Interface LatestStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLatestStrategy, ComparatorLatestStrategy, LatestLexicographicStrategy, LatestRevisionStrategy, LatestTimeStrategy, OsgiLatestStrategy, WorkspaceLatestStrategy

public interface LatestStrategy
  • Method Details

    • findLatest

      ArtifactInfo findLatest(ArtifactInfo[] infos, Date date)
      Finds the latest artifact among the given artifacts info. The definition of 'latest' depends on the strategy itself. Given artifacts info are all good candidate. If the given date is not null, then found artifact should not be later than this date.
      infos - ArtifactInfo[]
      date - Date
      the latest artifact among the given ones.
    • sort

      List<ArtifactInfo> sort(ArtifactInfo[] infos)
      Sorts the given artifacts info from the oldest one to the latest one. The definition of 'latest' depends on the strategy itself. Given artifacts info are all good candidate.
      infos - ArtifactInfo[]
    • getName

      String getName()