Class SshCache


public final class SshCache extends Object
a class to cache SSH Connections and Channel for the SSH Repository each session is defined by connecting user / host / port two maps are used to find cache entries one map is using the above keys, the other uses the session itself
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static SshCache getInstance()
    • clearSession

      public void clearSession(com.jcraft.jsch.Session session)
      discards session entries from the cache
      session - to clear
    • getChannelSftp

      public com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp getChannelSftp(com.jcraft.jsch.Session session) throws IOException
      retrieves an sftp channel from the cache
      session - to connect to
      channelSftp or null if not successful (channel not existent or dead)
      IOException - should never happen
    • attachChannelSftp

      public void attachChannelSftp(com.jcraft.jsch.Session session, com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp channel)
      attaches a channelSftp to an existing session cache entry
      session - to attach the channel to
      channel - channel to attach
    • getSession

      public com.jcraft.jsch.Session getSession(String host, int port, String username, String userPassword, File pemFile, String pemPassword, File passFile, boolean allowedAgentUse) throws IOException
      Gets a session from the cache or establishes a new session if necessary
      host - to connect to
      port - to use for session (-1 == use standard port)
      username - for the session to use
      userPassword - to use for authentication (optional)
      pemFile - File to use for public key authentication
      pemPassword - to use for accessing the pemFile (optional)
      passFile - to store credentials
      allowedAgentUse - Whether to communicate with an agent for authentication
      session or null if not successful
      IOException - if something goes wrong