Aria  2.8.0
ArConfigArg Class Reference

Argument class for ArConfig. More...

#include <ArConfigArg.h>

Public Types

enum  ResourceIndices {
enum  RestartLevel {
 Indicates the components that must be restarted if the parameter is changed.
enum  Type {

Public Member Functions

bool addArg (const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Adds a child arg to this arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns false. More...
bool addToFileParser (ArFileParser *parser, ArRetFunctor3C< bool, ArConfig, ArArgumentBuilder *, char *, size_t > *parserCB, const char *logPrefix="", bool isQuiet=false) const
 Adds given parserCB handler for the appropriate keyword(s) to the given file parser. More...
 ArConfigArg ()
 Default empty contructor.
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, int *pointer, const char *description="", int minInt=INT_MIN, int maxInt=INT_MAX)
 Constructor for making an integer argument by pointer (4 bytes) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, short *pointer, const char *description="", int minInt=SHRT_MIN, int maxInt=SHRT_MAX)
 Constructor for making an int argument thats a short (2 bytes) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, unsigned short *pointer, const char *description="", int minInt=0, int maxInt=USHRT_MAX)
 Constructor for making an int argument thats a ushort (2 bytes) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, unsigned char *pointer, const char *description="", int minInt=0, int maxInt=255)
 Constructor for making an char (1 byte) argument by pointer (treated as int) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, double *pointer, const char *description="", double minDouble=-HUGE_VAL, double maxDouble=HUGE_VAL, int precision=DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION)
 Constructor for making a double argument by pointer. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, bool *pointer, const char *description="")
 Constructor for making a boolean argument by pointer. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, char *str, const char *description, size_t maxStrLen)
 Constructor for making an argument of a string by pointer (see details) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, const char *str, const char *description)
 Constructor for making an argument of a string by pointer (see details) More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, std::string *str, const char *description)
 Constructor for making an argument of a C++ std::string. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, int val, const char *description="", int minInt=INT_MIN, int maxInt=INT_MAX)
 Constructor for making an integer argument. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, double val, const char *description="", double minDouble=-HUGE_VAL, double maxDouble=HUGE_VAL, int precision=DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION)
 Constructor for making a double argument. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, bool val, const char *description="")
 Constructor for making a boolean argument. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, ArRetFunctor1< bool, ArArgumentBuilder *> *setFunctor, ArRetFunctor< const std::list< ArArgumentBuilder *> *> *getFunctor, const char *description)
 Constructor for making an argument that has functors to handle things. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *str, Type type=DESCRIPTION_HOLDER)
 Constructor for just holding a description (for ArConfig)
 ArConfigArg (const char *name, const char *str)
 Constructor for holding an unknown argument (STRING_HOLDER) More...
 ArConfigArg (Type type, const char *name, const char *description)
 Constructs a new named argument of the specified type. More...
 ArConfigArg (Type type)
 Constructs a new argument of the specified type. More...
 ArConfigArg (const char *argName, const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Copy constructor that allows a new name to be assigned.
 ArConfigArg (const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Copy constructor.
void clearValueSet (void)
 Tells the configArg that the value hasn't been set.
void copyAndDetach (const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Copies the given arg to this one, detaching any pointers so they are not shared.
bool copyTranslation (const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Copies the translation data from given arg to this one. More...
const ArConfigArgfindArg (const char *childParamName) const
 Finds the specified child arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns NULL. More...
ArConfigArgfindArg (const char *childParamName)
 Finds the specified child arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns NULL. More...
const ArConfigArggetArg (size_t index) const
 Returns the child arg at the specified index (between 0 and getArgCount()). More...
ArConfigArggetArg (size_t index)
 Returns the child arg at the specified index (between 0 and getArgCount()).
