
Source code for keystone.common.validation

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"""Request body validating middleware for OpenStack Identity resources."""

from keystone.common.validation import validators

[docs]def lazy_validate(request_body_schema, resource_to_validate): """A non-decorator way to validate a request, to be used inline. :param request_body_schema: a schema to validate the resource reference :param resource_to_validate: dictionary to validate :raises keystone.exception.ValidationError: if `resource_to_validate` is None. (see wrapper method below). :raises TypeError: at decoration time when the expected resource to validate isn't found in the decorated method's signature """ schema_validator = validators.SchemaValidator(request_body_schema) schema_validator.validate(resource_to_validate)
[docs]def nullable(property_schema): """Clone a property schema into one that is nullable. :param dict property_schema: schema to clone into a nullable schema :returns: a new dict schema """ # TODO(dstanek): deal with the case where type is already a list; we don't # do that yet so I'm not wasting time on it new_schema = property_schema.copy() new_schema['type'] = [property_schema['type'], 'null'] # NOTE(kmalloc): If enum is specified (such as our boolean case) ensure we # add null to the enum as well so that null can be passed/validated as # expected. Without adding to the enum, null will not validate as enum is # explicitly listing valid values. According to the JSON Schema # specification, the values must be unique in the enum array. if 'enum' in new_schema and None not in new_schema['enum']: # In the enum the 'null' is NoneType new_schema['enum'].append(None) return new_schema
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