Aria  2.8.0
ArDPPTUPacket Class Reference

A class for for making commands to send to the DPPTU. More...

#include <ArDPPTU.h>

Inherits ArBasePacket.

Public Member Functions

 ArDPPTUPacket (ArTypes::UByte2 bufferSize=30)
virtual void byte2ToBuf (int val)
virtual void finalizePacket (void)
virtual ~ArDPPTUPacket ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ArBasePacket
 ArBasePacket (ArTypes::UByte2 bufferSize=0, ArTypes::UByte2 headerLength=0, char *buf=NULL, ArTypes::UByte2 footerLength=0)
 Constructor. More...
 ArBasePacket (const ArBasePacket &other)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ArTypes::Byte bufToByte (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::Byte from the buffer.
virtual ArTypes::Byte2 bufToByte2 (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::Byte2 from the buffer.
virtual ArTypes::Byte4 bufToByte4 (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::Byte4 from the buffer.
virtual void bufToData (char *data, int length)
 Gets length bytes from buffer and puts them into data. More...
virtual void bufToData (unsigned char *data, int length)
 Gets length bytes from buffer and puts them into data. More...
virtual void bufToStr (char *buf, int len)
 Gets a string from the buffer. More...
virtual ArTypes::UByte bufToUByte (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::UByte from the buffer.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 bufToUByte2 (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::UByte2 from the buffer.
virtual ArTypes::UByte4 bufToUByte4 (void)
 Gets a ArTypes::UByte4 from the buffer.
virtual void byte2ToBuf (ArTypes::Byte2 val)
 Puts ArTypes::Byte2 into packets buffer.
virtual void byte4ToBuf (ArTypes::Byte4 val)
 Puts ArTypes::Byte4 into packets buffer.
virtual void byteToBuf (ArTypes::Byte val)
 Puts ArTypes::Byte into packets buffer.
virtual void dataToBuf (const char *data, int length)
 Copies length bytes from data into packet buffer. More...
virtual void dataToBuf (const unsigned char *data, int length)
 Copies length bytes from data into packet buffer. More...
virtual void duplicatePacket (ArBasePacket *packet)
 Makes this packet a duplicate of another packet. More...
virtual void empty (void)
 resets the length for more data to be added More...
virtual const char * getBuf (void) const
 Gets a const pointer to the buffer the packet uses.
virtual char * getBuf (void)
 Gets a pointer to the buffer the packet uses.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getDataLength (void) const
 Gets the length of the data in the packet.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getDataReadLength (void) const
 Gets how far into the data of the packet that has been read.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getFooterLength (void) const
 Gets the length of the header.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getHeaderLength (void) const
 Gets the length of the header.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getLength (void) const
 Gets the total length of the packet.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getMaxLength (void) const
 Gets the maximum length packet.
virtual ArTypes::UByte2 getReadLength (void) const
 Gets how far into the packet that has been read.
virtual bool isValid (void)
 Returns whether the packet is valid, i.e. no error has occurred when reading/writing. More...
virtual void log (void)
 ArLogs the hex and decimal values of each byte of the packet, and possibly extra metadata as well.
ArBasePacketoperator= (const ArBasePacket &other)
 Assignment operator.
virtual void printHex (void)
 ArLogs the hex value of each byte in the packet.
virtual void resetRead (void)
 Restart the reading process. More...
virtual void resetValid ()
 Resets the valid state of the packet. More...
virtual void setBuf (char *buf, ArTypes::UByte2 bufferSize)
 Sets the buffer the packet is using.
virtual bool setHeaderLength (ArTypes::UByte2 length)
 Sets the length of the header.
virtual bool setLength (ArTypes::UByte2 length)
 Sets the length of the packet.
virtual void setMaxLength (ArTypes::UByte2 bufferSize)
 Sets the maximum buffer size (if new size is <= current does nothing)
virtual void setReadLength (ArTypes::UByte2 readLength)
 Sets the read length.
virtual void strNToBuf (const char *str, int length)
 Copies the given number of bytes from str into packet buffer. More...
virtual void strToBuf (const char *str)
 Puts a NULL-terminated string into packet buffer. More...
virtual void strToBufPadded (const char *str, int length)
 Copies length bytes from str, if str ends before length, pads data with 0s. More...
virtual void uByte2ToBuf (ArTypes::UByte2 val)
 Puts ArTypes::UByte2 into packet buffer.
virtual void uByte4ToBuf (ArTypes::UByte4 val)
 Puts ArTypes::UByte 4 into packet buffer.
virtual void uByteToBuf (ArTypes::UByte val)
 Puts ArTypes::UByte into packets buffer.
virtual ~ArBasePacket ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ArBasePacket
bool hasWriteCapacity (int bytes)
 Returns true if there is enough room in the packet to add the specified number of bytes.
bool isNextGood (int bytes)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ArBasePacket
char * myBuf
ArTypes::UByte2 myFooterLength
ArTypes::UByte2 myHeaderLength
bool myIsValid
ArTypes::UByte2 myLength
ArTypes::UByte2 myMaxLength
bool myOwnMyBuf
ArTypes::UByte2 myReadLength

Detailed Description

A class for for making commands to send to the DPPTU.

Note, You must use byteToBuf() and byte2ToBuf(), no other ArBasePacket methods are implemented for ArDPPTU. Each ArDPPTUPacket represents a single command. The packet is finalized by adding the delimiter (CR"") before being sent.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: