Interface LockStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLockStrategy, ArtifactLockStrategy, CreateFileLockStrategy, FileBasedLockStrategy, NIOFileLockStrategy, NoLockStrategy

public interface LockStrategy
A lock strategy determines when and how lock should be performed when downloading data to a cache.

Note that some implementations may actually choose to NOT perform locking, when no lock is necessary (cache not shared). Some other implementations may choose to lock the cache for the download of a whole module (not possible yet), or at the artifact level.

The lock methods should return true when the lock is either actually acquired or not performed by the strategy.

Locking used in the locking strategy must support reentrant lock. Reentrant locking should be performed for the whole strategy.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the name of the strategy
    lockArtifact(Artifact artifact, File artifactFileToDownload)
    Performs a lock before downloading the given Artifact to the given file.
    unlockArtifact(Artifact artifact, File artifactFileToDownload)
    Release the lock acquired for an artifact download.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the strategy
      the name of the strategy
    • lockArtifact

      boolean lockArtifact(Artifact artifact, File artifactFileToDownload) throws InterruptedException
      Performs a lock before downloading the given Artifact to the given file.
      artifact - the artifact about to be downloaded
      artifactFileToDownload - the file where the artifact will be downloaded
      true if the artifact is locked, false otherwise
      InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while waiting to acquire the lock
    • unlockArtifact

      void unlockArtifact(Artifact artifact, File artifactFileToDownload)
      Release the lock acquired for an artifact download.
      artifact - the artifact for which the lock was acquired
      artifactFileToDownload - the file where the artifact is supposed to have been downloaded