GPS Device Interface. More...
#include <ArGPS.h>
Inherited by ArNovatelGPS [virtual]
, ArSimulatedGPS [virtual]
, and ArTrimbleGPS [virtual]
Public Types | |
enum | { ReadFinished = ArNMEAParser::ParseFinished, ReadError = ArNMEAParser::ParseError, ReadData = ArNMEAParser::ParseData, ReadUpdated = ArNMEAParser::ParseUpdated } |
Flags to indicates what the read() method did. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
bool | blockingConnect (unsigned long connectTimeout=20000) |
Same as connect(). More... | |
virtual bool | connect (unsigned long connectTimeout=20000) |
Check that the device connection (e.g. More... | |
ArDeviceConnection * | getDeviceConnection () const |
Return device connection in use (or NULL if none) | |
void | lock () |
Locks a mutex object contained by this class. More... | |
void | logData () const |
Log last received data using ArLog. More... | |
void | printData (bool labels=true) const |
Print basic navigation data on one line to standard output, with no newline at end. More... | |
void | printDataLabelsHeader () const |
virtual int | read (unsigned long maxTime=0) |
Read some data from the device connection, and update stored data as complete messages are received. More... | |
int | readWithLock (unsigned int maxTime) |
Calls lock(), calls read(maxTime), then calls unlock(). More... | |
void | setDeviceConnection (ArDeviceConnection *deviceConn) |
Set device connection to use. | |
void | setIgnoreChecksum (bool ignore) |
Set whether checksum sent with NMEA messages is ignored. | |
void | unlock () |
Unlocks a mutex object contained by this class. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
enum ArGPS:: { ... } | ReadFlags |
Flags to indicates what the read() method did. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | initDevice () |
Subclasses may override to send device initialization/configuration commands and set up device-specific message handlers. More... | |
bool | waitForData (unsigned long timeout) |
Block until data is read from GPS. More... | |
enum | FixType { NoFix, BadFix, GPSFix, DGPSFix, PPSFix, RTKinFix, FloatRTKinFix, DeadReckFix, ManualFix, SimulatedFix, UnknownFixType, OmnistarConverging = FloatRTKinFix, OmnistarConverged = RTKinFix } |
Data accessors. More... | |
Data | myData |
ArMutex | myMutex |
ArDeviceConnection * | myDevice |
bool | myCreatedOwnDeviceCon |
ArRetFunctorC< bool, ArGPS > | myParseArgsCallback |
ArArgumentParser * | myArgParser |
ArNMEAParser | myNMEAParser |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPRMCHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPGGAHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myPGRMEHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myPGRMZHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myHCHDxHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPGSAHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPGSVHandler |
unsigned int | mySNRSum |
unsigned short | mySNRNum |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPMSSHandler |
ArFunctor1C< ArGPS, ArNMEAParser::Message > | myGPGSTHandler |
const ArGPS::Data & | getCurrentDataRef () const |
Access all of the internally stored data directly. More... | |
FixType | getFixType () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
const char * | getFixTypeName () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
bool | havePosition () const |
(from NMEA GPRMC) | |
bool | haveLatitude () const |
(from NMEA GPRMC) | |
bool | haveLongitude () const |
(from NMEA GPRMC) | |
double | getLatitude () const |
double | getLongitude () const |
ArTime | getTimeReceivedPosition () const |
bool | haveSpeed () const |
(from NMEA GPRMC) | |
double | getSpeed () const |
ArTime | getGPSPositionTimestamp () const |
Timestamp provided by GPS device along with position. More... | |
int | getNumSatellitesTracked () const |
bool | haveDGPSStation () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
unsigned short | getDGPSStationID () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
bool | haveGarminPositionError () const |
double | getGarminPositionError () const |
GPS device's error estimation in meters (from a Garmin-specific message PGRME, most GPS receivers will not provide this) | |
bool | haveGarminVerticalPositionError () const |
double | getGarminVerticalPositionError () const |
bool | haveCompassHeadingMag () const |
Have a compass heading value relative to magnetic north. More... | |
bool | haveCompassHeadingTrue () const |
Have a compass heading value relative to true north (using GPS/compass device's configured declination). More... | |
double | getCompassHeadingMag () const |
Heading from magnetic north. More... | |
double | getCompassHeadingTrue () const |
Heading from true north. More... | |
void | setCompassHeadingMag (double val) |
Manually set compass value. More... | |
void | setCompassHeadingTrue (double val) |
Manually set compass value. More... | |
void | setCompassHeadingMagWithLock (double val) |
Manually set compass value. More... | |
void | setCompassHeadingTrueWithLock (double val) |
Manually set compass value. More... | |
bool | haveAltitude () const |
Altitude above sea level calculated from satellite positions (see also haveAltimiter()) (from NMEA GPGGA, if provided) | |
double | getAltitude () const |
Altitude above sea level (meters), calculated from satellite positions (see also getAltimiter()) (from NMEA GPGGA, if provided) | |