size_t getArgCount () const
 Returns the number of child args. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns 0. More...
std::list< ArConfigArggetArgs (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Returns a list of all child args in this arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns an empty list. More...
const std::list< ArArgumentBuilder * > * getArgsWithFunctor (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the argument value, which is a list of argumentbuilders here.
bool getBool (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the argument value, for bool arguments.
ArPriority::Priority getConfigPriority (void) const
 Gets the priority (only used by ArConfig) More...
std::string getCppString (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Get a copy of the value of the target std::string. More...
const std::string * getCppStringPtr (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Get the internal pointer to the target std::string. More...
const char * getDescription (void) const
 Gets the brief description of the argument. More...
const char * getDisplayHint () const
 Returns the display hint for this arg, or NULL if none is defined.
double getDouble (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the argument value, for double arguments.
int getDoublePrecision (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the decimal precision of the double.
const char * getExtraExplanation () const
 Returns the extra explanation, if any, for this argument.
int getInt (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the argument value, for int arguments.
double getMaxDouble (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the maximum double value. More...
int getMaxInt (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the maximum int value. More...
double getMinDouble (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the minimum double value. More...
int getMinInt (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the minimum int value. More...
const char * getName (void) const
 Gets the name of the argument. More...
ArConfigArggetParentArg () const
 Returns a pointer to the immediate parent arg. If this is not a child ArConfigArg, then returns NULL. More...
std::string getParentPathName (char separator='|') const
 If getParentArg() is not null, then returns the path to the top level, as a single string.
RestartLevel getRestartLevel () const
 Gets the restart level of this parameter (only used by ArConfig)
const char * getString (bool *ok=NULL) const
 Gets the argument value, for string (and string holder) arguments.
bool getSupressChanges (void) const
 Gets if notifications of changes are supressed (for the central server config)
ArConfigArg::Type getType (void) const
 Gets the type of the argument. More...
bool hasArgs () const
 Returns whether the list contains child args. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns false. More...
bool hasExternalDataReference () const
 Returns true if this arg points to a member of another object, false if arg is self-contained.
bool hasMaxBound () const
 Returns whether the arg has a maximum value, currently applicable to INTs and DOUBLEs.
bool hasMinBound () const
 Returns whether the arg has a minimum value, currently applicable to INTs and DOUBLEs.
bool isTranslated () const
 Returns whether the arg has been translated by a resource file.
bool isValueEqual (const ArConfigArg &other) const
 Checks only the name, type, and value attributes and returns whether they are equal.
bool isValueSet (void)
 Gets whether this value has been set since it was last cleared or not.
void log (bool verbose=false, int indentCount=1, const char *logPrefix="") const
 Logs the type, name, and value of this argument.
ArConfigArgoperator= (const ArConfigArg &arg)
 Assignment operator.
bool parseArgument (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, char *errorBuffer, size_t errorBufferLen, const char *logPrefix="", bool isQuiet=false, bool *changed=NULL)
 Sets the value of this arg to the data described in the given ArArgumentBuilder.
bool parseResource (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, char *errorBuffer, size_t errorBufferLen, const char *logPrefix="", bool isQuiet=false)
 Sets the value of this arg to the resource data described in the given ArArgumentBuilder.
void replaceSpacesInName (void)
 Replaces spaces in the name with underscores.
bool setArgWithFunctor (ArArgumentBuilder *argument, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument by calling the setFunctor callback.
bool setBool (bool val, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument value, for bool arguments.
void setConfigPriority (ArPriority::Priority priority)
 Sets the priority (only used by ArConfig) More...
bool setCppString (const std::string &str, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
void setDescription (const char *description)
 Sets the description (normally given in the constructor)
