aqbanking  5.7.8
AB_EuTransferInfo (public)

This page describes the properties of AB_EUTRANSFER_INFO


This is the two-character ISO country code (as used in toplevel domains). For Germany use "DE".

Set this property with AB_EuTransferInfo_SetCountryCode, get it with AB_EuTransferInfo_GetCountryCode


This is the list of known field limits for an AB_TRANSACTION. This object remains the owner of lists returned via AB_JobEuTransferInfo_GetFieldLimits.

Set this property with AB_EuTransferInfo_SetFieldLimits, get it with AB_EuTransferInfo_GetFieldLimits


Optional limit for a transfer in local currency.

Set this property with AB_EuTransferInfo_SetLimitLocalValue, get it with AB_EuTransferInfo_GetLimitLocalValue


Optional limit for a transfer in foreign currency.

Set this property with AB_EuTransferInfo_SetLimitForeignValue, get it with AB_EuTransferInfo_GetLimitForeignValue