Class DefaultRepositoryCacheManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
RepositoryCacheManager, IvySettingsAware

public class DefaultRepositoryCacheManager extends Object implements RepositoryCacheManager, IvySettingsAware
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultRepositoryCacheManager

      public DefaultRepositoryCacheManager()
    • DefaultRepositoryCacheManager

      public DefaultRepositoryCacheManager(String name, IvySettings settings, File basedir)
  • Method Details

    • getSettings

      public IvySettings getSettings()
    • setSettings

      public void setSettings(IvySettings settings)
      Specified by:
      setSettings in interface IvySettingsAware
    • getIvyFileInCache

      public File getIvyFileInCache(ModuleRevisionId mrid)
    • getIvyPattern

      public String getIvyPattern()
    • getArtifactPattern

      public String getArtifactPattern()
    • setArtifactPattern

      public void setArtifactPattern(String artifactPattern)
    • getBasedir

      public File getBasedir()
    • setBasedir

      public void setBasedir(File cache)
    • getDefaultTTL

      public long getDefaultTTL()
    • setDefaultTTL

      public void setDefaultTTL(long defaultTTL)
    • setDefaultTTL

      public void setDefaultTTL(String defaultTTL)
    • getDataFilePattern

      public String getDataFilePattern()
    • setDataFilePattern

      public void setDataFilePattern(String dataFilePattern)
    • setIvyPattern

      public void setIvyPattern(String ivyPattern)
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Returns the name of the repository cache manager.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      the name of the repository cache manager.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getChangingMatcherName

      public String getChangingMatcherName()
    • setChangingMatcher

      public void setChangingMatcher(String changingMatcherName)
    • getChangingPattern

      public String getChangingPattern()
    • setChangingPattern

      public void setChangingPattern(String changingPattern)
    • addTTL

      public void addTTL(Map<String,String> attributes, PatternMatcher matcher, long duration)
    • addConfiguredTtl

      public void addConfiguredTtl(Map<String,String> attributes)
    • setMemorySize

      public void setMemorySize(int size)
    • getMemoryCache

      public org.apache.ivy.core.cache.ModuleDescriptorMemoryCache getMemoryCache()
    • isCheckmodified

      public boolean isCheckmodified()
      True if this cache should check lastmodified date to know if ivy files are up to date.
    • setCheckmodified

      public void setCheckmodified(boolean check)
    • isUseOrigin

      public boolean isUseOrigin()
      True if this cache should use artifacts original location when possible, false if they should be copied to cache.
    • setUseOrigin

      public void setUseOrigin(boolean b)
    • getArchiveFileInCache

      public File getArchiveFileInCache(Artifact artifact)
      Returns a File object pointing to where the artifact can be found on the local file system. This is usually in the cache, but it can be directly in the repository if it is local and if the resolve has been done with useOrigin = true
      artifact - Artifact
    • getArchiveFileInCache

      public File getArchiveFileInCache(Artifact artifact, ArtifactOrigin origin)
      Returns a File object pointing to where the artifact can be found on the local file system. This is usually in the cache, but it can be directly in the repository if it is local and if the resolve has been done with useOrigin = true
      artifact - Artifact
      origin - ArtifactOrigin
    • getArchivePathInCache

      public String getArchivePathInCache(Artifact artifact)
    • getArchivePathInCache

      public String getArchivePathInCache(Artifact artifact, ArtifactOrigin origin)
    • saveResolvers

      public void saveResolvers(ModuleDescriptor md, String metadataResolverName, String artifactResolverName)
      Saves the information of which resolver was used to resolve a md, so that this info can be retrieve later (even after a jvm restart) by getSavedArtResolverName(ModuleDescriptor md)
      Specified by:
      saveResolvers in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      md - the module descriptor resolved
      metadataResolverName - metadata resolver name
      artifactResolverName - artifact resolver name
    • getSavedArtifactOrigin

      public ArtifactOrigin getSavedArtifactOrigin(Artifact artifact)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Returns the artifact origin of the given artifact as saved in this cache.

      If the origin is unknown, the returned ArtifactOrigin instance will return true when ArtifactOrigin.isUnknown(ArtifactOrigin) is called.