bool | haveAltimeter () const |
Some receivers may have an additional altitude from an altimiter (meters above sea level) (from PGRMZ, if receiver provides it) | |
double | getAltimeter () const |
Some receivers may have an additional altitude from an altimiter (meters above sea level) (from PGRMZ, if receiver provides it) | |
bool | haveHDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
double | getHDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
bool | haveVDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
double | getVDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
bool | havePDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
double | getPDOP () const |
(from NMEA GPGGA) | |
bool | haveSNR () const |
(from NMEA GPGSV) | |
double | getMeanSNR () const |
dB (from NMEA GPGSV) | |
bool | haveBeaconInfo () const |
Whether we have any DGPS stationary beacon info (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
double | getBeaconSignalStrength () const |
DGPS stationary beacon signal strength (dB) (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
double | getBeaconSNR () const |
DGPS stationary beacon signal to noise (dB) (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
double | getBeaconFreq () const |
DGPS stationary beacon frequency (kHz) (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
unsigned short | getBecaonBPS () const |
DGPS stationary beacon bitrate (bits per second) (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
unsigned short | getBeaconChannel () const |
DGPS stationary beacon channel (from NMEA GPMSS) | |
bool | haveErrorEllipse () const |
Whether we have a position error estimate (as standard deviations in latitude and longitude) (from NMEA GPGST) | |
ArPose | getErrorEllipse () const |
Standard deviation of position error (latitude and longitude), meters. More... | |
bool | haveLatLonError () const |
Whether we have latitude or longitude error estimates (from NMEA GPGST) | |
ArPose | getLatLonError () const |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters. More... | |
double | getLatitudeError () const |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters. More... | |
double | getLongitudeError () const |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters. More... | |
bool | haveAltitudeError () const |
double | getAltitudeError () const |
Standard deviation of altitude error, meters. (from NMEA GPGST, if provided) | |
bool | haveInputsRMS () const |
(from NMEA GPGST) | |
double | getInputsRMS () const |
(from NMEA GPGST) | |
void | addNMEAHandler (const char *message, ArNMEAParser::Handler *handler) |
Set a handler for an NMEA message. More... | |
void | removeNMEAHandler (const char *message) |
void | replaceNMEAHandler (const char *message, ArNMEAParser::Handler *handler) |
bool | readFloatFromString (const std::string &str, double *target, double(*convf)(double)=NULL) const |
bool | readUShortFromString (const std::string &str, unsigned short *target, unsigned short(*convf)(unsigned short)=NULL) const |
bool | readFloatFromStringVec (const std::vector< std::string > *vec, size_t i, double *target, double(*convf)(double)=NULL) const |
bool | readUShortFromStringVec (const std::vector< std::string > *vec, size_t i, unsigned short *target, unsigned short(*convf)(unsigned short)=NULL) const |
void | handleGPRMC (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleGPGGA (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handlePGRME (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handlePGRMZ (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleHCHDx (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleGPGSA (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleGPGSV (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleGPMSS (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
void | handleGPGST (ArNMEAParser::Message msg) |
bool | readTimeFromString (const std::string &s, ArTime *time) const |
void | parseGPRMC (const ArNMEAParser::Message &msg, double &latitudeResult, double &longitudeResult, bool &qualityFlagResult, bool &gotPosition, ArTime &timeGotPositionResult, ArTime &gpsTimestampResult, bool &gotSpeedResult, double &speedResult) |
Parse a GPRMC message (in msg) and place results in provided variables. More... | |
static const char * | getFixTypeName (FixType type) |
static double | gpsDegminToDegrees (double degmin) |
static double | knotsToMPS (double knots) |
static double | mpsToMph (const double mps) |
Convert meters per second to miles per hour. | |
static double | metersToFeet (double m) |
static double | feetToMeters (double f) |
GPS Device Interface.
Connects to GPS device over a serial port or other device connection and reads data. Supports GPS devices sending standard NMEA format data (specifically the GPRMC, GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGRME, and optionally GPGSV, PGRMZ, PGRME, HCHDG/T/M and GPHDG/T/M messages). If your GPS device supports several data formats or modes, select NMEA output in its configuration.
The preferred method of creating and setting up a new ArGPS object is to use ArGPSConnector, which creates an instance of ArGPS or a subclass, and creates and opens its device connection, based on command-line parameters. (To manually create an ArGPS object, create an ArDeviceConnection instance and call setDeviceConnection(), then open that device connection and call connect().
