
Source code for keystone.common.cache.core

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"""Keystone Caching Layer Implementation."""

import secrets

from dogpile.cache import region
from dogpile.cache import util
from oslo_cache import core as cache

from keystone.common.cache import _context_cache
import keystone.conf

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF

[docs]class RegionInvalidationManager(object): REGION_KEY_PREFIX = '<<<region>>>:' def __init__(self, invalidation_region, region_name): self._invalidation_region = invalidation_region self._region_key = self.REGION_KEY_PREFIX + region_name def _generate_new_id(self): return secrets.token_bytes(10) @property def region_id(self): return self._invalidation_region.get_or_create( self._region_key, self._generate_new_id, expiration_time=-1)
[docs] def invalidate_region(self): new_region_id = self._generate_new_id() self._invalidation_region.set(self._region_key, new_region_id) return new_region_id
[docs] def is_region_key(self, key): return key == self._region_key
[docs]class DistributedInvalidationStrategy(region.RegionInvalidationStrategy): def __init__(self, region_manager): self._region_manager = region_manager
[docs] def invalidate(self, hard=None): self._region_manager.invalidate_region()
[docs] def is_invalidated(self, timestamp): return False
[docs] def was_hard_invalidated(self): return False
[docs] def is_hard_invalidated(self, timestamp): return False
[docs] def was_soft_invalidated(self): return False
[docs] def is_soft_invalidated(self, timestamp): return False
[docs]def key_mangler_factory(invalidation_manager, orig_key_mangler): def key_mangler(key): # NOTE(dstanek): Since *all* keys go through the key mangler we # need to make sure the region keys don't get the region_id added. # If it were there would be no way to get to it, making the cache # effectively useless. if not invalidation_manager.is_region_key(key): key = '%s:%s' % (key, invalidation_manager.region_id) if orig_key_mangler: key = orig_key_mangler(key) return key return key_mangler
[docs]def create_region(name): """Create a dopile region. Wraps oslo_cache.core.create_region. This is used to ensure that the Region is properly patched and allows us to more easily specify a region name. :param str name: The region name :returns: The new region. :rtype: :class:`dogpile.cache.region.CacheRegion` """ region = cache.create_region() = name # oslo.cache doesn't allow this yet return region
CACHE_REGION = create_region(name='shared default') CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION = create_region(name='invalidation region') register_model_handler = _context_cache._register_model_handler
[docs]def configure_cache(region=None): if region is None: region = CACHE_REGION # NOTE(morganfainberg): running cache.configure_cache_region() # sets region.is_configured, this must be captured before # cache.configure_cache_region is called. configured = region.is_configured cache.configure_cache_region(CONF, region) # Only wrap the region if it was not configured. This should be pushed # to oslo_cache lib somehow. if not configured: region.wrap(_context_cache._ResponseCacheProxy) region_manager = RegionInvalidationManager( CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION, region.key_mangler = key_mangler_factory( region_manager, region.key_mangler) region.region_invalidator = DistributedInvalidationStrategy( region_manager)
def _sha1_mangle_key(key): """Wrapper for dogpile's sha1_mangle_key. dogpile's sha1_mangle_key function expects an encoded string, so we should take steps to properly handle multiple inputs before passing the key through. NOTE(dstanek): this was copied directly from olso_cache """ try: key = key.encode('utf-8', errors='xmlcharrefreplace') except (UnicodeError, AttributeError): # NOTE(stevemar): if encoding fails just continue anyway. pass return util.sha1_mangle_key(key)
[docs]def configure_invalidation_region(): if CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION.is_configured: return # NOTE(dstanek): Configuring this region manually so that we control the # expiration and can ensure that the keys don't expire. config_dict = cache._build_cache_config(CONF) config_dict['expiration_time'] = None # we don't want an expiration CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION.configure_from_config( config_dict, '%s.' % CONF.cache.config_prefix) # NOTE(breton): Wrap the cache invalidation region to avoid excessive # calls to memcached, which would result in poor performance. CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION.wrap(_context_cache._ResponseCacheProxy) # NOTE(morganfainberg): if the backend requests the use of a # key_mangler, we should respect that key_mangler function. If a # key_mangler is not defined by the backend, use the sha1_mangle_key # mangler provided by dogpile.cache. This ensures we always use a fixed # size cache-key. if CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION.key_mangler is None: CACHE_INVALIDATION_REGION.key_mangler = _sha1_mangle_key
[docs]def get_memoization_decorator(group, expiration_group=None, region=None): if region is None: region = CACHE_REGION return cache.get_memoization_decorator(CONF, region, group, expiration_group=expiration_group)
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