#include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/Truncate.h" #include "Options.h" #include "Supplier_Router.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) typedef Acceptor_Factory SUPPLIER_FACTORY; int Supplier_Handler::open (void *a) { SUPPLIER_FACTORY *af = (SUPPLIER_FACTORY *) a; this->router_task_ = af->router (); return this->Peer_Handler::open (a); } Supplier_Handler::Supplier_Handler (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm) : Peer_Handler (tm) { } // Create a new router and associate it with the REACTOR parameter.. Supplier_Router::Supplier_Router (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm) : SUPPLIER_ROUTER (tm) { } // Handle incoming messages in a separate thread.. int Supplier_Router::svc (void) { ACE_ASSERT (this->is_writer ()); ACE_Message_Block *message_block = 0; if (options.debug ()) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) starting svc in %s\n", this->name ())); while (this->getq (message_block) > 0) { if (this->put_next (message_block) == -1) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) put_next failed in %s\n", this->name ()), -1); } return 0; } // Initialize the Router.. int Supplier_Router::open (void *) { ACE_ASSERT (this->is_writer ()); ACE_TCHAR *argv[3]; argv[0] = (ACE_TCHAR *)this->name (); argv[1] = (ACE_TCHAR *)options.supplier_file (); argv[2] = 0; if (this->init (1, &argv[1]) == -1) return -1; // Make this an active object. // return this->activate (options.t_flags ()); // Until that's done, return 1 to indicate that the object wasn't activated. return 1; } // Close down the router.. int Supplier_Router::close (u_long) { ACE_ASSERT (this->is_writer ()); this->peer_map_.close (); this->msg_queue ()->deactivate(); return 0; } // Send a MESSAGE_BLOCK to the supplier(s).. int Supplier_Router::put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *) { ACE_ASSERT (this->is_writer ()); if (mb->msg_type () == ACE_Message_Block::MB_IOCTL) { this->control (mb); return this->put_next (mb); } else { //printf("supplier-Router is routing: send_peers\n"); return this->send_peers (mb); } } // Return information about the Supplier_Router ACE_Module.. int Supplier_Router::info (ACE_TCHAR **strp, size_t length) const { ACE_TCHAR buf[BUFSIZ]; ACE_UPIPE_Addr addr; const ACE_TCHAR *module_name = this->name (); ACE_UPIPE_Acceptor &sa = (ACE_UPIPE_Acceptor &) *this->acceptor_; if (sa.get_local_addr (addr) == -1) return -1; #if !defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR) # define FMTSTR ACE_TEXT ("%ls\t %ls/ %ls") #else # define FMTSTR ACE_TEXT ("%s\t %s/ %s") #endif ACE_OS::sprintf (buf, FMTSTR, module_name, ACE_TEXT ("upipe"), ACE_TEXT ("# supplier router\n")); if (*strp == 0 && (*strp = ACE_OS::strdup (module_name)) == 0) return -1; else ACE_OS::strncpy (*strp, module_name, length); return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast (ACE_OS::strlen (module_name)); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */