| ArDPPTU (ArRobot *robot, DeviceType deviceType=PANTILT_DEFAULT, int deviceIndex=-1) |
| Constructor. More...
bool | awaitExec (void) |
| Instructs unit to await completion of the last issued command.
bool | basePanSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the start-up pan slew.
bool | baseTiltSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the start-up tilt slew.
bool | blank (void) |
| Sends a delimiter only. More...
virtual bool | canGetRealPanTilt () const |
bool | canPanTiltSlew () |
virtual bool | canZoom (void) const |
double | getMaxPanAccel (void) |
double | getMaxPanSlew (void) |
double | getMaxTiltAccel (void) |
double | getMaxTiltSlew (void) |
double | getMinPanAccel (void) |
double | getMinPanSlew (void) |
double | getMinTiltAccel (void) |
double | getMinTiltSlew (void) |
virtual const char * | getTypeName () |
bool | haltAll (void) |
| Halts all pan-tilt movement.
bool | haltPan (void) |
| Halts pan axis movement.
bool | haltTilt (void) |
| Halts tilt axis movement.
bool | indepMove (void) |
| Sets motion to indenpendent control mode.
bool | init (void) |
bool | initMon (double deg1, double deg2, double deg3, double deg4) |
| Sets monitor mode - pan pos1/pos2, tilt pos1/pos2.
bool | limitEnforce (bool val) |
| Enables or disables the position limit enforcement.
bool | lowerPanSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the lower pan slew.
bool | lowerTiltSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the lower pan slew.
bool | panAccel (double deg) |
| Sets acceleration for pan axis.
bool | panSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the rate that the unit pans at.
bool | panSlewRel (double deg) |
| Sets the rate that the unit pans at, relative to current slew.
bool | resetCalib (void) |
| Perform reset calibration (PTU will move to the limits of pan and tilt axes in turn and return to 0,0)
bool | tiltAccel (double deg) |
| Sets acceleration for tilt axis.
bool | tiltSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the rate the unit tilts at.
bool | tiltSlewRel (double deg) |
| Sets the rate the unit tilts at, relative to current slew.
bool | upperPanSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the upper pan slew.
bool | upperTiltSlew (double deg) |
| Sets the upper tilt slew.
bool | velMove (void) |
| Sets motion to pure velocity control mode.
virtual | ~ArDPPTU () |
| Destructor.
bool | disableReset (void) |
| Change stored configuration options. More...
bool | resetTilt (void) |
| Configure DPPTU to only reset tilt on future power-up.
bool | resetPan (void) |
| Configure DPPTU to only reset pan on future power up.
bool | resetAll (void) |
| Configure DPPTU to reset both pan and tilt on future power on.
bool | enMon (void) |
| Enables monitor mode at power up.
bool | disMon (void) |
| Disables monitor mode at power up.
bool | saveSet (void) |
| Save current settings as defaults.
bool | restoreSet (void) |
| Restore stored defaults.
bool | factorySet (void) |
| Restore factory defaults.
bool | immedExec (void) |
| Set execution modes. More...
bool | slaveExec (void) |
| Sets unit to slaved-execution mode for positional commands. Commands will not be executed by PTU until awaitExec() is used.
| ArPTZ (ArRobot *robot) |
virtual bool | canGetFOV (void) |
| Whether we can get the FOV (field of view) or not.
virtual bool | canGetRealZoom (void) const |
| Whether getZoom() returns the device's real zoom amount, or last commanded zoom position.
virtual bool | canSetFocus (void) const |
| If the driver can set the focus on the camera, or not.
virtual bool | canSetGain (void) const |
| If the driver can set gain on the camera, or not.
virtual void | connectHandler (void) |
| Internal, attached to robot, inits the camera when robot connects.
virtual int | getAuxPort (void) |
| Gets the port the device is set to communicate on.
virtual ArDeviceConnection * | getDeviceConnection (void) |
| Gets the device connection used by this PTZ camera.
