Interface ConfigurationAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIncludeExcludeRule, DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor, DefaultExcludeRule, DefaultIncludeRule

public interface ConfigurationAware
Objects implementing this interface are aware of module configurations, and can thus be added to configurations, and list their configurations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Tells this object that it will now be part of the given configuration
    Returns the configurations of the module to which the object is attached
  • Method Details

    • getConfigurations

      String[] getConfigurations()
      Returns the configurations of the module to which the object is attached
      an array of configuration names to which the object is attached
    • addConfiguration

      void addConfiguration(String confName)
      Tells this object that it will now be part of the given configuration
      confName - the name of the configuration to which the object is now attached