# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
from alembic import command as alembic_api
from alembic import config as alembic_config
from alembic import migration as alembic_migration
from alembic import script as alembic_script
from migrate import exceptions as migrate_exceptions
from migrate.versioning import api as migrate_api
from migrate.versioning import repository as migrate_repository
from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
from oslo_log import log as logging
from keystone.common import sql
import keystone.conf
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ALEMBIC_INIT_VERSION = '27e647c0fad4'
EXPAND_BRANCH = 'expand'
DATA_MIGRATION_BRANCH = 'data_migration'
CONTRACT_BRANCH = 'contract'
VERSIONS_PATH = os.path.join(
def _find_migrate_repo(branch):
"""Get the project's change script repository
:param branch: Name of the repository "branch" to be used; this will be
transformed to repository path.
:returns: An instance of ``migrate.versioning.repository.Repository``
abs_path = os.path.abspath(
if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
raise db_exception.DBMigrationError("Path %s not found" % abs_path)
return migrate_repository.Repository(abs_path)
def _find_alembic_conf():
"""Get the project's alembic configuration
:returns: An instance of ``alembic.config.Config``
path = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'alembic.ini',
config = alembic_config.Config(os.path.abspath(path))
config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', CONF.database.connection)
# we don't want to use the logger configuration from the file, which is
# only really intended for the CLI
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/42691781/613428
config.attributes['configure_logger'] = False
# we want to scan all the versioned subdirectories
version_paths = [VERSIONS_PATH]
for release in RELEASES:
version_path = os.path.join(VERSIONS_PATH, release, branch)
config.set_main_option('version_locations', ' '.join(version_paths))
return config
def _get_current_heads(engine, config):
script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
with engine.connect() as conn:
context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure(conn)
heads = context.get_current_heads()
heads_map = {}
for head in heads:
if CONTRACT_BRANCH in script.get_revision(head).branch_labels:
heads_map[CONTRACT_BRANCH] = head
heads_map[EXPAND_BRANCH] = head
return heads_map
[docs]def get_current_heads():
"""Get the current head of each the expand and contract branches."""
config = _find_alembic_conf()
with sql.session_for_read() as session:
engine = session.get_bind()
# discard the URL encoded in alembic.ini in favour of the URL
# configured for the engine by the database fixtures, casting from
# 'sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL' to str in the process. This returns a
# RFC-1738 quoted URL, which means that a password like "foo@" will be
# turned into "foo%40". This in turns causes a problem for
# set_main_option() because that uses ConfigParser.set, which (by
# design) uses *python* interpolation to write the string out ... where
# "%" is the special python interpolation character! Avoid this
# mismatch by quoting all %'s for the set below.
engine_url = str(engine.url).replace('%', '%%')
config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', str(engine_url))
heads = _get_current_heads(engine, config)
return heads
def _is_database_under_migrate_control(engine):
# if any of the repos is present, they're all present (in theory, at least)
repository = _find_migrate_repo('expand')
migrate_api.db_version(engine, repository)
return True
except migrate_exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError:
return False
def _is_database_under_alembic_control(engine):
with engine.connect() as conn:
context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure(conn)
return bool(context.get_current_heads())
def _init_alembic_on_legacy_database(engine, config):
"""Init alembic in an existing environment with sqlalchemy-migrate."""
'The database is still under sqlalchemy-migrate control; '
'applying any remaining sqlalchemy-migrate-based migrations '
'and fake applying the initial alembic migration'
# bring all repos up to date; note that we're relying on the fact that
# there aren't any "real" contract migrations left (since the great squash
# of migrations in yoga) so we're really only applying the expand side of
# '079_expand_update_local_id_limit' and the rest are for completeness'
# sake
repository = _find_migrate_repo(branch or 'expand')
migrate_api.upgrade(engine, repository)
# re-use the connection rather than creating a new one
with engine.begin() as connection:
config.attributes['connection'] = connection
alembic_api.stamp(config, ALEMBIC_INIT_VERSION)
def _upgrade_alembic(engine, config, branch):
revision = 'heads'
if branch:
revision = f'{branch}@head'
# re-use the connection rather than creating a new one
with engine.begin() as connection:
config.attributes['connection'] = connection
alembic_api.upgrade(config, revision)
[docs]def get_db_version(branch=EXPAND_BRANCH, *, engine=None):
config = _find_alembic_conf()
if engine is None:
with sql.session_for_read() as session:
engine = session.get_bind()