void setDisplayHint (const char *hintText)
 Sets the display hint for this arg. More...
bool setDouble (double val, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument value, for double arguments.
void setExtraExplanation (const char *extraExplanation)
 For arguments that require more than a brief description, set the extra explanation.
void setIgnoreBounds (bool ignoreBounds=false)
 Sets whether to ignore bounds or not (default is to not to) More...
bool setInt (int val, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument value, for int arguments.
void setRestartLevel (RestartLevel level)
 Sets the restart level of this parameter (only used by ArConfig)
bool setString (const char *str, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument value for string arguments. More...
bool setString (const std::string &str, char *errorBuffer=NULL, size_t errorBufferLen=0, bool doNotSet=false)
 Sets the argument value for string arguments. The value of str is copied to the target string.
void setSupressChanges (bool supressChanges)
 Sets if notifications of changes are supressed (for the central server config)
void setTranslated (bool b)
 Sets whether the arg has been translated by a resource file.
bool setValue (const ArConfigArg &source, bool isVerifyArgNames=false)
 If the given source is of the same type, copies its value to this arg. More...
void setValueSet (void)
 For special arg types (such as LIST), sets the flag to indicate the value was set.
bool writeArguments (FILE *file, char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, int startCommentColumn, bool isWriteExtra=false, const char *logPrefix="", int indentLevel=0) const
 Writes this arg to the given file, in a format suitable for reading by parseArgument. More...
bool writeBounds (char *line, size_t lineLen, const char *logPrefix="") const
 Writes the min/max values of this arg to the given buffer, as applicable. More...
bool writeName (char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, int indentLevel) const
 Writes the name of this arg to the given buffer, indenting as specified. More...
bool writeResource (FILE *file, char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, char separatorChar, const char *sectionName, const char *logPrefix="") const
 Writes this arg to the given file, in a format suitable for reading by parseResource.
virtual ~ArConfigArg ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isResourceTopLevel (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns true if the given resource arg is "top-level", i.e. not a list member.
static std::string parseResourceArgName (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the param name contained in the given resource arg.
static bool parseResourceArgText (const char *argText, char *bufOut, size_t bufLen)
 Parses the text obtained from the resource arg, strips surrounding quotes, blanks, and funny chars.
static std::string parseResourceDescription (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the description contained in the given resource arg.
static std::string parseResourceExtra (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the extra explanation contained in the given resource arg.
static std::list< std::string > parseResourceParentPath (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, char separator='|', const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the parent path contained in the resource arg for list members.
static std::string parseResourceSectionName (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the section name contained in the given resource arg.
static Type parseResourceType (ArArgumentBuilder *arg, const char *logPrefix="")
 Returns the arg type contained in the given resource arg.
static RestartLevel restartLevelFromString (const char *text)
 Given a text representation, returns the appropriate RestartLevel.
static std::list< std::string > splitParentPathName (const char *parentPathName, char separator='|')
 Given a parent path, as a single string, splits it in a format useable by ArConfigSection findParam.
static const char * toString (Type t)
 Returns a text representation of the given type, suitable for logging.
static const char * toString (RestartLevel r)
 Returns a text representation of the given RestartLevel, suitable for logging.
static Type typeFromString (const char *text)
 Given a text representation, returns the appropriate Type.
static int writeResourceHeader (FILE *file, char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, char separatorChar, const char *sectionTitle, const char *logPrefix="")
 Writes column labels and edit info to the given resource file, returns number of lines written.
static int writeResourceSectionHeader (FILE *file, char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, char separatorChar, const char *sectionName, const char *sectionDesc, const char *sectionExtra, const char *sectionDisplayName, bool isTranslated, const char *logPrefix="")
 Writes the section description to the resource file.

