Aria  2.8.0
ArRobotJoyHandler Class Reference

Interfaces to a joystick on the robot's microcontroller. More...

#include <ArRobotJoyHandler.h>

Public Member Functions

void addToConfig (ArConfig *config, const char *section)
 Adds to a section in a config.
 ArRobotJoyHandler (ArRobot *robot)
bool getButton1 (void)
 Gets the first button.
bool getButton2 (void)
 Gets the second button.
ArTime getDataReceivedTime (void)
 Gets the time we last got information back.
void getDoubles (double *x, double *y, double *z)
 Gets the adjusted reading, as floats.
int getRawThrottle (void)
 Gets the throttle value (only use for information, or with the robot locked, getDoubles is preferred)
int getRawX (void)
 Gets the X value (only use for information, or with the robot locked, getDoubles is preferred)
int getRawY (void)
 Gets the Y value (only use for information, or with the robot locked, getDoubles is preferred)
bool gotData (void)
 If we've ever gotten a packet back.
 ~ArRobotJoyHandler ()

Protected Member Functions

void connectCallback (void)
bool handleJoystickPacket (ArRobotPacket *packet)

Protected Attributes

bool myButton1
bool myButton2
ArFunctorC< ArRobotJoyHandlermyConnectCB
ArTime myDataReceived
bool myGotData
ArRetFunctor1C< bool, ArRobotJoyHandler, ArRobotPacket * > myHandleJoystickPacketCB
double myJoyX
int myJoyXCenter
double myJoyY
int myJoyYCenter
int myRawThrottle
int myRawX
int myRawY
ArTime myStarted
double myThrottle

Detailed Description

Interfaces to a joystick on the robot's microcontroller.

This is largely meant to be about the same as the normal joy handler but gets the data back from the robot about the joystick, but this sameness is why it reports things as it does.

Also note that x is usually rotational velocity (since it right/left), whereas Y is translational (since it is up/down).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: