// The following code illustrates how the ACE_Dumpable mechanisms are // integrated into ACE components like the SOCK_Acceptor and // SOCK_Stream. #include "ace/OS_main.h" #include "ace/Dump.h" #include "test_dump.h" #include "ace/Reactor.h" int ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { SOCK outer_sock; // Note that the SOCK superclass is *not* printed. SOCK_Stream outer_stream; SOCK_Acceptor outer_acceptor; ACE_ODB::instance ()->dump_objects (); { SOCK inner_sock; // Note that the SOCK superclass is *not* printed. SOCK_Stream inner_stream; SOCK_Acceptor inner_acceptor; ACE_ODB::instance ()->dump_objects (); } ACE_ODB::instance ()->dump_objects (); return 0; }