Static Public Attributes

static const char * LIST_BEGIN_TAG = "_beginList"
 Keyword that indicates the start of an ArConfigArg LIST object, for ArFileParser.
static const char * LIST_END_TAG = "_endList"
 Keyword that indicates the end of an ArConfigArg LIST object, for ArFileParser.
static const char * NEW_RESOURCE_TAG = "xltrNew"
 Resource file keyword that indicates a new entry.
static const char * NULL_TAG = "NULL"
 Resource file keyword that indicates an empty string (cannot write empty for csv).

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool writeMultiLineComment (const char *comment, FILE *file, char *lineBuf, int lineBufSize, const char *startComment)
 Writes the given comment to the specified file, spanning multiple lines as necessary. More...


class ArConfig

Detailed Description

Argument class for ArConfig.

ArConfigArg stores information about a parameter (name, description, type), and a pointer to the variable that will actually store the value. This variable is normally stored and used by whatever class or module has added the parameter to ArConfig. (In addition, there are some special types of ArConfigArg that behave differently such as the "holder" types and separator, these are used internally or in special cases.)

Which constructor you use determines the value type of the ArConfigArg object.

A typical idiom for creating ArConfigArg objects and adding them to ArConfig is to create a temporary ArConfigArg in the call to ArConfig::addParam():

config->addParam(ArConfigArg("MyParameter", &myTarget, "Example Parameter"), "Example Section");

Where config is a pointer to an ArConfig object or subclass, and myTarget is a variable (e.g. int) that is a class member whose instance will not be destroyed before the end of the program, or which will remove the parameter from ArConfig before being destroyed (the pointer to myTarget that is stored in ArConfig must not become invalid.) The ArConfigArg object passed to addParam() will be copied and stored in ArConfig.

Java and Python Wrappers: Swig cannot determine the correct constructor to use based on most target langugages types, so you must use subclasses defined for various types. Or, use the constructor that accepts functors for dealing with arguments. Also, Swig cannot use pointers to change variables, so you must create ArConfigArg objects, passing in default values, and retain references to those objects, in addition to passing them to ArConfig, and read new values from those objects if ArConfig changes; or pass functors to ArConfigArg instead of the initial value.


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Default double precision, originates from previous saving behavior.


Number of argument types.


Number of restart levels.

◆ Type


An invalid argument, the argument wasn't created correctly.


Integer argument.


Double argument.


String argument.


Boolean argument.


Argument that handles things with functors.


Argument that just holds a description.


this one is for holding strings and reading them in and writing them out but not really letting them get sent anywhere (its for unknown config parameters (so they don't get lost if a feature is turned off)


Empty argument that merely acts as a separator within a (large) section.


Pointer to std::string, use like STRING.


Composite argument that contains an ordered list of other args.


Placeholder for composite argument that are not currently active.


Last value in the enumeration.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArConfigArg() [1/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
int *  pointer,
const char *  description = "",
int  minInt = INT_MIN,
int  maxInt = INT_MAX 

Constructor for making an integer argument by pointer (4 bytes)

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [2/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
short *  pointer,
const char *  description = "",
int  minInt = SHRT_MIN,
int  maxInt = SHRT_MAX 

Constructor for making an int argument thats a short (2 bytes)

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [3/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
unsigned short *  pointer,
const char *  description = "",
int  minInt = 0,
int  maxInt = USHRT_MAX 

Constructor for making an int argument thats a ushort (2 bytes)

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [4/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
unsigned char *  pointer,
const char *  description = "",
int  minInt = 0,
int  maxInt = 255 

Constructor for making an char (1 byte) argument by pointer (treated as int)

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [5/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
double *  pointer,
const char *  description = "",
double  minDouble = -HUGE_VAL,
double  maxDouble = HUGE_VAL,

Constructor for making a double argument by pointer.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [6/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
bool *  pointer,
const char *  description = "" 

Constructor for making a boolean argument by pointer.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [7/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
char *  str,
const char *  description,
size_t  maxStrLen 

Constructor for making an argument of a string by pointer (see details)

This constructor can accept both an already-allocated string, or ArConfigArg can to the memory managment itself (reallocation and finally deletion).

If maxStrLen is 0, then ArConfigArg will do its own memory management, with the contents of str copied as the initial value of the internally held string. Otherwise, str must point to an allocated string, with its size given by maxStrLen.

The parameter name and value must not contain any characters with special meaning when saved and loaded from a config file, such as '#', ';', tab, or newline.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries. Use ArConfigArg_String subclass instead (which has no maxStrLen parameter in its constructor)

◆ ArConfigArg() [8/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
const char *  str,
const char *  description 

Constructor for making an argument of a string by pointer (see details)

This constructor can accept a const char str, then it'll take care of the string itself...

