keystone.token.providers.fernet.core module

keystone.token.providers.fernet.core module

class keystone.token.providers.fernet.core.Provider(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Provider


Generate a token based on the information provided.


token (keystone.models.token.TokenModel) – A token object containing information about the authorization context of the request.


tuple containing an ID for the token and the issued at time of the token (token_id, issued_at).


Validate a given token by its ID and return the token_data.


token_id (str) – the unique ID of the token


token data as a tuple in the form of:

(user_id, methods, audit_ids, system, domain_id, project_id,

trust_id, federated_group_ids, identity_provider_id, protocol_id, access_token_id, app_cred_id, issued_at, expires_at)

user_id is the unique ID of the user as a string methods a list of authentication methods used to obtain the token audit_ids a list of audit IDs for the token system a dictionary containing system scope if system-scoped domain_id the unique ID of the domain if domain-scoped project_id the unique ID of the project if project-scoped trust_id the unique identifier of the trust if trust-scoped federated_group_ids list of federated group IDs identity_provider_id unique ID of the user’s identity provider protocol_id unique ID of the protocol used to obtain the token access_token_id the unique ID of the access_token for OAuth1 tokens app_cred_id the unique ID of the application credential issued_at a datetime object of when the token was minted expires_at a datetime object of when the token expires


keystone.exception.TokenNotFound – If the token doesn’t exist.

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