krb5_build_principal - Build a principal name using null-terminated strings.

krb5_error_code krb5_build_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *princ, unsigned int rlen, const char *realm, ...)

[in] context - Library context

[out] princ - Principal name

[in] rlen - Realm name length

[in] realm - Realm name

  • 0 Success

  • Kerberos error codes

Call krb5_free_principal() to free princ when it is no longer needed.

Beginning with release 1.20, the name type of the principal will be inferred as KRB5_NT_SRV_INST or KRB5_NT_WELLKNOWN based on the principal name. The type will be KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL if a type cannot be inferred.


krb5_build_principal() and krb5_build_principal_alloc_va() perform the same task. krb5_build_principal() takes variadic arguments. krb5_build_principal_alloc_va() takes a pre-computed varargs pointer.