The parameter name and value must not contain any characters with special meaning when saved and loaded from a config file, such as '#', ';', tab, or newline.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries. Use ArConfigArg_String subclass instead (which has no maxStrLen parameter in its constructor)

◆ ArConfigArg() [9/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
std::string *  strptr,
const char *  description 

Constructor for making an argument of a C++ std::string.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries.

◆ ArConfigArg() [10/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
int  val,
const char *  description = "",
int  minInt = INT_MIN,
int  maxInt = INT_MAX 

Constructor for making an integer argument.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries. Use ArConfigArg_Int subclass instead.

◆ ArConfigArg() [11/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
double  val,
const char *  description = "",
double  minDouble = -HUGE_VAL,
double  maxDouble = HUGE_VAL,

Constructor for making a double argument.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries. Use ArConfigArg_Double subclass instead.

◆ ArConfigArg() [12/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
bool  val,
const char *  description = "" 

Constructor for making a boolean argument.

Java and Python Wrappers: Not available in Java or Python wrapper libraries. Use ArConfigArg_Bool subclass instead.

◆ ArConfigArg() [13/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
ArRetFunctor1< bool, ArArgumentBuilder *> *  setFunctor,
ArRetFunctor< const std::list< ArArgumentBuilder *> *> *  getFunctor,
const char *  description 

Constructor for making an argument that has functors to handle things.

This constructor is for the functor type of argument, this is for cases that need to be complicated and have more than one argument per name...

such as the sonar in a config file. Where this data needs to be used to construct internal data structures.

nameName of this argument
descriptionDescription of the purpose of this argument
setFunctorWhen an argument is read it is passed to this functor in an ArArgumentBuilder object. The functor should return false if there is an error or problem handling the argument, or true otherwise.
getFunctorSince configuration needs to be serialized to save files on disk or send data over the network etc., this functor will be called to get a list of strings to represent this argument and its value as text in the file etc.
The parameter name and value must not contain any characters with special meaning when saved and loaded from a config file, such as '#', ';', tab, or newline.

◆ ArConfigArg() [14/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( const char *  name,
const char *  str 

Constructor for holding an unknown argument (STRING_HOLDER)

The parameter name and value must not contain any characters with special meaning when saved and loaded from a config file, such as '#', ';', tab, or newline.

◆ ArConfigArg() [15/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( Type  type,
const char *  name,
const char *  description 

Constructs a new named argument of the specified type.

This constructor is used for creating composite (LIST or LIST_HOLDER type) parameters.

◆ ArConfigArg() [16/16]

ArConfigArg::ArConfigArg ( Type  type)

Constructs a new argument of the specified type.

This constructor is useful for creating separators within a config section.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addArg()

bool ArConfigArg::addArg ( const ArConfigArg arg)

Adds a child arg to this arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns false.

If the given child arg is not a separator, then it must have a unique, non-empty name.

argthe ArConfigArg to be added as a child of this composite arg
bool true if the child arg was successfully added; false if an error occurred

◆ addToFileParser()

bool ArConfigArg::addToFileParser ( ArFileParser parser,
ArRetFunctor3C< bool, ArConfig, ArArgumentBuilder *, char *, size_t > *  parserCB,
const char *  logPrefix = "",
bool  isQuiet = false 
) const

Adds given parserCB handler for the appropriate keyword(s) to the given file parser.

For normal args, this method simply adds the parserCB handler for the keyword (i.e.

arg name). For list args, this method adds the parserCB handler for all child arg names. The list arg itself is handled by ArConfig using the special keywords (_beginList and _endList).

parserthe ArFileParser * to which to add the handler
parserCBthe ArFunctor * that will parse the arg when the keyword is found
logPrefixthe char * prefix to use in debug log messages
isQuieta bool set to true if minimal log messages should be generated; false if verbosity is desired.
bool true if the hanlder was successfully added to the parser; false if an error occurred

◆ copyTranslation()

bool ArConfigArg::copyTranslation ( const ArConfigArg arg)

Copies the translation data from given arg to this one.

The translation data currently consists of the description and the extra explanation.

◆ findArg() [1/2]

const ArConfigArg * ArConfigArg::findArg ( const char *  childParamName) const

Finds the specified child arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns NULL.

