Aria  2.8.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAr3DPointBase class for points in 3 dimensional cartesian space
 CArActionBase class for actions
 CArActionAvoidFrontThis action does obstacle avoidance, controlling both trans and rot
 CArActionAvoidSideAction to avoid impacts by firening into walls at a shallow angle
 CArActionBumpersAction to deal with if the bumpers trigger
 CArActionColorFollowArActionColorFollow is an action that moves the robot toward the largest ACTS blob that appears in it's current field of view
 CArActionConstantVelocityAction for going straight at a constant velocity
 CArActionDeceleratingLimiterAction to limit the forwards motion of the robot based on range sensor readings
 CArActionDesiredContains values returned by ArAction objects expressing desired motion commands to resolver
 CArActionDesiredChannelClass used by ArActionDesired for each channel, internal
 CArActionDriveDistanceThis action goes to a given ArPose very naively
 CArActionGotoThis action goes to a given ArPose very naively
 CArActionGotoStraightThis action goes to a given ArPose very naively
 CArActionGroupGroup a set of ArAction objects together
 CArActionGroupColorFollowFollows a blob of color
 CArActionGroupInputAction group to use to drive the robot with input actions (keyboard, joystick, etc.)
 CArActionGroupRatioDriveUse keyboard and joystick input to to drive the robot, with Limiter actions to avoid obstacles
 CArActionGroupRatioDriveUnsafeUse keyboard and joystick input to to drive the robot, but without Limiter actions to avoid obstacles
 CArActionGroupStopAction group to stop the robot
 CArActionGroupTeleopAction group to teleopoperate the robot using ArActionJoydrive, and the Limiter actions to avoid collisions
 CArActionGroupUnguardedTeleopAction group to teleoperate the robot using ArActionJoydrive, but without any Limiter actions to avoid collisions
 CArActionGroupWanderAction group to make the robot wander, avoiding obstacles
 CArActionInputAction for taking input from outside to control the robot
 CArActionIRsAction to back up if short-range IR sensors trigger
 CArActionJoydriveThis action will use the joystick for input to drive the robot
 CArActionKeydriveThis action will use the keyboard arrow keys for input to drive the robot
 CArActionLimiterBackwardsAction to limit the backwards motion of the robot based on range sensor readings
 CArActionLimiterForwardsAction to limit the forwards motion of the robot based on range sensor readings
 CArActionLimiterRotAction to limit the forwards motion of the robot based on range sensor readings
 CArActionLimiterTableSensorAction to limit speed (and stop) based on whether the "table"-sensors see anything
 CArActionMovementParametersThis is a class for setting max velocities and accels and decels via ArConfig parameters (see addToConfig()) or manually (using setParameters())
 CArActionMovementParametersDebuggingThis is a class for setting max velocities and accels and decels via ArConfig parameters (see addToConfig());
 CArActionRatioInputAction that requests motion based on abstract ratios provided by diferent input sources
 CArActionRobotJoydriveThis action will use the joystick for input to drive the robot
 CArActionStallRecoverAction to recover from a stall
 CArActionStopAction for stopping the robot
 CArActionTriangleDriveToAction to drive up to a triangle target (e.g. docking station) found from an ArLineFinder
 CArActionTurnAction to turn when the behaviors with more priority have limited the speed
 CArACTS_1_2Communicate with ACTS
 CArACTSBlobA class for the acts blob
 CArAMPTUDriver for the AMPTU
 CArAMPTUCommandsA class with the commands for the AMPTU
 CArAMPTUPacketA class for for making commands to send to the AMPTU
 CArAnalogGyroUse onboard gyro to improve the heading in an ArRobot object's pose value
 CArArgArgument class, mostly for actions, could be used for other things
 CArArgumentBuilderThis class is to build arguments for things that require argc and argv
 CArArgumentBuilderCompareOpComparator that returns true if arg1's full string is less than arg2's
 CArArgumentParserParse and store program command-line arguments for use by other ARIA classes
 CArASyncTaskAsynchronous task (runs in its own thread)
 CArBasePacketBase packet class
 CArBatteryConnectorConnect to robot and battery based on run-time availablitily and command-line arguments
 CArBumpersA class that treats the robot's bumpers as a range device
 CArCallbackListA class to hold a list of callbacks to call sequentially
