Class IvyContext


public class IvyContext extends Object
This class represents an execution context of an Ivy action. It contains several getters to retrieve information, like the used Ivy instance, the cache location...
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • IvyContext

      public IvyContext()
    • IvyContext

      public IvyContext(IvyContext ctx)
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      public static IvyContext getContext()
    • pushNewContext

      public static IvyContext pushNewContext()
      Creates a new IvyContext and pushes it as the current context in the current thread.

      popContext() should usually be called when the job for which this context has been pushed is finished.

      the newly pushed context
    • pushNewCopyContext

      public static IvyContext pushNewCopyContext()
      Creates a new IvyContext as a copy of the current one and pushes it as the current context in the current thread.

      popContext() should usually be called when the job for which this context has been pushed is finished.

      the newly pushed context
    • pushContext

      public static IvyContext pushContext(IvyContext context)
      Changes the context associated with this thread. This is especially useful when launching a new thread, to associate it with the same context as the initial one. Do not forget to call popContext() when done.
      context - the new context to use in this thread.
      the pushed context
    • popContext

      public static IvyContext popContext()
      Pops one context used with this thread. This is usually called after having finished a task for which a call to pushNewContext() or pushContext(IvyContext) was done prior to beginning the task.
      the popped context
    • peekInContextStack

      public static Object peekInContextStack(String key)
      Reads the first object from the list saved under given key in the first context from the context stack in which this key is defined. If value under key in any of the contexts form the stack represents non List object then a RuntimeException is thrown.

      This methods does a similar job to peek(String), except that it considers the whole context stack and not only one instance.

      key - context key for the string
      top object from the list (index 0) of the first context in the stack containing this key or null if no key or list empty in all contexts from the context stack
      See Also:
    • getIvy

      public Ivy getIvy()
      Returns the current ivy instance.

      When calling any public ivy method on an ivy instance, a reference to this instance is put in this context, and thus accessible using this method, until no code reference this instance and the garbage collector collects it.

      Then, or if no ivy method has been called, a default ivy instance is returned by this method, so that it never returns null.

      the current ivy instance
    • peekIvy

      public Ivy peekIvy()
      Returns the Ivy instance associated with this context, or null if no such instance is currently associated with this context.

      If you want get a default Ivy instance in case no instance if currently associated, use getIvy().

      the current ivy instance, or null if there is no current ivy instance.
    • setIvy

      public void setIvy(Ivy ivy)
    • getSettings

      public IvySettings getSettings()
    • getCircularDependencyStrategy

      public CircularDependencyStrategy getCircularDependencyStrategy()
    • get

      public <T> T get(String key)
    • set

      public <T> void set(String key, T value)
    • peek

      public Object peek(String key)
      Reads the first object from the list saved under given key in the context. If value under key represents non List object then a RuntimeException is thrown.
      key - context key for the string
      top object from the list (index 0) or null if no key or list empty
    • pop

      public Object pop(String key)
      Removes and returns first object from the list saved under given key in the context. If value under key represents non List object then a RuntimeException is thrown.
      key - context key for the string
      top object from the list (index 0) or null if no key or list empty
    • pop

      public boolean pop(String key, Object expectedValue)
      Removes and returns first object from the list saved under given key in the context but only if it equals the given expectedValue - if not a false value is returned. If value under key represents non List object then a RuntimeException is thrown.
      key - context key for the string
      expectedValue - expected value of the key
      true if the r
    • push

      public void push(String key, Object value)
      Puts a new object at the start of the list saved under given key in the context. If value under key represents non List object then a RuntimeException is thrown. If no list exists under given key a new LinkedList is created. This is kept without WeakReference in opposite to the put() results.
      key - key context key for the string
      value - value to be saved under the key
    • getOperatingThread

      public Thread getOperatingThread()
    • getMessageLogger

      public MessageLogger getMessageLogger()
    • getEventManager

      public EventManager getEventManager()
    • checkInterrupted

      public void checkInterrupted()
    • setResolveData

      public void setResolveData(ResolveData data)
    • getResolveData

      public ResolveData getResolveData()
    • setDependencyDescriptor

      public void setDependencyDescriptor(DependencyDescriptor dd)
    • getDependencyDescriptor

      public DependencyDescriptor getDependencyDescriptor()