This method performs a case-insensitive search of the child arg names.

childParamNamethe char * name of the child arg to be retrieved; must be non-empty
ArConfigArg * a pointer to the requested child arg; or NULL if not found.

◆ findArg() [2/2]

ArConfigArg * ArConfigArg::findArg ( const char *  childParamName)

Finds the specified child arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns NULL.

This method performs a case-insensitive search of the child arg names.

childParamNamethe char * name of the child arg to be retrieved; must be non-empty
ArConfigArg * a pointer to the requested child arg; or NULL if not found.

◆ getArg()

const ArConfigArg * ArConfigArg::getArg ( size_t  index) const

Returns the child arg at the specified index (between 0 and getArgCount()).

std::list<ArConfigArg> a list of all of the child arg (copies) in this arg.

◆ getArgCount()

size_t ArConfigArg::getArgCount ( ) const

Returns the number of child args. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns 0.

int the number of child args in this list arg; or 0 if none.

◆ getArgs()

std::list< ArConfigArg > ArConfigArg::getArgs ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Returns a list of all child args in this arg. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns an empty list.

std::list<ArConfigArg> a list of all of the child arg (copies) in this arg.

◆ getConfigPriority()

ArPriority::Priority ArConfigArg::getConfigPriority ( void  ) const

Gets the priority (only used by ArConfig)

The priority of this argument when used in ArConfig.

◆ getCppString()

std::string ArConfigArg::getCppString ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Get a copy of the value of the target std::string.

(If there is a NULL target, return "" and set ok to false if ok is not NULL.)

◆ getCppStringPtr()

const std::string * ArConfigArg::getCppStringPtr ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Get the internal pointer to the target std::string.

Do not modify. (If there is a NULL target, return NULL and set ok to false if ok is not NULL.)

◆ getDescription()

const char * ArConfigArg::getDescription ( void  ) const

Gets the brief description of the argument.

char *, the description of this arg or "" if none

◆ getMaxDouble()

double ArConfigArg::getMaxDouble ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Gets the maximum double value.

This method is applicable only when getType() returns DOUBLE.

okan optional pointer to a bool that can be set by this method to indicate success (true) or failure (false)
double the maximum value of this arg, or HUGE_VAL if none

◆ getMaxInt()

int ArConfigArg::getMaxInt ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Gets the maximum int value.

This method is applicable only when getType() returns INT.

okan optional pointer to a bool that can be set by this method to indicate success (true) or failure (false)
int the maximum value of this arg, or INT_MAX if none

◆ getMinDouble()

double ArConfigArg::getMinDouble ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Gets the minimum double value.

This method is applicable only when getType() returns DOUBLE.

okan optional pointer to a bool that can be set by this method to indicate success (true) or failure (false)
double the maximum value of this arg, or -HUGE_VAL if none

◆ getMinInt()

int ArConfigArg::getMinInt ( bool *  ok = NULL) const

Gets the minimum int value.

This method is applicable only when getType() returns INT.

okan optional pointer to a bool that can be set by this method to indicate success (true) or failure (false)
int the minimum value of this arg, or INT_MIN if none

◆ getName()

const char * ArConfigArg::getName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the argument.

char *, the name of this arg or "" if none

◆ getParentArg()

ArConfigArg * ArConfigArg::getParentArg ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the immediate parent arg. If this is not a child ArConfigArg, then returns NULL.

ArConfigArg * the parent arg, if this is a child in a list arg; otherwise, NULL

◆ getType()

ArConfigArg::Type ArConfigArg::getType ( void  ) const

Gets the type of the argument.

Type the type of this arg, used to determine which other attributes are valid

◆ hasArgs()

bool ArConfigArg::hasArgs ( ) const

Returns whether the list contains child args. Valid only for LIST type; otherwise returns false.

bool set to true if this is a list arg that contains child args; false, otherwise

◆ setConfigPriority()

void ArConfigArg::setConfigPriority ( ArPriority::Priority  priority)

Sets the priority (only used by ArConfig)

The priority of this argument when used in ArConfig.