 CArCallbackList1A class to hold a list of callbacks to call with an argument of type P1 The functors added to the list must be pointers to a subclass of ArFunctor1<P1>
 CArCameraCollectionMaintains information about all of the robot's cameras
 CArCameraCollectionItemInterface for items that add information to the camera collection
 CArCameraCommandsCommands that are supported by the camera (ArPTZ) and video classes
 CArCameraParameterSourceInterface for collection items that also access the camera's parameters
 CArColorA class for holding color information for ArDrawingData
 CArCommandsA class containing names for most robot microcontroller system commands
 CArCompassConnectorUse this class to create an instance of a TCM2 subclass and connect to the device based on program command line options
 CArConditionThreading condition wrapper class
 CArConfigStores configuration information which may be read to and from files or other sources
 CArConfigArgArgument class for ArConfig
 CArConfigGroupContainer for holding a group of ArConfigs
 CArConfigSectionRepresents a section in the configuration
 CArConstFunctor1CFunctor for a const member function with 1 parameter
 CArConstFunctor2CFunctor for a const member function with 2 parameters
 CArConstFunctor3CFunctor for a const member function with 3 parameters
 CArConstFunctor4CFunctor for a const member function with 4 parameters
 CArConstFunctor5CFunctor for a const member function with 5 parameters
 CArConstFunctorCSwig doesn't like the const functors
 CArConstRetFunctor1CFunctor for a const member function with return value and 1 parameter
 CArConstRetFunctor2CFunctor for a const member function with return value and 2 parameters
 CArConstRetFunctor3CFunctor for a const member function with return value and 3 parameters
 CArConstRetFunctor4CFunctor for a const member function with return value and 4 parameters
 CArConstRetFunctor5CFunctor for a const member function with return value and 5 parameters
 CArConstRetFunctorCFunctor for a const member function with return value
 CArDaemonizerSwitch to running the program as a background daemon (i.e
 CArDataLoggerThis class will log data, but you have to use it through an ArConfig right now
 CArDataTagCaseCmpOpComparator used to sort scan data types in a case-insensitive manner
 CArDeviceConnectionBase class for device connections
 CArDPPTUDriver for the DPPTU
 CArDPPTUCommandsInterface to Directed Perception pan/tilt unit, imprementing the ArPTZ interface
 CArDPPTUPacketA class for for making commands to send to the DPPTU
 CArDrawingDataDescribes general properties of a figure to be drawn on screen
 CArECEFCoordsEarth Centered Earth Fixed Coordinates
 CArENUCoordsEast North Up coordinates
 CArExitErrorSourceSmall interface for obtaining exit-on-error information
 CArFileParserClass for parsing files more easily
 CArForbiddenRangeDeviceClass that takes forbidden lines and turns them into range readings
 CArFunctorAn object which allows storing a generalized reference to a method with an object instance to call later (used for callback functions)
 CArFunctor1Base class for functors with 1 parameter
 CArFunctor1CFunctor for a member function with 1 parameter
 CArFunctor2Base class for functors with 2 parameters
 CArFunctor2CFunctor for a member function with 2 parameters
 CArFunctor3Base class for functors with 3 parameters
 CArFunctor3CFunctor for a member function with 3 parameters
 CArFunctor4Base class for functors with 4 parameters
 CArFunctor4CFunctor for a member function with 4 parameters
 CArFunctor5Base class for functors with 5 parameters
 CArFunctor5CFunctor for a member function with 5 parameters
 CArFunctorASyncTaskThis is like ArASyncTask, but instead of runThread it uses a functor to run
 CArFunctorCFunctor for a member function
 CArGenericCallbackListA class to hold a list of callbacks to call GenericFunctor must be a pointer to an ArFunctor or subclass
 CArGlobalFunctorFunctor for a global function with no parameters
 CArGlobalFunctor1Functor for a global function with 1 parameter
 CArGlobalFunctor2Functor for a global function with 2 parameters
 CArGlobalFunctor3Functor for a global function with 3 parameters
 CArGlobalFunctor4Functor for a global function with 4 parameters
 CArGlobalFunctor5Functor for a global function with 5 parameters
 CArGlobalRetFunctorFunctor for a global function with return value
 CArGlobalRetFunctor1Functor for a global function with 1 parameter and return value
 CArGlobalRetFunctor2Functor for a global function with 2 parameters and return value