      Specified by:
      getSavedArtifactOrigin in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      artifact - the artifact for which the saved artifact origin should be returned.
      the artifact origin of the given artifact as saved in this cache
    • findModuleInCache

      public ResolvedModuleRevision findModuleInCache(DependencyDescriptor dd, ModuleRevisionId requestedRevisionId, CacheMetadataOptions options, String expectedResolver)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Search a module descriptor in cache for a mrid
      Specified by:
      findModuleInCache in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      dd - the dependency descriptor identifying the module to search
      requestedRevisionId - the requested dependency module revision id identifying the module to search
      options - options on how caching should be handled
      expectedResolver - the resolver with which the md in cache must have been resolved to be returned, null if this doesn't matter
      the ResolvedModuleRevision corresponding to the module found, null if none correct has been found in cache
    • getModuleDescriptorParser

      protected ModuleDescriptorParser getModuleDescriptorParser(File moduleDescriptorFile)
      Choose write module descriptor parser for a given moduleDescriptor
      moduleDescriptorFile - a given module descriptor
    • saveResolvedRevision

      @Deprecated public void saveResolvedRevision(ModuleRevisionId mrid, String revision)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Caches a dynamic revision constraint resolution.
      Specified by:
      saveResolvedRevision in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      mrid - the dynamic module revision id
      revision - the resolved revision
    • saveResolvedRevision

      public void saveResolvedRevision(String resolverName, ModuleRevisionId mrid, String revision)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Caches a dynamic revision constraint resolution for a specific resolver.
      Specified by:
      saveResolvedRevision in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      resolverName - the resolver in which this dynamic revision was resolved
      mrid - the dynamic module revision id
      revision - the resolved revision
    • getTTL

      public long getTTL(ModuleRevisionId mrid)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getRepositoryCacheRoot

      public File getRepositoryCacheRoot()
    • getLockStrategy

      public LockStrategy getLockStrategy()
    • setLockStrategy

      public void setLockStrategy(LockStrategy lockStrategy)
    • setLockStrategy

      public void setLockStrategy(String lockStrategyName)
    • download

      public ArtifactDownloadReport download(Artifact artifact, ArtifactResourceResolver resourceResolver, ResourceDownloader resourceDownloader, CacheDownloadOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Downloads an artifact to this cache.
      Specified by:
      download in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      artifact - the artifact to download
      resourceResolver - a resource resolver to use if the artifact needs to be resolved to a Resource for downloading
      resourceDownloader - a resource downloader to use if actual download of the resource is needed
      options - a set of options to adjust the download
      a report indicating how the download was performed
    • downloadRepositoryResource

      public ArtifactDownloadReport downloadRepositoryResource(Resource resource, String name, String type, String extension, CacheResourceOptions options, Repository repository)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Download some repository resource and put it in the cache.

      If the cached version is considered enough up to date, no downloading is done.

      Specified by:
      downloadRepositoryResource in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      resource - the resource of the file to put in cache
      name - the descriptive name of the resource (helps while manually looking into the cache files)
      type - the type of the resource (helps while manually looking into the cache files)
      extension - the extension of the resource (helps while manually looking into the cache files)
      options - a set of options to adjust the download
      repository - the repository which resolve the content of the resource
      a report indicating how the download was performed
    • originalToCachedModuleDescriptor

      public void originalToCachedModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, ResolvedResource originalMetadataRef, Artifact requestedMetadataArtifact, ResolvedModuleRevision rmr, ModuleDescriptorWriter writer)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Stores a standardized version of an original module descriptor in the cache for later use.
      Specified by:
      originalToCachedModuleDescriptor in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      resolver - the dependency resolver from which the cache request comes from
      originalMetadataRef - a resolved resource pointing to the remote original module descriptor
      requestedMetadataArtifact - the module descriptor artifact as requested originally
      rmr - the ResolvedModuleRevision representing the local cached module descriptor
      writer - a ModuleDescriptorWriter able to write the module descriptor to a stream.
    • cacheModuleDescriptor

      public ResolvedModuleRevision cacheModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, ResolvedResource mdRef, DependencyDescriptor dd, Artifact moduleArtifact, ResourceDownloader downloader, CacheMetadataOptions options) throws ParseException
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Caches an original module descriptor.

      After this call, the original module descriptor file (with no modification nor conversion) should be available as a local file.

      Specified by:
      cacheModuleDescriptor in interface RepositoryCacheManager
      resolver - the dependency resolver from which the cache request comes from
      mdRef - a resolved resource pointing to the remote original module descriptor
      dd - the dependency descriptor for which the module descriptor should be cached
      moduleArtifact - the module descriptor artifact as requested originally
      downloader - a ResourceDownloader able to download the original module descriptor resource if required by this cache implementation
      options - options to apply to cache this module descriptor
      a ResolvedModuleRevision representing the local cached module descriptor, or null if it failed
      ParseException - if an exception occurred while parsing the module descriptor
    • getOriginalMetadataArtifact

      public Artifact getOriginalMetadataArtifact(Artifact moduleArtifact)
    • clean

      public void clean()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryCacheManager
      Cleans the whole cache.
      Specified by:
      clean in interface RepositoryCacheManager
    • dumpSettings

      public void dumpSettings()
    • assertInsideCache

      public final void assertInsideCache(File fileInCache)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given path points outside of the cache.