◆ setDisplayHint()

void ArConfigArg::setDisplayHint ( const char *  hintText)

Sets the display hint for this arg.

The "display hint" is a text string that may be used by the client to improve the display of the argument.

Multiple, non-confilicting display hints may be specified by using the "&&" separator. For example: "Choices:High;;Low&&Visible:PinEnabled=true"

The display hints that are currently supported by MobileEyes and MobilePlanner are described below.

For all ArConfigArg types:

  • Visible:OtherParamName=OtherParamValue

    • The current ArConfigArg will be displayed in the configuration editor only when the other parameter equals the specified value. This is used to vary a set of displayed items based on list choices. The presentation will be similar to the current implementation of child objects in the map.

  • Visible:OtherParamName!=OtherParamValue

    • The current ArConfigArg will be displayed in the configuration editor only when the other parameter does not equal the specified value. This is used to vary a set of displayed items based on list choices. The presentation will be similar to the current implementation of child objects in the map.

  • Visible:OtherParamName>OtherParamValue


  • Visible:false

  • Editable:OtherParamName=OtherParamValue

    • The current ArConfigArg is read-only unless the other parameter equals the specified value. This allows fine-grained dependencies, primarily for small �enabled� flags.

  • Editable:OtherParamName!=OtherParamValue

    • The current ArConfigArg is read-only unless the other parameter equals the specified value. This allows fine-grained dependencies, primarily for small �enabled� flags.

  • Editable:OtherParamName>OtherParamValue

    • The current ArConfigArg is read-only unless the other parameter exceeds the specified value. This is provided primarily for consistency with the Visible case. Its usefulness is questionable.

  • Editable:false

For type STRING:

  • Choices:choice1(;;choice::i)*
    • For example, "Choices:North;;South;;East;;West"
    • To include an empty choice, start the choice list with ;;. For example, "Choices:;;FirstNonEmpty;;SecondNonEmpty"
  • MapItem:type|(Parent|SubType|SubTypeAndParent|SubTypeGlob)|(Optional|Required)
    • For example, "MapItem:Dock|Parent|Optional"
    • If SubTypeGlob is specified, then type may contain wildchar characters * and ?
  • ChildObject:type|(Parent|SubType|SubTypeAndParent|SubTypeGlob)|(Optional|Required)
    • This value is only supported for parameters that are associated with a MapInfo. It allows the application to create a parent/child relationship amongst certain map items. Mapper3 automatically manages the creation of the child items.
    • To specify a default value for the associated parameter, set the ArConfigArg's string value to: ParentTypeName_@_ParameterName_@_DefaultChildTypeName.
  • Macro:taskClass1(;;taskClass::i)*|(Optional|Required)
    • For example, "Macro:Audio;;Camera;;Video|Optional"
  • Macro

    • When used with no qualifiers, there are no task class restrictions and the macro is optional

  • Time:format

    • The format must conform to Qt's QTime format definition. (Briefly: h = hour, m = minute, s = second, z = millisecond, and AP = AM/PM. Double characters indicate that a leading 0 should be used to pad.)
    • For example, "Time:h:mm AP" or "Time:hh:mm:ss"
    • Note that this is a time-of-day, not a duration. Seconds and minutes range from 0 to 59, and hour ranges from 0 to 23 (or 1 to 12 with AM/PM).
    • AP (i.e. AM/PM) only affects the display of the time; the string that is stored in the ArConfigArg should always be converted to 24 hour format.

