
| Gets the list of units choices. More...
const char * | getUnitsChoicesString (void) |
| Gets a string with the list of units choices seperated by |s. More...
bool | hasSensorPosition (void) |
| Gets if the sensor pose has been set.
virtual bool | laserCheckParams (void) |
| Call the laser can implement to make sure the parameters are all okay or set the maximum range (based on the params) More...
void | remConnectCB (ArFunctor *functor) |
| Adds a disconnect callback.
void | remDisconnectNormallyCB (ArFunctor *functor) |
| Removes a callback for when disconnect is called while connected.
void | remDisconnectOnErrorCB (ArFunctor *functor) |
| Removes a callback for when disconnection happens because of an error.
void | remFailedConnectCB (ArFunctor *functor) |
| Removes a callback for when a connection to the robot is failed.
void | remReadingCB (ArFunctor *functor) |
| Removes a callback that is called whenever a laser reading is processed.
void | resetLastCumulativeCleanTime (void) |
| Resets when the cumulative cleaning happened (so offset can help)
virtual void | setConnectionTimeoutSeconds (double seconds) |
| Sets the numter of seconds without a response until connection assumed lost. More...
virtual void | setCumulativeBufferSize (size_t size) |
| override the default to keep track of its been set or not
void | setCumulativeCleanDist (double dist) |
| Cumulative readings that are this close to current beams are discarded.
void | setCumulativeCleanInterval (int milliSeconds) |
| Cumulative readings are cleaned every this number of milliseconds.
void | setCumulativeCleanOffset (int milliSeconds) |
| Offset for cumulative cleaning.
virtual void | setDeviceConnection (ArDeviceConnection *conn) |
| Sets the device connection.
bool | setEndDegrees (double endDegrees) |
| Sets the end angle, it must be between getEndDegreesMin and getEndDegreesMax. More...
bool | setFlipped (bool flipped) |
| Sets if the laser is flipped or not.
bool | setIncrement (double increment) |
| Sets the increment. More...
void | setInfoLogLevel (ArLog::LogLevel infoLogLevel) |
| Sets the log level that informational things are logged at.
virtual void | setMaxRange (unsigned int maxRange) |
| override the default to bound the maxrange by the absolute max range
bool | setPowerControlled (bool powerControlled) |
| Sets if the power is controlled. More...
void | setSensorPosition (double x, double y, double th, double z=0) |
| Sets the position of the sensor on the robot.
void | setSensorPosition (ArPose pose, double z=0) |
| Sets the position of the sensor on the robot.
bool | setStartDegrees (double startDegrees) |
| Sets the start angle, it must be between getStartDegreesMin and getStartDegreesMax. More...
virtual | ~ArLaser () |
| Destructor.
| ArRangeDeviceThreaded (size_t currentBufferSize, size_t cumulativeBufferSize, const char *name, unsigned int maxRange, int maxSecondsTokeepCurrent=0, int maxSecondsToKeepCumulative=0, double maxDistToKeepCumulative=0, bool locationDependent=false) |
| Constructor.
virtual bool | getRunning (void) |
| Get the running status of the thread.
virtual bool | getRunningWithLock (void) |
| Get the running status of the thread, locking around the variable.
virtual int | lockDevice (void) |
virtual void | run (void) |
| Run in this thread.
virtual void | runAsync (void) |
| Run in its own thread.
virtual void | stopRunning (void) |
| Stop the thread.
virtual int | tryLockDevice (void) |
virtual int | unlockDevice (void) |
virtual | ~ArRangeDeviceThreaded () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | addReading (double x, double y, bool *wasAdded=NULL) |
| Adds a reading to the buffer.
| ArRangeDevice (size_t currentBufferSize, size_t cumulativeBufferSize, const char *name, unsigned int maxRange, int maxSecondsToKeepCurrent=0, int maxSecondsToKeepCumulative=0, double maxDistToKeepCumulative=0, bool locationDependent=false) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual void | clearCumulativeOlderThan (int milliSeconds) |
| Clears all the cumulative readings older than this number of milliseconds.
virtual void | clearCumulativeOlderThanSeconds (int seconds) |
| Clears all the cumulative readings older than this number of seconds.
virtual void | clearCumulativeReadings (void) |
| Clears all the cumulative readings.
virtual void | clearCurrentReadings (void) |
| Clears all the current readings.
virtual double | cumulativeReadingBox (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, ArPose *readingPos=NULL) const |
| Gets the closest current reading from the given box region. More...
virtual double | cumulativeReadingPolar (double startAngle, double endAngle, double *angle=NULL) const |
| Gets the closest cumulative reading in the given polar region. More...
virtual double | currentReadingBox (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, ArPose *readingPos=NULL) const |
| Gets the closest current reading from the given box region. More...
virtual double | currentReadingPolar (double startAngle, double endAngle, double *angle=NULL) const |
| Gets the closest current reading in the given polar region. More...
