aqbanking  5.7.8
Tutorial 3 (Working With Jobs)

Working with jobs. More...

Working with jobs.

This tutorial shows how to use jobs in AqBanking. In this example we retrieve transaction statements for a given account.

You must either choose a frontend to be used with AqBanking or create one yourself by implementing the user interface callbacks of AqBanking.

However, for simplicity reasons we use the console frontend CBanking which implements these callbacks for you.

There are other frontends, e.g. G2Banking for GTK2/Gnome, QBanking for QT3 or KDE3 or KBanking for KDE3.

begin : Tue May 03 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Martin Preuss
email :
* This file is part of the project "AqBanking". *
* Please see toplevel file COPYING of that project for license details. *
* This tutorial shows how to use jobs in AqBanking. *
* In this example we retrieve transaction statements for a given account. *
* *
* You must either choose a GUI implementation to be used with AqBanking *
* or create one yourself by implementing the user interface callbacks of *
* LibGwenhywfar. *
* *
* However, for simplicity reasons we use the console GUI implementation *
* which implements these callbacks for you. *
* *
* There are other GUI implementations, e.g. for GTK2, QT3, QT4 and FOX16. *
# include <config.h>
#include <gwenhywfar/cgui.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int rv;
GWEN_GUI *gui;
ab=AB_Banking_new("tutorial3", 0, 0);
/* This is the basic init function. It only initializes the minimum (like
* setting up plugin and data paths). After this function successfully
* returns you may freely use any non-online function. To use online
* banking functions (like getting the list of managed accounts, users
* etc) you will have to call AB_Banking_OnlineInit().
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error on init (%d)\n", rv);
return 2;
fprintf(stderr, "AqBanking successfully initialized.\n");
/* This function loads the settings file of AqBanking so the users and
* accounts become available after this function successfully returns.
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error on init of online modules (%d)\n", rv);
return 2;
/* Any type of job needs an account to operate on. The following function
* allows wildcards (*) and jokers (?) in any of the arguments. */
"aqhbci", /* backend name */
"de", /* two-char ISO country code */
"200*", /* bank code (with wildcard) */
"*", /* account number (wildcard) */
"*"); /* sub account id (Unterkontomerkmal) */
if (a) {
AB_JOB *j;
/* create a job which retrieves transaction statements. */
/* This function checks whether the given job is available with the
* backend/provider to which the account involved is assigned.
* The corresponding provider/backend might also check whether this job
* is available with the given account.
* If the job is available then 0 is returned, otherwise the error code
* might give you a hint why the job is not supported. */
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "Job is not available (%d)\n", rv);
return 2;
/* create a job list to which the jobs to be executed are added.
* This list is later given as an argument to the queue execution
* function.
/* add job to this list */
/* When executing a list of enqueued jobs (as we will do below) all the
* data returned by the server will be stored within an ImExporter
* context.
/* execute the jobs which are in the given list (well, for this tutorial
* there is only one job in the list, but the number is not limited).
* This effectivly sends all jobs to the respective backends/banks.
* It only returns an error code (!=0) if there has been a problem
* sending the jobs.
rv=AB_Banking_ExecuteJobs(ab, jl, ctx);
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error on executeQueue (%d)\n", rv);
return 2;
else {
while(ai) {
while(t) {
const AB_VALUE *v;
if (v) {
const char *purpose;
/* The purpose (memo field) might contain multiple lines.
* Therefore AqBanking stores the purpose in a string list
* of which the first entry is used in this tutorial */
if (sl)
fprintf(stderr, " %-32s (%.2f %s)\n",
} /* while transactions */
} /* while ai */
} /* if executeQueue successfull */
/* free the job to avoid memory leaks */
} /* if account found */
else {
fprintf(stderr, "No account found.\n");
/* This function MUST be called in order to let AqBanking save the changes
* to the users and accounts (like they occur after executing jobs).
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error on deinit online modules (%d)\n", rv);
return 3;
/* This function deinitializes AqBanking. It undoes the effects of
* AB_Banking_Init() and should be called before destroying an AB_BANKING
* object.
if (rv) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error on deinit (%d)\n", rv);
return 3;
return 0;