  • Time

    • When there are no qualifiers, the default format "h:mm AP" is used

  • RobotFile:fileFilterNames|fileFilters
    • where:
      • fileFilterNames is a string that contains the complete displayable names for all of the file filters (e.g. Map files (*.map);;World files (*.wld)), or, empty if no filter needs to be applied, and
      • fileFilters is a string that contains just file extensions for each of the file filters (e.g. *.map;;*.wld"). The number and order of these filters must match that of the fileFilterNames parameter.
    • For example, "RobotFile:Map Files (*.map);;World Files (*.wld)|*.map;;*.wld"
    • For further example, "All audio files (*.ogg *.wav);;Ogg Vorbis files (*.ogg);;WAV files (*.wav);;*.ogg *.wav;;*.ogg;;*.wav"

For type INT:

  • Color

For type BOOL:

  • Checkbox

◆ setIgnoreBounds()

void ArConfigArg::setIgnoreBounds ( bool  ignoreBounds = false)

Sets whether to ignore bounds or not (default is to not to)

This is for debugging and will prevent the bounds checking from happening, you shouldn't normally use it.

◆ setString()

bool ArConfigArg::setString ( const char *  str,
char *  errorBuffer = NULL,
size_t  errorBufferLen = 0,
bool  doNotSet = false 

Sets the argument value for string arguments.

The value must not contain any characters with special meaning when saved and loaded from a config file, such as '#', ';', tab, or newline.

◆ setValue()

bool ArConfigArg::setValue ( const ArConfigArg source,
bool  isVerifyArgNames = false 

If the given source is of the same type, copies its value to this arg.

Note that this method currently only works for the primitive arg types (i.e. int, bool, etc.). It doesn't copy functors or description holders.

sourcethe ArConfigArg whose value is to be copied to this arg
isVerifyArgNamesa bool set to true if the argument value should be set only if the given source has the same name as this argument; the default value is false
bool true if the value was copied; false if the source was of a different (or non-copyable) type

ArLog::log(ArLog::Verbose, "ArConfigArg::setValue() unverified names, cannot set %s to %s", getName(), source.getName());

◆ writeArguments()

bool ArConfigArg::writeArguments ( FILE *  file,
char *  lineBuf,
int  lineBufSize,
int  startCommentColumn,
bool  isWriteExtra = false,
const char *  logPrefix = "",
int  indentLevel = 0 
) const

Writes this arg to the given file, in a format suitable for reading by parseArgument.

filethe FILE * to be written, must be non-NULL
lineBufa char array to be used as a temporary write buffer, must be non-NULL
lineBufSizethe int number of chars in lineBuf, must be positive
startCommentColumnthe int column index at which to indent the arg description / comment
isWriteExtraa bool set to true if the arg priority, display hint, restart level and other later extras should also be written to the file
logPrefixthe char * prefix to use in debug log messages, must be non-NULL
indentLevelthe int level of indentation for the arg (children of lists are indented further); must be non-negative
bool true if the arguments were successfully written; false if an error occurred

◆ writeBounds()

bool ArConfigArg::writeBounds ( char *  line,
size_t  lineLen,
const char *  logPrefix = "" 
) const

Writes the min/max values of this arg to the given buffer, as applicable.

linea char array to be used as a temporary write buffer, must be non-NULL
lineLenthe int number of chars in line, must be positive
logPrefixthe char * prefix to use in debug log messages, must be non-NULL
bool true if the values were successfully written; false if an error occurred

◆ writeMultiLineComment()

bool ArConfigArg::writeMultiLineComment ( const char *  comment,
FILE *  file,
char *  lineBuf,
int  lineBufSize,
const char *  startComment 

Writes the given comment to the specified file, spanning multiple lines as necessary.

commentthe char * string to be written to the file, must be non-NULL
filethe FILE * to be written, must be non-NULL
lineBufa char array to be used as a temporary write buffer, must be non-NULL
lineBufSizethe int number of chars in lineBuf, must be positive
startCommentthe char * text that should prefix the comment on the first line
bool true if the comment was successfully written; false if an error occurred

◆ writeName()

bool ArConfigArg::writeName ( char *  lineBuf,
int  lineBufSize,
int  indentLevel 
) const

Writes the name of this arg to the given buffer, indenting as specified.

lineBufa char array to which to write the name, must be non-NULL
lineBufSizethe int number of chars in lineBuf, must be positive
indentLevelthe int level of indentation for the arg (children of lists are indented further); must be non-negative
bool true if the name was successfully written; false if an error occurred

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