A class containing names for most robot microcontroller system commands. More...
#include <ArCommands.h>
A class containing names for most robot microcontroller system commands.
A class with an enum of the commands that can be sent to the robot, see the robot operations manual for more detailed descriptions.
enum ArCommands::Commands |
Enumerator | |
PULSE | none, keep alive command, so watchdog doesn't trigger |
OPEN | none, sent after connection to initiate connection |
CLOSE | none, sent to close the connection to the robot |
POLLING | string, string that sets sonar polling sequence |
ENABLE | int, enable (1) or disable (0) motors |
SETA | int, sets translational accel (+) or decel (-) (mm/sec/sec) |
SETV | int, sets maximum velocity (mm/sec) |
SETO | int, resets robots origin back to 0, 0, 0 |
MOVE | int, translational move (mm) |
ROTATE | int, set rotational velocity, duplicate of RVEL (deg/sec) |
SETRV | int, sets the maximum rotational velocity (deg/sec) |
VEL | int, set the translational velocity (mm/sec) |
HEAD | int, turn to absolute heading 0-359 (degrees) |
DHEAD | int, turn relative to current heading (degrees) |
SAY | string, makes the robot beep. up to 20 pairs of duration (20 ms incrs) and tones (halfcycle) |
CONFIG | int, request configuration packet |
ENCODER | int, > 0 to request continous stream of packets, 0 to stop |
SETRVDIR | int, Sets the rot vel max in each direction |
RVEL | int, set rotational velocity (deg/sec) |
DCHEAD | int, colbert relative heading setpoint (degrees) |
SETRA | int, sets rotational accel(+) or decel(-) (deg/sec) |
SONAR | int, enable (1) or disable (0) sonar |
STOP | int, stops the robot |
DIGOUT | int, sets the digout lines |
VEL2 | int, independent wheel velocities, first 8 bits = right, second 8 bits = left, multiplied by Vel2 divisor. See manual. |
GRIPPER | int, gripper server command, see gripper manual for detail |
ADSEL | int, select the port given as argument |
GRIPPERVAL | p2 gripper server value, see gripper manual for details |
GRIPPERPACREQUEST | p2 gripper packet request |
IOREQUEST | request iopackets from p2os |
PTUPOS | most-sig byte is port number, least-sig byte is pulse width |
TTY2 | string, send string argument to serial dev connected to aux1 |
GETAUX | int, requests 1-200 bytes from aux1 serial channel, 0 flush |
BUMPSTALL | int, stop and register a stall if front (1), rear (2), or both (3) bump rings are triggered, Off (default) is 0 |
TCM2 | TCM2 module commands, see tcm2 manual for details. |
JOYDRIVE | Command to tell p2os to drive with the joystick plugged into the robot. |
MOVINGBLINK | int, 1 to blink lamp quickly before moving, 0 not to (for patrolbot) |
HOSTBAUD | int, set baud rate for host port - 0=9600, 1=19200, 2=38400, 3=57600, 4=115200 |
AUX1BAUD | int, set baud rate for Aux1 - 0=9600, 1=19200, 2=38400, 3=57600, 4=115200 |
AUX2BAUD | int, set baud rate for Aux2 - 0=9600, 1=19200, 2=38400, 3=57600, 4=115200 |
ESTOP | none, emergency stop, overrides decel |
GYRO | int, set to 1 to enable gyro packets, 0 to disable |
BATTERYINFO | int, requests battery info packets, 0 to stop, 1 for 1, 2 for continuous |
CALCOMP | int, commands for calibrating compass, see compass manual |
SOUND | int, AmigoBot (old H8 model) specific, plays sound with given number |
PLAYLIST | int, AmigoBot (old H8 model) specific, requests name of sound, 0 for all, otherwise for specific sound |
SOUNDTOG | int, AmigoBot (old H8 model) specific, enable(1) or diable(0) sound |
POWER_PC | int, Powers on or off the PC (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_LRF | int, Powers on or off the laser (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_5V | int, Powers on or off the 5v accessories (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_12V | int, Powers on or off the 12v accessories (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_24V | int, Powers on or off the 24v accessories (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_AUX_PC | int, Powers on or off the auxilliary PC (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_TOUCHSCREEN | int, Powers on or off the touchscreen (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_PTZ | int, Powers on or off the PTZ (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_AUDIO | int, Powers on or off the audio (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
POWER_LRF2 | int, Powers on or off the second laser (if the firwmare is set up to do this in its power settings) |
LATVEL | int, sets the lateral velocity (mm) |
LATACCEL | int, sets the lateral acceleration (+, mm/sec2) or lateral deceleration (-, mm/sec2) |
SRECORD | set max. lat. vel. (not available yet) |
MARCDEBUG | < int, (for downloading MTX firmware) byte with 0 for wait, 1 for OK, -1 for ERROR (waiting might take 3-5 seconds for debug messages from MARC, possibly responses, possibly pushed... they are ascii strings that should be logged |
WHEEL_LIGHT | For the wheel lights. |
ABSOLUTE_MAXES | To set the absolute maxes. |
SAFETY_STATE_INFO | int, request safety state info packets (0 == stop, 1 == send once, 2 == send continuous), |
SAFETY_SET_STATE | 2 bytes, first byte which system, second byte for value |
SAFETY_DISABLE_POWER_OFF_TIMER | int, 0 set off, 1 set on |
SIM_SET_POSE | int4,int4,int4 Move robot to global pose in simulator (does not change odometry). Each value is a 4-byte integer. |
SIM_RESET | none, Reset robot's state to original in simulator and reset odometry to 0,0,0. |
SIM_LRF_ENABLE | int, 1 to begin sending packets of data from a simulated laser rangefinder (on the same socket connection), 2 to send extended-information laser packets (with reading flags), 0 to disable LRF |
SIM_LRF_SET_FOV_START | int Set angle (degrees from center) at which the simulater laser takes its first reading (normally -90). |
SIM_LRF_SET_FOV_END | int Set angle (degrees from center) at which the simulated laser takes its last reading (normally 90). |
SIM_LRF_SET_RES | int Set the number of degrees between laser readings (in combination with FOV, determines the number of readings per sweep) (normally 1) |
SIM_CTRL | int,..., Send a simulator meta-command (an operation on the simulator itself). The initial 2-byte integer argument selects the operation. See simulator documentation. |
SIM_STAT | none, Request that the simulator reply with a SIMSTAT (0x62) packet. You must have a packet handler registered with ArRobot to receive its output. See simulator documentation. |
SIM_MESSAGE | string, Display a log message in the simulator. Argument is a length-prefixed ASCII byte string. |
SIM_EXIT | int, Exit the simulator. Argument is the exit code (use 0 for a "normal" exit). |