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Modules | Functions
Collaboration diagram for String routines:


 C (POSIX) locale string functions
 snprintf implementations


int apr_strnatcmp (char const *a, char const *b)
int apr_strnatcasecmp (char const *a, char const *b)
char * apr_pstrdup (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s)
char * apr_pstrmemdup (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, apr_size_t n)
char * apr_pstrndup (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, apr_size_t n)
void * apr_pmemdup (apr_pool_t *p, const void *m, apr_size_t n)
char * apr_pstrcat (apr_pool_t *p,...)
char * apr_pstrcatv (apr_pool_t *p, const struct iovec *vec, apr_size_t nvec, apr_size_t *nbytes)
char * apr_pvsprintf (apr_pool_t *p, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
char * apr_psprintf (apr_pool_t *p, const char *fmt,...)
char * apr_cpystrn (char *dst, const char *src, apr_size_t dst_size)
char * apr_collapse_spaces (char *dest, const char *src)
apr_status_t apr_tokenize_to_argv (const char *arg_str, char ***argv_out, apr_pool_t *token_context)
char * apr_strtok (char *str, const char *sep, char **last)
char * apr_itoa (apr_pool_t *p, int n)
char * apr_ltoa (apr_pool_t *p, long n)
char * apr_off_t_toa (apr_pool_t *p, apr_off_t n)
apr_status_t apr_strtoff (apr_off_t *offset, const char *buf, char **end, int base)
apr_int64_t apr_strtoi64 (const char *buf, char **end, int base)
apr_int64_t apr_atoi64 (const char *buf)
char * apr_strfsize (apr_off_t size, char *buf)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ apr_atoi64()

apr_int64_t apr_atoi64 ( const char *  buf)

parse a base-10 numeric string into a 64-bit numeric value. Equivalent to apr_strtoi64(buf, (char**)NULL, 10).

bufThe string to parse
The numeric value of the string. On overflow, errno is set to ERANGE. On success, errno is set to 0.

◆ apr_collapse_spaces()

char * apr_collapse_spaces ( char *  dest,
const char *  src 

Remove all whitespace from a string

destThe destination string. It is okay to modify the string in place. Namely dest == src
srcThe string to rid the spaces from.
A pointer to the destination string's null terminator.

◆ apr_cpystrn()

char * apr_cpystrn ( char *  dst,
const char *  src,
apr_size_t  dst_size 

Copy up to dst_size characters from src to dst; does not copy past a NUL terminator in src, but always terminates dst with a NUL regardless.

dstThe destination string
srcThe source string
dst_sizeThe space available in dst; dst always receives NUL termination, so if src is longer than dst_size, the actual number of characters copied is dst_size - 1.
Pointer to the NUL terminator of the destination string, dst
Note the differences between this function and strncpy():
 1) strncpy() doesn't always NUL terminate; apr_cpystrn() does.
 2) strncpy() pads the destination string with NULs, which is often 
    unnecessary; apr_cpystrn() does not.
 3) strncpy() returns a pointer to the beginning of the dst string;
    apr_cpystrn() returns a pointer to the NUL terminator of dst, 
    to allow a check for truncation.

◆ apr_itoa()

char * apr_itoa ( apr_pool_t p,
int  n 

create a string representation of an int, allocated from a pool

pThe pool from which to allocate
nThe number to format
The string representation of the number

◆ apr_ltoa()

char * apr_ltoa ( apr_pool_t p,
long  n 

create a string representation of a long, allocated from a pool

pThe pool from which to allocate
nThe number to format
The string representation of the number

◆ apr_off_t_toa()

char * apr_off_t_toa ( apr_pool_t p,
apr_off_t  n 

create a string representation of an apr_off_t, allocated from a pool

pThe pool from which to allocate
nThe number to format
The string representation of the number

◆ apr_pmemdup()

void * apr_pmemdup ( apr_pool_t p,
const void *  m,
apr_size_t  n 

Duplicate a block of memory.

pThe pool to allocate from
mThe memory to duplicate
nThe number of bytes to duplicate
The new block of memory or NULL if m == NULL

◆ apr_psprintf()

char * apr_psprintf ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  fmt,

printf-style style printing routine. The data is output to a string allocated from a pool

pThe pool to allocate out of
fmtThe format of the string
...The arguments to use while printing the data
The new string

◆ apr_pstrcat()

char * apr_pstrcat ( apr_pool_t p,

Concatenate multiple strings, allocating memory out a pool

pThe pool to allocate out of
...The strings to concatenate. The final string must be NULL
The new string

◆ apr_pstrcatv()

char * apr_pstrcatv ( apr_pool_t p,
const struct iovec *  vec,
apr_size_t  nvec,
apr_size_t *  nbytes 

Concatenate multiple strings specified in a writev-style vector

pThe pool from which to allocate
vecThe strings to concatenate
nvecThe number of strings to concatenate
nbytes(output) strlen of new string (pass in NULL to omit)
The new string

◆ apr_pstrdup()

char * apr_pstrdup ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s 

duplicate a string into memory allocated out of a pool

pThe pool to allocate out of
sThe string to duplicate
The new string or NULL if s == NULL

◆ apr_pstrmemdup()

char * apr_pstrmemdup ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s,
apr_size_t  n 

Create a null-terminated string by making a copy of a sequence of characters and appending a null byte

pThe pool to allocate out of
sThe block of characters to duplicate
nThe number of characters to duplicate
The new string or NULL if s == NULL
This is a faster alternative to apr_pstrndup(), for use when you know that the string being duplicated really has 'n' or more characters. If the string might contain fewer characters, use apr_pstrndup().