For either method, to get new data from the GPS, must call read() or readWithLock() periodically, ideally at a rate equal to or faster than your GPS sends data (usually one second). You can do this from a Sensor Intetrpretation Task in ArRobot, or a seperate thread. If you are calling read() from a loop in a new thread,
Here is an example of calling readWithLock() from a sensor interpretation task. The integer argument given to the functor constructor is a milisecond timeout that is passed to readWithLock() and prevents it from blocking too long if it doesn't read any data. It is important to do this in a robot task, or the robot task cycle will be blocked and cause problems.
If you use your own loop or thread, then it ought to include a call to ArUtil::sleep() for at least several hundred miliseconds to avoid starving other threads, since read() will return immediately if there is no data to read rather than blocking.
For each piece of data provided by this class, there is a flag indicating whether it was received from the GPS and set. Not all GPS models return all kinds of information, or it may be disabled in some way in a GPS's internal configuration, or the GPS may not yet have started sending the data (e.g. still acquiring satellites). Also, not all data will be received by one call to read(), and especially immediately after connecting and starting to read data, it may take a few seconds for data to be obtained. Furthermore, it may take some time for the GPS to calculate data with full accuracy.
This class is not inherently thread safe. Stored data is updated by read(), so if accessing from multiple threads, call lock() before calling any data accessor methods (methods starting with "get"), or read(), and call unlock() when done. You can also call readWithLock() to do a locked read in one function call.
anonymous enum |
Flags to indicates what the read() method did.
i.e. If nothing was done, then the result will be 0. To check a read() return result result to see if data was updated, use (result & ReadUpdated). To check if there was an error, use (result & ReadError).
These happen to match the flags in ArNMEAParser.
enum ArGPS::FixType |
Data accessors.
Access the last received data from the GPS
inline |
Set a handler for an NMEA message.
Mostly for internal use or to be used by related classes, but you could use for ususual or custom messages emitted by a device that you wish to be handled outside of the ArGPS class.
inline |
virtual |
Check that the device connection (e.g.
serial port) is open, and that data is being received from GPS.
Subclasses may override this method so that device-specific initialization commands may be sent.
inline |
Heading from magnetic north.
inline |
Heading from true north.
inline |
Access all of the internally stored data directly.
inline |
Standard deviation of position error (latitude and longitude), meters.
Theta in ArPose is orientation of ellipse from true north, Y is the length of the major axis on that orientation, X the minor. (from NMEA GPGST)
inline |
inline |
Timestamp provided by GPS device along with position.
inline |
inline |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters.
Theta value in ArPose is unused.
inline |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters.
Theta value in ArPose is unused.
inline |
inline |
Standard deviation of latitude and longitude error, meters.
Theta value in ArPose is unused.
inline |
inline |
inline |
Have a compass heading value relative to magnetic north.
inline |
Have a compass heading value relative to true north (using GPS/compass device's configured declination).
inline |
inline |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Subclasses may override to send device initialization/configuration commands and set up device-specific message handlers.
(Default behavior is to do nothing and return true.)
inline |
Locks a mutex object contained by this class.
No other method (except readWithLock()) in ArGPS locks or unlocks this mutex, it is provided for you to use when accessing ArGPS from multiple threads.
void ArGPS::logData | ( | ) | const |
Log last received data using ArLog.
protected |
Parse a GPRMC message (in msg) and place results in provided variables.
(Can be used by subclasses to store results of GPRMC differently than normal.)
void ArGPS::printData | ( | bool | labels = true | ) | const |
Print basic navigation data on one line to standard output, with no newline at end.
virtual |
Read some data from the device connection, and update stored data as complete messages are received.
maxTime | If nonzero, return when this time limit is reached, even if there is still data available to read. If zero, then don't return until all available data has been exhausted or an error occurs. Be careful setting this parameter to 0: read() could block for an arbitrary amount of time, even forever if for some reason data is recieved from the device faster than read() can read and parse it. |
inline |
inline |
Manually set compass value.
inline |
Manually set compass value.
inline |
Manually set compass value.
inline |
Manually set compass value.
inline |
Unlocks a mutex object contained by this class.
No other method (except readWithLock()) in ArGPS locks or unlocks this mutex, it is provided for you to use when accessing ArGPS from multiple threads.
protected |
Block until data is read from GPS.
Waits by calling read() every 100 ms for timeout ms.
enum { ... } ArGPS::ReadFlags |
Flags to indicates what the read() method did.
i.e. If nothing was done, then the result will be 0. To check a read() return result result to see if data was updated, use (result & ReadUpdated). To check if there was an error, use (result & ReadError).
These happen to match the flags in ArNMEAParser.