Class ResolveEngine


public class ResolveEngine extends Object
The resolve engine which is the core of the dependency resolution mechanism used in Ivy. It features several resolve methods, some very simple, like resolve(File) and resolve(URL) which allow to simply resolve dependencies of a single module descriptor, or more complete one, like the resolve(ModuleDescriptor, ResolveOptions) which allows to provide options to the resolution engine.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ResolveEngine

      public ResolveEngine(ResolveEngineSettings settings, EventManager eventManager, SortEngine sortEngine)
      Constructs a ResolveEngine.
      settings - the settings to use to configure the engine. Must not be null.
      eventManager - the event manager to use to send events about the resolution process. Must not be null.
      sortEngine - the sort engine to use to sort modules before producing the dependency resolution report. Must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getDictatorResolver

      public DependencyResolver getDictatorResolver()
      Returns the currently configured dictator resolver, which when non null is used in place of any specified resolver in the IvySettings
      the currently configured dictator resolver, may be null.
    • setDictatorResolver

      public void setDictatorResolver(DependencyResolver dictatorResolver)
      Sets a dictator resolver, which is used in place of regular dependency resolver for subsequent dependency resolution by this engine.
      dictatorResolver - the dictator resolver to use in this engine, null if regular settings should used
    • resolve

      public ResolveReport resolve(File ivySource) throws ParseException, IOException
    • resolve

      public ResolveReport resolve(URL ivySource) throws ParseException, IOException
    • resolve

      public ResolveReport resolve(ModuleRevisionId mrid, ResolveOptions options, boolean changing) throws ParseException, IOException
      Resolves the module identified by the given mrid with its dependencies if transitive is set to true.
      mrid - ModuleRevisionId
      options - ResolveOptions
      changing - boolean
      ParseException - if something goes wrong
      IOException - if something goes wrong
    • resolve

      public ResolveReport resolve(URL ivySource, ResolveOptions options) throws ParseException, IOException
      Resolve dependencies of a module described by an ivy file.
      ivySource - URL
      options - ResolveOptions
      ParseException - if something goes wrong
      IOException - if something goes wrong
    • resolve

      Resolve dependencies of a module described by a module descriptor.
      md - ModuleDescriptor
      options - ResolveOptions
      ParseException - if something goes wrong
      IOException - if something goes wrong
    • outputReport

      public void outputReport(ResolveReport report, ResolutionCacheManager cacheMgr, ResolveOptions options) throws IOException
    • downloadArtifacts

      public void downloadArtifacts(ResolveReport report, Filter<Artifact> artifactFilter, DownloadOptions options)
    • download

      public ArtifactDownloadReport download(Artifact artifact, DownloadOptions options)
      Download an artifact to the cache. Not used internally, useful especially for IDE plugins needing to download artifact one by one (for source or javadoc artifact, for instance).

      Downloaded artifact file can be accessed using ArtifactDownloadReport.getLocalFile().

      It is possible to track the progression of the download using classical ivy progress monitoring feature (see addTransferListener).

      artifact - the artifact to download
      options - DownloadOptions
      a report concerning the download
      See Also:
    • locate

      public ArtifactOrigin locate(Artifact artifact)
      Locates an artifact in dependency resolvers, and return its location if it can be located and actually exists, or an unknown ArtifactOrigin in other cases.
      artifact - the artifact to locate.
      the artifact location, should be tested with ArtifactOrigin.isUnknown(ArtifactOrigin) to check if the artifact has actually been located.
    • download

      public ArtifactDownloadReport download(ArtifactOrigin origin, DownloadOptions options)
      Materialize an artifact already located.

      Not used internally, useful especially for IDE plugins needing to download artifact one by one (for source or javadoc artifact, for instance).

      Materialized artifact file can be accessed using ArtifactDownloadReport.getLocalFile().

      It is possible to track the progression of the download using classical ivy progress monitoring feature (see addTransferListener).

      origin - the artifact origin to materialize
      options - DownloadOptions
      a report concerning the download
      See Also:
    • getDependencies

      public IvyNode[] getDependencies(URL ivySource, ResolveOptions options) throws ParseException, IOException
      Resolve the dependencies of a module without downloading corresponding artifacts. The module to resolve is given by its ivy file URL. This method requires appropriate configuration of the ivy instance, especially resolvers.
      ivySource - url of the ivy file to use for dependency resolving
      options - ditto
      an array of the resolved dependencies
      ParseException - if a parsing problem occurred in the ivy file
      IOException - if an IO problem was raised during ivy file parsing
    • getDependencies

      public IvyNode[] getDependencies(ModuleDescriptor md, ResolveOptions options, ResolveReport report)
      Resolve the dependencies of a module without downloading corresponding artifacts. The module to resolve is given by its module descriptor. This method requires appropriate configuration of the ivy instance, especially resolvers.

      The IvyNodes are ordered from the most dependent to the less dependent, so that an IvyNode is always found in the list after all IvyNode depending directly on it.

      md - the descriptor of the module for which we want to get dependencies - must not be null
      options - the resolve options to use to resolve the dependencies
      report - a resolve report to fill during resolution - may be null
      an array of the resolved Dependencies
    • findModule

      public ResolvedModuleRevision findModule(ModuleRevisionId id, ResolveOptions options)
    • mediate

      Mediates the given dependency descriptor according to given options.

      The mediated dependency descriptor must return the actually requested module revision id when the method DependencyDescriptor.getDependencyRevisionId() is called.

      dd - the dependency descriptor for which the requested module revision id should be returned
      options - the resolve options to use
      the mediated DependencyDescriptor.
    • getEventManager

      public EventManager getEventManager()
    • getSettings

      public ResolveEngineSettings getSettings()
    • getSortEngine

      public SortEngine getSortEngine()