FormattedNumberRange | formatFormattableRange (const Formattable &first, const Formattable &second, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Format the given Formattables to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain. More...
| LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter ()=default |
| Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state. More...
| LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other) |
| Returns a copy of this LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter. More...
| LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT |
| Move constructor: The source LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter & | operator= (const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other) |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter & | operator= (LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT |
| Move assignment operator: The source LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state. More...
void | formatImpl (impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData &results, bool equalBeforeRounding, UErrorCode &status) const |
| ~LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter () |
| Destruct this LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter, cleaning up any memory it might own. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterBoth (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) const & |
| Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the numbers in the range. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterBoth (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterBoth (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) const & |
| Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterBoth (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterBoth() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterFirst (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) const & |
| Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the first number in the range. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterFirst (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterFirst (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) const & |
| Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterFirst (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterFirst() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterSecond (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) const & |
| Sets the NumberFormatter instance to use for the second number in the range. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterSecond (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterSecond (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) const & |
| Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | numberFormatterSecond (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) && |
| Overload of numberFormatterSecond() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | collapse (UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) const & |
| Sets the aggressiveness of "collapsing" fields across the range separator. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | collapse (UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) && |
| Overload of collapse() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | identityFallback (UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) const & |
| Sets the behavior when the two sides of the range are the same. More...
LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter | identityFallback (UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) && |
| Overload of identityFallback() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalPointer< LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter > | clone () const & |
| Returns the current (Un)LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter as a LocalPointer wrapping a heap-allocated copy of the current object. More...
LocalPointer< LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter > | clone () && |
| Overload of clone for use on an rvalue reference. More...
UBool | copyErrorTo (UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const |
| Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred in the fluent chain. More...