Class StopOptionHandler

  • public class StopOptionHandler
    extends OptionHandler<java.lang.String>
    OptionHandler for the option terminator --.

    This OptionHandler can be used to implement the special token -- that indicates that the rest of tokens are not options, but arguments.

    For example, if you have the following class:

     class Foo {
       List<String> args;
       int n;

    The command line -n 5 abc def would parse into n=5, args={"abc",def"}, but -- -n 5 abc def would parse into n=0, args={"-n","5","abc","def"}.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • parseArguments

        public int parseArguments​(Parameters params)
                           throws CmdLineException
        Description copied from class: OptionHandler
        Called if the option that this owner recognizes is found.
        Specified by:
        parseArguments in class OptionHandler<java.lang.String>
        params - The rest of the arguments. This method can use this object to access the arguments of the option if necessary. The object is valid only during the method call.
        The number of arguments consumed. (For example, returns 0 if this option doesn't take any parameters.)
      • getDefaultMetaVariable

        public java.lang.String getDefaultMetaVariable()
        Description copied from class: OptionHandler
        Gets the default meta variable name used to print the usage screen. The value returned by this method can be a reference in the ResourceBundle, if one was passed to CmdLineParser.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultMetaVariable in class OptionHandler<java.lang.String>
        null to hide a meta variable.