ICU 72.1 72.1
Files | |
file | alphaindex.h [code] |
C++ API: Index Characters. | |
file | basictz.h [code] |
C++ API: ICU TimeZone base class. | |
file | calendar.h [code] |
C++ API: Calendar object. | |
file | choicfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Choice Format. | |
file | coleitr.h [code] |
C++ API: Collation Element Iterator. | |
file | coll.h [code] |
C++ API: Collation Service. | |
file | compactdecimalformat.h [code] |
C++ API: Compatibility APIs for compact decimal number formatting. | |
file | curramt.h [code] |
C++ API: Currency Amount Object. | |
file | currpinf.h [code] |
C++ API: Currency Plural Information used by Decimal Format. | |
file | currunit.h [code] |
C++ API: Currency Unit Information. | |
file | datefmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Abstract class for converting dates. | |
file | dcfmtsym.h [code] |
C++ API: Symbols for formatting numbers. | |
file | decimfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Compatibility APIs for decimal formatting. | |
file | displayoptions.h [code] |
C++ API: Display options class. | |
file | dtfmtsym.h [code] |
C++ API: Symbols for formatting dates. | |
file | dtitvfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Format and parse date interval in a language-independent manner. | |
file | dtitvinf.h [code] |
C++ API: Date/Time interval patterns for formatting date/time interval. | |
file | dtptngen.h [code] |
C++ API: Date/Time Pattern Generator. | |
file | dtrule.h [code] |
C++ API: Rule for specifying date and time in an year. | |
file | fieldpos.h [code] |
C++ API: FieldPosition identifies the fields in a formatted output. | |
file | fmtable.h [code] |
C++ API: Formattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing. | |
file | format.h [code] |
C++ API: Base class for all formats. | |
file | formattedvalue.h [code] |
C++ API: Abstract operations for localized strings. | |
file | fpositer.h [code] |
C++ API: FieldPosition Iterator. | |
file | gender.h [code] |
C++ API: GenderInfo computes the gender of a list. | |
file | gregocal.h [code] |
C++ API: Concrete class which provides the standard calendar. | |
file | listformatter.h [code] |
C++ API: API for formatting a list. | |
file | measfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Compatibility APIs for measure formatting. | |
file | measunit.h [code] |
C++ API: A unit for measuring a quantity. | |
file | measure.h [code] |
C++ API: MeasureUnit object. | |
file | msgfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Formats messages in a language-neutral way. | |
file | nounit.h [code] |
C++ API: units for percent and permille. | |
file | numberformatter.h [code] |
C++ API: All-in-one formatter for localized numbers, currencies, and units. | |
file | numberrangeformatter.h [code] |
C++ API: Library for localized formatting of number, currency, and unit ranges. | |
file | numfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting. | |
file | numsys.h [code] |
C++ API: NumberingSystem object. | |
file | plurfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: PluralFormat object. | |
file | plurrule.h [code] |
C++ API: PluralRules object. | |
file | rbnf.h [code] |
C++ API: Rule Based Number Format. | |
file | rbtz.h [code] |
C++ API: Rule based customizable time zone. | |
file | regex.h [code] |
C++ API: Regular Expressions. | |
file | region.h [code] |
C++ API: Region classes (territory containment) | |
file | reldatefmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Formats relative dates such as "1 day ago" or "tomorrow". | |
file | scientificnumberformatter.h [code] |
C++ API: Formats in scientific notation. | |
file | search.h [code] |
C++ API: SearchIterator object. | |
file | selfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: SelectFormat object. | |
file | simpletz.h [code] |
C++ API: SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone. | |
file | smpdtfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Format and parse dates in a language-independent manner. | |
file | sortkey.h [code] |
C++ API: Keys for comparing strings multiple times. | |
file | stsearch.h [code] |
C++ API: Service for searching text based on RuleBasedCollator. | |
file | tblcoll.h [code] |
C++ API: The RuleBasedCollator class implements the Collator abstract base class. | |
file | timezone.h [code] |
C++ API: TimeZone object. | |
file | tmunit.h [code] |
C++ API: time unit object. | |
file | tmutamt.h [code] |
C++ API: time unit amount object. | |
file | tmutfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: Format and parse duration in single time unit. | |
file | translit.h [code] |
C++ API: Transforms text from one format to another. | |
file | tzfmt.h [code] |
C++ API: TimeZoneFormat. | |
file | tznames.h [code] |
C++ API: TimeZoneNames. | |
file | tzrule.h [code] |
C++ API: Time zone rule classes. | |
file | tztrans.h [code] |
C++ API: Time zone transition. | |
file | ucal.h [code] |
C API: Calendar. | |
file | ucol.h [code] |
C API: Collator. | |
file | ucoleitr.h [code] |
C API: UCollationElements. | |
file | ucsdet.h [code] |
C API: Charset Detection API. | |
file | udat.h [code] |
C API: DateFormat. | |
file | udateintervalformat.h [code] |
C API: Format a date interval. | |
file | udatpg.h [code] |
C API: Wrapper for icu::DateTimePatternGenerator (unicode/dtptngen.h). | |
file | udisplayoptions.h [code] |
C API: Display options (enum types, values, helper functions) | |
file | ufieldpositer.h [code] |
C API: UFieldPositionIterator for use with format APIs. | |
file | uformattable.h [code] |
C API: UFormattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing. | |
file | uformattedvalue.h [code] |
C API: Abstract operations for localized strings. | |
file | ugender.h [code] |
C API: The purpose of this API is to compute the gender of a list as a whole given the gender of each element. | |
file | ulistformatter.h [code] |
C API: Format a list in a locale-appropriate way. | |
file | ulocdata.h [code] |
C API: Provides access to locale data. | |
file | umsg.h [code] |
C API: MessageFormat. | |
file | unirepl.h [code] |
C++ API: UnicodeReplacer. | |
file | unum.h [code] |
C API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting. | |
file | unumberformatter.h [code] |
C API: Localized number formatting; not recommended for C++. | |
file | unumberrangeformatter.h [code] |
C API: Localized number range formatting. | |
file | unumsys.h [code] |
C API: UNumberingSystem, information about numbering systems. | |
file | upluralrules.h [code] |
C API: Plural rules, select plural keywords for numeric values. | |
file | uregex.h [code] |
C API: Regular Expressions. | |
file | uregion.h [code] |
C API: URegion (territory containment and mapping) | |
file | ureldatefmt.h [code] |
C API: URelativeDateTimeFormatter, relative date formatting of unit + numeric offset. | |
file | usearch.h [code] |
C API: StringSearch. | |
file | uspoof.h [code] |
C API: Unicode Security and Spoofing Detection. | |
file | utmscale.h [code] |
C API: Universal Time Scale. | |
file | utrans.h [code] |
C API: Transliterator. | |
file | vtzone.h [code] |
C++ API: RFC2445 VTIMEZONE support. | |