# discard the URL encoded in alembic.ini in favour of the URL
# configured for the engine by the database fixtures, casting from
# 'sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL' to str in the process. This returns a
# RFC-1738 quoted URL, which means that a password like "foo@" will be
# turned into "foo%40". This in turns causes a problem for
# set_main_option() because that uses ConfigParser.set, which (by
# design) uses *python* interpolation to write the string out ... where
# "%" is the special python interpolation character! Avoid this
# mismatch by quoting all %'s for the set below.
engine_url = str(engine.url).replace('%', '%%')
config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', str(engine_url))
migrate_version = None
if _is_database_under_migrate_control(engine):
repository = _find_migrate_repo(branch)
migrate_version = migrate_api.db_version(engine, repository)
alembic_version = None
if _is_database_under_alembic_control(engine):
# we use '.get' since the particular branch might not have been created
alembic_version = _get_current_heads(engine, config).get(branch)
return alembic_version or migrate_version
def _db_sync(branch=None, *, engine=None):
config = _find_alembic_conf()
if engine is None:
with sql.session_for_write() as session:
engine = session.get_bind()
# discard the URL encoded in alembic.ini in favour of the URL
# configured for the engine by the database fixtures, casting from
# 'sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL' to str in the process. This returns a
# RFC-1738 quoted URL, which means that a password like "foo@" will be
# turned into "foo%40". This in turns causes a problem for
# set_main_option() because that uses ConfigParser.set, which (by
# design) uses *python* interpolation to write the string out ... where
# "%" is the special python interpolation character! Avoid this
# mismatch by quoting all %'s for the set below.
engine_url = str(engine.url).replace('%', '%%')
config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', str(engine_url))
# if we're in a deployment where sqlalchemy-migrate is already present,
# then apply all the updates for that and fake apply the initial
# alembic migration; if we're not then 'upgrade' will take care of
# everything this should be a one-time operation
if (
not _is_database_under_alembic_control(engine) and
_init_alembic_on_legacy_database(engine, config)
_upgrade_alembic(engine, config, branch)
def _validate_upgrade_order(branch, *, engine=None):
"""Validate the upgrade order of the migration branches.
This is run before allowing the db_sync command to execute. Ensure the
expand steps have been run before the contract steps.
:param branch: The name of the branch that the user is trying to
if branch == EXPAND_BRANCH:
# this is a no-op in alembic land
config = _find_alembic_conf()
if engine is None:
with sql.session_for_read() as session:
engine = session.get_bind()
script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
expand_head = None
for head in script.get_heads():
if EXPAND_BRANCH in script.get_revision(head).branch_labels:
expand_head = head
with engine.connect() as conn:
context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure(conn)
current_heads = context.get_current_heads()
if expand_head not in current_heads:
raise db_exception.DBMigrationError(
'You are attempting to upgrade contract ahead of expand. '
'Please refer to '
'identity-upgrading.html '
'to see the proper steps for rolling upgrades.'
[docs]def expand_schema(engine=None):
"""Expand the database schema ahead of data migration.
This is run manually by the keystone-manage command before the first
keystone node is migrated to the latest release.
_validate_upgrade_order(EXPAND_BRANCH, engine=engine)
_db_sync(EXPAND_BRANCH, engine=engine)
[docs]def migrate_data(engine=None):
"""Migrate data to match the new schema.
This is run manually by the keystone-manage command once the keystone
schema has been expanded for the new release.
'Data migrations are no longer supported with alembic. '
'This is now a no-op.'
[docs]def contract_schema(engine=None):
"""Contract the database.
This is run manually by the keystone-manage command once the keystone
nodes have been upgraded to the latest release and will remove any old
tables/columns that are no longer required.
_validate_upgrade_order(CONTRACT_BRANCH, engine=engine)
_db_sync(CONTRACT_BRANCH, engine=engine)
[docs]def offline_sync_database_to_version(version=None, *, engine=None):
"""Perform and off-line sync of the database.
Migrate the database up to the latest version, doing the equivalent of
the cycle of --expand, --migrate and --contract, for when an offline
upgrade is being performed.
If a version is specified then only migrate the database up to that
version. Downgrading is not supported. If version is specified, then only
the main database migration is carried out - and the expand, migration and
contract phases will NOT be run.
if version:
raise Exception('Specifying a version is no longer supported')
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