 CArGlobalRetFunctor3Functor for a global function with 2 parameters and return value
 CArGlobalRetFunctor4Functor for a global function with 4 parameters and return value
 CArGlobalRetFunctor5Functor for a global function with 5 parameters and return value
 CArGPSGPS Device Interface
 CArGPSConnectorFactory for creating GPS interface object (for any kind of GPS supported by ARIA) based on robot parameter file and command-line arguments
 CArGripperProvides an interface to the Pioneer gripper device
 CArGripperCommandsContains gripper command numbers
 CArHasFileNameInterface to access an object's associated file name
 CAriaContains global initialization, deinitialization and other global functions
 CArInterpolationThis class takes care of storing in readings of position vs time, and then interpolating between them to find where the robot was at a particular point in time
 CArIrrfDeviceA class for connecting to a PB-9 and managing the resulting data
 CArIRsA class that treats a robot's infrared sensors as a range device
 CArJoyHandlerInterfaces to a computer joystick
 CArKeyHandlerPerform actions when keyboard keys are pressed
 CArLaserRange device interface specialized for laser rangefinder sensors
 CArLaserConnectorCreate laser interface objects (for any kind of laser supported by ARIA) and connect to lasers based on parameters from robot parameter file and command-line arguments
 CArLaserFilterRange device with data obtained from another range device and filtered
 CArLaserLoggerThis class can be used to create log files for the laser mapper
 CArLaserReflectorDeviceA class for keeping track of laser reflectors that we see right now
 CArLCDConnectorConnect to robot and lcd based on run-time availablitily and command-line arguments
 CArLCDMTXInterface to LCD interface panel on an MTX-type robot
 CArLineRepresents geometry of a line in two-dimensional space
 CArLineFinderThis class finds lines out of any range device with raw readings (lasers for instance)
 CArLineFinderSegmentClass for ArLineFinder to hold more info than an ArLineSegment
 CArLineSegmentRepresents a line segment in two-dimensional space
 CArLineSegmentCmpOpArLineSegment less than comparison for sets
 CArListPosHas enum for position in list
 CArLLACoordsLatitude, Longitude and Altitude Coordinates
 CArLMS1XXPacketReceiverGiven a device connection it receives packets from the sick through it
 CArLMS2xxInterface to a SICK LMS-200 laser range device
 CArLMS2xxPacketRepresents the packets sent to the LMS2xx as well as those received from it
 CArLMS2xxPacketReceiverGiven a device connection it receives packets from the sick through it
 CArLogLogging utility class
 CArLogFileConnectionFor connecting through a log file
 CArMapA map of a two-dimensional space the robot can navigate within, and which can be updated via the Aria config
 CArMapChangeDetailsHelper class used to track changes to an Aria map
 CArMapChangedHelperHelper class that stores and invokes the map changed callbacks
 CArMapFileLineEncapsulates the data regarding a text line in a map file
 CArMapFileLineCompareComparator used to sort ArMapFileLine objects
 CArMapFileLineGroupA group of map file lines which have a logical parent / child relationship
 CArMapFileLineGroupCompareComparator used to sort groups in order of ascending parent text
 CArMapFileLineGroupLineNumCompareComparator used to sort groups in order of ascending parent line number
 CArMapFileLineSetA set of map file line groups
 CArMapFileLineSetWriterFunctor that populates a specified ArMapFileLineSet
 CArMapGPSCoordsCoordinates based on a map with origin in LLA coords with conversion methods from LLA to ENU and from ENU to LLA coordinates
 CArMapIdEnapsulates the data used to uniquely identify an Aria map
 CArMapInfoA container for the various "info" tags in an Aria map
 CArMapInfoInterfaceMethods related to setting and retrieving the various "info" tags in an Aria map
 CArMapInterfaceArMapInterface defines the methods that are available on all Aria maps
 CArMapObjectA point or region of interest in an Aria map
 CArMapObjectCompareComparator for two pointers to map objects
 CArMapObjectsThe collection of map objects that are contained in an Aria map
 CArMapObjectsInterfaceMethods related to setting and retrieving the objects in an Aria map
 CArMapScanThe map data related to the sensable obstacles in the environment
 CArMapScanInterfaceMethods related to setting and retrieving the scan-related data in an Aria map
 CArMapSimpleSimple map that can be read from and written to a file