void | filterCallback (void) |
| Internal function to filter the readings based on age and distance.
virtual const std::list< ArSensorReading * > * | getAdjustedRawReadings (void) const |
| Gets the raw unfiltered readings from the device (but pose takens are corrected) More...
virtual std::vector< ArSensorReading > * | getAdjustedRawReadingsAsVector (void) |
| Gets the raw adjusted readings from the device into a vector. More...
virtual const std::list< ArPoseWithTime * > * | getCumulativeBuffer (void) const |
| Gets the current buffer of readings. More...
virtual std::list< ArPoseWithTime * > * | getCumulativeBuffer (void) |
| Gets the current buffer of readings.
virtual std::vector< ArPoseWithTime > * | getCumulativeBufferAsVector (void) |
| Gets the cumulative buffer of readings as a vector. More...
virtual size_t | getCumulativeBufferSize (void) const |
| Sets the maximum size of the buffer for cumulative readings.
virtual ArDrawingData * | getCumulativeDrawingData (void) |
| Gets data used for visualizing the cumulative buffer (see ArNetworking)
virtual const ArRangeBuffer * | getCumulativeRangeBuffer (void) const |
| Gets the cumulative range buffer. More...
virtual ArRangeBuffer * | getCumulativeRangeBuffer (void) |
| Gets the cumulative range buffer.
virtual const std::list< ArPoseWithTime * > * | getCurrentBuffer (void) const |
| Gets the current buffer of readings. More...
virtual std::list< ArPoseWithTime * > * | getCurrentBuffer (void) |
| Gets the current buffer of readings.
virtual std::vector< ArPoseWithTime > * | getCurrentBufferAsVector (void) |
| Gets the current buffer of readings as a vector. More...
virtual size_t | getCurrentBufferSize (void) const |
| Gets the maximum size of the buffer for current readings.
virtual ArDrawingData * | getCurrentDrawingData (void) |
| Gets data used for visualizing the current buffer (see ArNetworking)
virtual const ArRangeBuffer * | getCurrentRangeBuffer (void) const |
| Gets the current range buffer. More...
virtual ArRangeBuffer * | getCurrentRangeBuffer (void) |
| Gets the current range buffer.
double | getMaxDistToKeepCumulative (void) |
| sets the maximum distance cumulative readings can be from current pose More...
double | getMaxInsertDistCumulative (void) |
| Gets the maximum distance a cumulative reading can be from the robot and still be inserted. More...
virtual unsigned int | getMaxRange (void) const |
| Gets the maximum range for this device.
int | getMaxSecondsToKeepCumulative (void) |
| gets the maximum seconds to keep current readings around More...
int | getMaxSecondsToKeepCurrent (void) |
| gets the maximum seconds to keep current readings around More...
double | getMinDistBetweenCumulative (void) |
| Gets the minimum distance between cumulative readings. More...
double | getMinDistBetweenCurrent (void) |
| Gets the minimum distance between current readings. More...
virtual const char * | getName (void) const |
| Gets the name of the device.
virtual const std::list< ArSensorReading * > * | getRawReadings (void) const |
| Gets the raw unfiltered readings from the device. More...
virtual std::vector< ArSensorReading > * | getRawReadingsAsVector (void) |
| Gets the raw unfiltered readings from the device into a vector. More...
virtual ArRobot * | getRobot (void) |
| Gets the robot this device is attached to.
bool | isLocationDependent (void) |
| Gets if this device is location dependent or not.
virtual void | setCumulativeDrawingData (ArDrawingData *data, bool takeOwnershipOfData) |
| Sets data for visualizing the cumulative buffer (and if we own it)
virtual void | setCurrentBufferSize (size_t size) |
| Sets the maximum size of the buffer for current readings. More...
virtual void | setCurrentDrawingData (ArDrawingData *data, bool takeOwnershipOfData) |
| Sets data for visualizing the current buffer (and if we own it)
void | setMaxDistToKeepCumulative (double maxDistToKeepCumulative) |
| sets the maximum distance cumulative readings can be from current pose More...
void | setMaxInsertDistCumulative (double maxInsertDistCumulative) |
| Sets the maximum distance a cumulative reading can be from the robot and still be inserted. More...
void | setMaxSecondsToKeepCumulative (int maxSecondsToKeepCumulative) |
| gets the maximum seconds to keep cumulative readings around More...
void | setMaxSecondsToKeepCurrent (int maxSecondsToKeepCurrent) |
| Sets the maximum seconds to keep current readings around. More...
void | setMinDistBetweenCumulative (double minDistBetweenCumulative) |
| Sets the minimum distance between cumulative readings. More...
void | setMinDistBetweenCurrent (double minDistBetweenCurrent) |
| Sets the minimum distance between current readings. More...
virtual | ~ArRangeDevice () |
| Destructor.