
Source code for keystone.common.resource_options.core

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"""Options specific to resources managed by Keystone (Domain, User, etc)."""

from keystone.common import validation
from keystone.i18n import _

def _validator(value):

[docs]def boolean_validator(value): if value not in (True, False): raise TypeError(_('Expected boolean value, got %r') % type(value))
[docs]def ref_mapper_to_dict_options(ref): """Convert the values in _resource_option_mapper to options dict. NOTE: this is to be called from the relevant `to_dict` methods or similar and must be called from within the active session context. :param ref: the DB model ref to extract options from :returns: Dict of options as expected to be returned out of to_dict in the `options` key. """ options = {} for opt in ref._resource_option_mapper.values(): if opt.option_id in ref.resource_options_registry.option_ids: r_opt = ref.resource_options_registry.get_option_by_id( opt.option_id) if r_opt is not None: options[r_opt.option_name] = opt.option_value return options
[docs]def get_resource_option(model, option_id): """Get the resource option information from the model's mapper.""" if option_id in model._resource_option_mapper.keys(): return model._resource_option_mapper[option_id] return None
[docs]def resource_options_ref_to_mapper(ref, option_class): """Convert the _resource_options property-dict to options attr map. The model must have the resource option mapper located in the ``_resource_option_mapper`` attribute. The model must have the resource option registry located in the ``resource_options_registry`` attribute. The option dict with key(opt_id), value(opt_value) will be pulled from ``ref._resource_options``. NOTE: This function MUST be called within the active writer session context! :param ref: The DB model reference that is actually stored to the backend. :param option_class: Class that is used to store the resource option in the DB. """ options = getattr(ref, '_resource_options', None) if options is not None: # To ensure everything is clean, no lingering refs. delattr(ref, '_resource_options') else: # _resource_options didn't exist. Work from an empty set. options = {} # NOTE(notmorgan): explicitly use .keys() here as the attribute mapper # has some oddities at times. This guarantees we are working with keys. set_options = set(ref._resource_option_mapper.keys()) # Get any options that are not registered and slate them for removal from # the DB. This will delete unregistered options. clear_options = set_options.difference( ref.resource_options_registry.option_ids) options.update({x: None for x in clear_options}) # Set the resource options for user in the Attribute Mapping. for r_opt_id, r_opt_value in options.items(): if r_opt_value is None: # Delete any option set explicitly to None, ignore unset # options. ref._resource_option_mapper.pop(r_opt_id, None) else: # Set any options on the user_ref itself. opt_obj = option_class( option_id=r_opt_id, option_value=r_opt_value) ref._resource_option_mapper[r_opt_id] = opt_obj
[docs]class ResourceOptionRegistry(object): def __init__(self, registry_name): self._registered_options = {} self._registry_type = registry_name @property def option_names(self): return set([opt.option_name for opt in self.options]) @property def options_by_name(self): return {opt.option_name: opt for opt in self._registered_options.values()} @property def options(self): return self._registered_options.values() @property def option_ids(self): return set(self._registered_options.keys())
[docs] def get_option_by_id(self, opt_id): return self._registered_options.get(opt_id, None)
[docs] def get_option_by_name(self, name): for option in self._registered_options.values(): if name == option.option_name: return option return None
@property def json_schema(self): schema = {'type': 'object', 'properties': {}, 'additionalProperties': False} for opt in self.options: if opt.json_schema is not None: # NOTE(notmorgan): All options are nullable. Null indicates # the option should be reset and removed from the DB store. schema['properties'][opt.option_name] = validation.nullable( opt.json_schema) else: # NOTE(notmorgan): without 'type' being specified, this # can be of any-type. We are simply specifying no interesting # values beyond that the property may exist here. schema['properties'][opt.option_name] = {} return schema
[docs] def register_option(self, option): if option in self.options: # Re-registering the exact same option does nothing. return if option.option_id in self._registered_options: raise ValueError(_('Option %(option_id)s already defined in ' '%(registry)s.') % {'option_id': option.option_id, 'registry': self._registry_type}) if option.option_name in self.option_names: raise ValueError(_('Option %(option_name)s already defined in ' '%(registry)s') % {'option_name': option.option_name, 'registry': self._registry_type}) self._registered_options[option.option_id] = option
[docs]class ResourceOption(object): def __init__(self, option_id, option_name, validator=_validator, json_schema_validation=None): """The base object to define the option(s) to be stored in the DB. :param option_id: The ID of the option. This will be used to lookup the option value from the DB and should not be changed once defined as the values will no longer be correctly mapped to the keys in the user_ref when retrieving the data from the DB. :type option_id: str :param option_name: The name of the option. This value will be used to map the value from the user request on a resource update to the correct option id to be stored in the database. This value should not be changed once defined as it will change the resulting keys in the user_ref. :type option_name: str :param validator: A callable that raises TypeError if the value to be persisted is incorrect. A single argument of the value to be persisted will be passed to it. No return value is expected. :type validator: callable :param json_schema_validation: Dictionary defining the JSON schema validation for the option itself. This is used to generate the JSON Schema validator(s) used at the API layer :type json_schema_validation: dict """ if not isinstance(option_id, str) and len(option_id) == 4: raise TypeError(_('`option_id` must be a string, got %r') % option_id) elif len(option_id) != 4: raise ValueError(_('`option_id` must be 4 characters in ' 'length. Got %r') % option_id) if not isinstance(option_name, str): raise TypeError(_('`option_name` must be a string. ' 'Got %r') % option_name) self._option_id = option_id self._option_name = option_name self.validator = validator self._json_schema_validation = json_schema_validation @property def json_schema(self): return self._json_schema_validation or None @property def option_name(self): # NOTE(notmorgan) Option IDs should never be set outside of definition # time. return self._option_name @property def option_id(self): # NOTE(notmorgan) Option IDs should never be set outside of definition # time. return self._option_id
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