 CArMapSupplementSupplemental data associated with an Aria map
 CArMapSupplementInterfaceMethods related to miscellaneous extra data in an Aria map
 CArMathCommon math operations
 CArMD5CalculatorCalculates the MD5 checksum when reading or writing a text file using ArFunctors
 CArModeA class for different modes, mostly as related to keyboard input
 CArModeActsMode for following a color blob using ACTS
 CArModeCameraMode for controlling the camera
 CArModeConfigMode for requesting config packet
 CArModeGripperMode for controlling the gripper
 CArModeSonarMode for displaying the sonar
 CArModeTCM2Mode for following a color blob using ACTS
 CArModeTeleopMode for teleoping the robot with joystick + keyboard
 CArModeUnguardedTeleopMode for teleoping the robot with joystick + keyboard
 CArModeWanderMode for wandering around
 CArModuleDynamicly loaded module base class, read warning in more
 CArModuleLoaderDynamic ArModule loader
 CArMTXIOInterface to digital and analog I/O and switched power outputs on MTX core (used in Pioneer LX and other MTX-based robots)
 CArMutexCross-platform mutex wrapper class
 CArNetServerClass for running a simple net server to send/recv commands via text
 CArNMEAParserNMEA Parser
 CArNovatelGPSGPS subclass to support the NovAtel ProPak G2 and other NovAtel "OEM4" devices
 CArNovatelSPANGPS subclass to support the NovAtel SPAN GPS with integrated IMU
 CArP2ArmArP2Arm is the interface to the AROS/P2OS-based Pioneer 2 Arm servers, by means of which the robot microcontroller firmware can control the original 5-DOF Pioneer 2 Arm manipulator
 CArPixelDeviceHolds data from a sensor that provides data arranged in a 2d array
 CArPoseRepresents an x, y position with an orientation
 CArPoseCmpOpArPose less than comparison for sets
 CArPoseUtilClass for finding robot bounds from the basic measurements
 CArPoseWithTimeA subclass of ArPose that also stores a timestamp (ArTime)
 CArPriorityContains enumeration of four user-oriented priority levels (used primarily by ArConfig)
 CArPriorityResolver(Default resolver), takes the action list and uses the priority to resolve
 CArPTZBase class which handles the PTZ cameras
 CArPTZConnectorFactory for creating and configuring interfaces for pan/tilt units or camera pan/tilt/zoom control based on robot parameter file and command-line arguments
 CArPTZParamsStores a set of PTZ/PTU device parameters read from one of the PTZ sections of a robot parameter file
 CArRangeBufferThis class is a buffer that holds ranging information
 CArRangeDeviceThe base class for all sensing devices which return range information from the device (mounted on a robot) to an object in the environment
 CArRangeDeviceThreadedA range device which can run in its own thread
 CArRatioInputJoydriveUse computer joystick to control an ArActionRatioInput and drive the robot
 CArRatioInputKeydriveThis will use the keyboard arrow keys and the ArActionRatioInput to drive the robot
 CArRatioInputRobotJoydriveUse robot's joystick to control an ArActionRatioInput action and drive the robot
 CArRecurrentTaskRecurrent task (runs in its own thread)
 CArResolverResolves a list of actions and returns what to do
 CArRetFunctorBase class for functors with a return value
 CArRetFunctor1Base class for functors with a return value with 1 parameter
 CArRetFunctor1CFunctor for a member function with return value and 1 parameter
 CArRetFunctor2Base class for functors with a return value with 2 parameters
 CArRetFunctor2CFunctor for a member function with return value and 2 parameters
 CArRetFunctor3Base class for functors with a return value with 3 parameters
 CArRetFunctor3CFunctor for a member function with return value and 3 parameters
 CArRetFunctor4Base class for functors with a return value with 4 parameters
 CArRetFunctor4CFunctor for a member function with return value and 4 parameters
 CArRetFunctor5Base class for functors with a return value with 5 parameters
 CArRetFunctor5CFunctor for a member function with return value and 5 parameters
 CArRetFunctorCFunctor for a member function with return value
 CArRingQueueAn expanding ring queue
 CArRobotCentral class for communicating with and operating the robot
 CArRobotBatteryPacketReaderThis class will read a config packet from the robot
 CArRobotConfigClass for controlling robot movement parameters from config
 CArRobotConfigPacketReaderThis class will read a config packet from the robot
 CArRobotConnectorConnect to robot or simulator based on program command line parameters
 CArRobotJoyHandlerInterfaces to a joystick on the robot's microcontroller