◆ apr_pstrndup()

char * apr_pstrndup ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s,
apr_size_t  n 

Duplicate at most n characters of a string into memory allocated out of a pool; the new string will be NUL-terminated

pThe pool to allocate out of
sThe string to duplicate
nThe maximum number of characters to duplicate
The new string or NULL if s == NULL
The amount of memory allocated from the pool is the length of the returned string including the NUL terminator

◆ apr_pvsprintf()

char * apr_pvsprintf ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  ap 

printf-style style printing routine. The data is output to a string allocated from a pool

pThe pool to allocate out of
fmtThe format of the string
apThe arguments to use while printing the data
The new string

◆ apr_strfsize()

char * apr_strfsize ( apr_off_t  size,
char *  buf 

Format a binary size (magnitiudes are 2^10 rather than 10^3) from an apr_off_t, as bytes, K, M, T, etc, to a four character compacted human readable string.

sizeThe size to format
bufThe 5 byte text buffer (counting the trailing null)
The buf passed to apr_strfsize()
All negative sizes report ' - ', apr_strfsize only formats positive values.

◆ apr_strnatcasecmp()

int apr_strnatcasecmp ( char const *  a,
char const *  b 

Do a natural order comparison of two strings ignoring the case of the strings.

aThe first string to compare
bThe second string to compare
Either <0, 0, or >0. If the first string is less than the second this returns <0, if they are equivalent it returns 0, and if the first string is greater than second string it retuns >0.

◆ apr_strnatcmp()

int apr_strnatcmp ( char const *  a,
char const *  b 

Do a natural order comparison of two strings.

aThe first string to compare
bThe second string to compare
Either <0, 0, or >0. If the first string is less than the second this returns <0, if they are equivalent it returns 0, and if the first string is greater than second string it retuns >0.

◆ apr_strtoff()

apr_status_t apr_strtoff ( apr_off_t *  offset,
const char *  buf,
char **  end,
int  base 

Convert a numeric string into an apr_off_t numeric value.

offsetThe value of the parsed string.
bufThe string to parse. It may contain optional whitespace, followed by an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative) character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16, followed by numeric digits appropriate for base.
endA pointer to the end of the valid character in buf. If not NULL, it is set to the first invalid character in buf.
baseA numeric base in the range between 2 and 36 inclusive, or 0. If base is zero, buf will be treated as base ten unless its digits are prefixed with '0x', in which case it will be treated as base 16.
*end breaks type safety; where *buf is const, *end needs to be declared as const in APR 2.0

◆ apr_strtoi64()

apr_int64_t apr_strtoi64 ( const char *  buf,
char **  end,
int  base 

parse a numeric string into a 64-bit numeric value

bufThe string to parse. It may contain optional whitespace, followed by an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative) character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16, followed by numeric digits appropriate for base.
endA pointer to the end of the valid character in buf. If not NULL, it is set to the first invalid character in buf.
baseA numeric base in the range between 2 and 36 inclusive, or 0. If base is zero, buf will be treated as base ten unless its digits are prefixed with '0x', in which case it will be treated as base 16.
The numeric value of the string. On overflow, errno is set to ERANGE. On success, errno is set to 0.

◆ apr_strtok()

char * apr_strtok ( char *  str,
const char *  sep,
char **  last 

Split a string into separate null-terminated tokens. The tokens are delimited in the string by one or more characters from the sep argument.

strThe string to separate; this should be specified on the first call to apr_strtok() for a given string, and NULL on subsequent calls.
sepThe set of delimiters
lastState saved by apr_strtok() between calls.
The next token from the string
the 'last' state points to the trailing NUL char of the final token, otherwise it points to the character following the current token (all successive or empty occurances of sep are skiped on the subsequent call to apr_strtok). Therefore it is possible to avoid a strlen() determination, with the following logic; toklen = last - retval; if (*last) –toklen;

◆ apr_tokenize_to_argv()

apr_status_t apr_tokenize_to_argv ( const char *  arg_str,
char ***  argv_out,
apr_pool_t token_context 

Convert the arguments to a program from one string to an array of strings terminated by a NULL pointer

arg_strThe arguments to convert
argv_outOutput location. This is a pointer to an array of strings.
token_contextPool to use.