aqbanking  5.7.8
Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
job.h File Reference
#include <gwenhywfar/list2.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/gwentime.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/logger.h>
#include <aqbanking/error.h>
#include <aqbanking/account.h>
#include <aqbanking/transaction.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef struct AB_JOB AB_JOB


  AB_Job_StatusNew =0, AB_Job_StatusUpdated, AB_Job_StatusEnqueued, AB_Job_StatusSent,
  AB_Job_StatusPending, AB_Job_StatusFinished, AB_Job_StatusError, AB_Job_StatusUnknown =999
enum  AB_JOB_TYPE {
  AB_Job_TypeUnknown =0, AB_Job_TypeGetBalance, AB_Job_TypeGetTransactions, AB_Job_TypeTransfer,
  AB_Job_TypeDebitNote, AB_Job_TypeEuTransfer, AB_Job_TypeGetStandingOrders, AB_Job_TypeGetDatedTransfers,
  AB_Job_TypeCreateStandingOrder, AB_Job_TypeModifyStandingOrder, AB_Job_TypeDeleteStandingOrder, AB_Job_TypeCreateDatedTransfer,
  AB_Job_TypeModifyDatedTransfer, AB_Job_TypeDeleteDatedTransfer, AB_Job_TypeInternalTransfer, AB_Job_TypeLoadCellPhone,
  AB_Job_TypeSepaTransfer, AB_Job_TypeSepaDebitNote, AB_Job_TypeSepaCreateStandingOrder, AB_Job_TypeSepaModifyStandingOrder,
  AB_Job_TypeSepaDeleteStandingOrder, AB_Job_TypeSepaFlashDebitNote, AB_Job_TypeSepaGetStandingOrders


void AB_Job_List2_FreeAll (AB_JOB_LIST2 *jl)
void AB_Job_List2_ClearAll (AB_JOB_LIST2 *jl)
Constructing, Destroying, Attaching

Actually this group does not contain a constructor since you never create an AB_JOB directly. You rather create a derived job (e.g. by using AB_JobGetBalance_new).

void AB_Job_free (AB_JOB *j)
void AB_Job_Attach (AB_JOB *j)
Informational Functions
uint32_t AB_Job_GetJobId (const AB_JOB *j)
const char * AB_Job_GetCreatedBy (const AB_JOB *j)
GWEN_DB_NODE * AB_Job_GetAppData (AB_JOB *j)
int AB_Job_CheckAvailability (AB_JOB *j)
AB_JOB_STATUS AB_Job_GetStatus (const AB_JOB *j)
void AB_Job_SetStatus (AB_JOB *j, AB_JOB_STATUS st)
const GWEN_TIME * AB_Job_GetLastStatusChange (const AB_JOB *j)
AB_JOB_TYPE AB_Job_GetType (const AB_JOB *j)
AB_ACCOUNTAB_Job_GetAccount (const AB_JOB *j)
const char * AB_Job_GetResultText (const AB_JOB *j)
const char * AB_Job_GetUsedTan (const AB_JOB *j)
Transaction Functions
int AB_Job_SetTransaction (AB_JOB *j, const AB_TRANSACTION *t)
AB_TRANSACTIONAB_Job_GetTransaction (const AB_JOB *j)
const AB_TRANSACTION_LIMITSAB_Job_GetFieldLimits (AB_JOB *j)
void AB_Job_SetFieldLimits (AB_JOB *j, AB_TRANSACTION_LIMITS *limits)
Helper Functions
const char * AB_Job_Status2Char (AB_JOB_STATUS i)
AB_JOB_STATUS AB_Job_Char2Status (const char *s)
const char * AB_Job_Type2Char (AB_JOB_TYPE i)
AB_JOB_TYPE AB_Job_Char2Type (const char *s)
const char * AB_Job_Type2LocalChar (AB_JOB_TYPE i)
GWEN_TIME * AB_Job_DateFromDb (GWEN_DB_NODE *db, const char *name)
void AB_Job_DateOnlyToDb (const GWEN_TIME *ti, GWEN_DB_NODE *db, const char *name)
GWEN_TIME * AB_Job_DateOnlyFromDb (GWEN_DB_NODE *db, const char *name)
void AB_Job_DateToDb (const GWEN_TIME *ti, GWEN_DB_NODE *db, const char *name)
Logging Functions

AqBanking logs every activity on a job. These logs can be usefull when something went wrong. If a job performs without problems most of the logs are removed from the job because otherwise the jobs would fill up your disk space.

void AB_Job_Log (AB_JOB *j, GWEN_LOGGER_LEVEL ll, const char *who, const char *txt)
GWEN_STRINGLIST * AB_Job_GetLogs (const AB_JOB *j)