 CArRobotPacketRepresents the packets sent to the robot as well as those received from it
 CArRobotPacketReceiverGiven a device connection it receives packets from the robot through it
 CArRobotPacketSenderGiven a device connection this sends commands through it to the robot
 CArRobotParamsStores parameters read from the robot's parameter files
 CArRootMeanSquareCalculatorThis is a class for computing a root mean square average of a number of elements
 CArRunningAverageUse for computing a running average of a number of elements
 CArRVisionPacketA class for for making commands to send to the RVision camera
 CArRVisionPTZControl the RVision camera pan tilt zoom unit
 CArS3SeriesPacketReceiverGiven a device connection it receives packets from the sick through it
 CArSectorsA class for keeping track of if a complete revolution has been attained
 CArSensorReadingA class to hold a sensor reading, should be one instance per sensor
 CArSerialConnectionUtility for connecting to and communicating with devices through a serial port
 CArSickCompatability class used to access SICK LMS-200 laser rangefinder device in versions of ARIA prior to 2.7.0; used alone or with ArSimpleConnector (also deprecated)
 CArSignalHandlerSignal handling class
 CArSimpleConnectorLegacy connector for robot and laser
 CArSimulatedLaserThis class is a subclass of ArRangeDeviceThreaded meant for any planar scanning lasers, like the SICK lasers, Hokoyo URG series lasers, etc
 CArSocketSocket communication wrapper
 CArSonarConnectorConnect to sonar based on robot parameters and command-line arguments
 CArSonarDeviceKeep track of recent sonar readings from a robot as an ArRangeDevice
 CArSonarMTXReceives sonar data from an MTX robot Use ArSonarConnector to establish the connection and create and initiate the ArSonarMTX thread
 CArSonyPacketA class for for making commands to send to the sony
 CArSonyPTZA class to use the sony pan tilt zoom unit
 CArSoundPlayerThis class provides a cross-platform interface for playing short sound samples
 CArSoundsQueueThis class manages a queue of items to play as WAV files or as text to speak using a speech synthesizer
 CArSpeechSynthAbstract interface to speech synthesis
 CArStrCaseCmpOpStrcasecmp for sets
 CArStringInfoGroupThis class takes callbacks from different classes that want this string information and then lets you just add the information here instead of to each individual class
 CArStringInfoHolderHolds information about ArStringInfo component strings (it's a helper class for other things)
 CArStringInfoHolderFunctionsThis class just holds some helper functions for the ArStringInfoHolder
 CArSyncTaskClass used internally to manage the tasks that are called every cycle
 CArSystemStatusUtility to get statistics about the host operating system (CPU usage, wireless link data, etc)
 CArSZSeriesPacketReceiverGiven a device connection it receives packets from the sick through it
 CArTaskStateClass with the different states a task can be in
 CArTCM2Interface to the PNI TCM 2, TCM 2.5, and TCM 2.6 3-axis compass (magnetometer) that can sense absolute heading, as well as pitch, roll, and includes a temperature sensor
 CArTCMCompassDirectTalk to a compass directly over a computer serial port
 CArTCMCompassRobotInterface to a TCM 2/2.5/2.6 3-axis compass through the robot microcontroller
 CArTcpConnectionFor connecting to a device through a TCP network socket
 CArThreadPOSIX/WIN32 thread wrapper class
 CArTimeA class for time readings and measuring durations
 CArTransformPerform transforms between different coordinates
 CArTrimbleGPSGPS subclass to support the Trimble AgGPS and other Trimble GPS devices
 CArTypesContains platform independent sized variable types
 CArUrgHokuyo Urg laser range device
 CArUrg_2_0Hokuyo URG laser range device (SCIP 2.0)
 CArUtilContains various utility functions, including cross-platform wrappers around common system functions
 CArVCC4Control the pan, tilt, and zoom mechanisms of the Canon VC-C4 and VC-C50i cameras
 CArVCC4CommandsUsed by the ArVCC4 class
 CArVCC4PacketUsed by ArVCC4 to construct command packets
 CArVersalogicIOInterface to integrated digital and analog I/O interfaces on Versalogic VSBC8 and EBX-12 Cobra computers (digital IO on 2nd * gen
 CArVideoParamsStores a set of video device parameters read from one of the video sections of a robot parameter file
 CArWGS84All the constants defined by the World Geodetic System 1984
 CArZippableInterface to access and modify a specified zip file
 CP2ArmJointP2 Arm joint info