virtual double | getFocus (double focus) const |
| Get the focus the camera is set to. 0 if not supported.
virtual double | getFOVAtMaxZoom (void) |
| Gets the field of view at maximum zoom.
virtual double | getFOVAtMinZoom (void) |
| Gets the field of view at minimum zoom.
virtual double | getGain (double gain) const |
| Get the gain the camera is set to. 0 if not supported.
bool | getInverted () |
| Get whether the camera is inverted (upside down). If true, pan and tilt axes will be reversed.
virtual double | getMaxNegPan (void) const |
| Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted)
virtual double | getMaxNegTilt (void) const |
| Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted)
double | getMaxPan () const |
| Gets the highest positive degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
virtual double | getMaxPosPan (void) const |
| Gets the highest positive degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted)
virtual double | getMaxPosTilt (void) const |
| Gets the highest positive degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted)
double | getMaxTilt () const |
| Gets the highest positive degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
virtual int | getMaxZoom (void) const |
| Gets the maximum value for the zoom on this camera.
double | getMinPan () const |
| Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can pan to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
double | getMinTilt () const |
| Gets the lowest negative degree the camera can tilt to (inverted if camera is inverted) More...
virtual int | getMinZoom (void) const |
| Gets the lowest value for the zoom on this camera.
virtual double | getPan (void) const |
| The angle the camera is panned to (or last commanded value sent, if unable to obtain real pan position) More...
ArRobot * | getRobot () |
| Return ArRobot object this PTZ is associated with. May be NULL.
virtual double | getTilt (void) const |
| The angle the camera is tilted to (or last commanded value sent, if unable to obtain real pan position) More...
virtual int | getZoom (void) const |
| The amount the camera is zoomed to (or last commanded value sent, if unable to obtain real pan position) More...
virtual bool | haltPanTilt () |
| Halt any pan/tilt movement, if device supports it.
virtual bool | haltZoom () |
| Halt any zoom movement, if device supports that.
virtual bool | packetHandler (ArBasePacket *packet) |
| Handles a packet that was read from the device. More...
virtual bool | pan (double degrees) |
| Pans to the given degrees. 0 is straight ahead, - is to the left, + to the right.
virtual bool | panRel (double degrees) |
| Pans relative to current position by given degrees.
virtual bool | panTilt (double degreesPan, double degreesTilt) |
| Pans and tilts to the given degrees.
virtual bool | panTiltRel (double degreesPan, double degreesTilt) |
| Pans and tilts relatives to the current position by the given degrees.
virtual void | reset (void) |
| Resets the camera. More...
virtual bool | robotPacketHandler (ArRobotPacket *packet) |
| Handles a packet that was read by the robot. More...
virtual bool | sendPacket (ArBasePacket *packet) |
| Sends a given packet to the camera (via robot or serial port, depending) More...
virtual void | sensorInterpHandler (void) |
| Internal, for attaching to the robots sensor interp to read serial port.
virtual bool | setAuxPort (int auxPort) |
| Sets the aux port on the robot to be used to communicate with this device. More...
virtual bool | setDeviceConnection (ArDeviceConnection *connection, bool driveFromRobotLoop=true) |
| Sets the device connection to be used by this PTZ camera, if set this camera will send commands via this connection, otherwise its via robot aux. More...
virtual bool | setFocus (double focus) const |
| Set focus on camera, range of 1-100. More...
virtual bool | setGain (double gain) const |
| Set gain on camera, range of 1-100. More...
void | setInverted (bool inv) |
| Set whether the camera is inverted (upside down). If true, pan and tilt axes will be reversed.
virtual bool | tilt (double degrees) |
| Tilts to the given degrees. 0 is middle, - is downward, + is upwards.
virtual bool | tiltRel (double degrees) |
| Tilts relative to the current position by given degrees.
virtual bool | zoom (int zoomValue) |
| Zooms to the given value.
virtual bool | zoomRel (int zoomValue) |
| Zooms relative to the current value, by the given value.
virtual | ~ArPTZ () |
| Destructor.