FormattedNumber | formatInt (int64_t value, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Format the given integer number to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting chain. More...
FormattedNumber | formatDouble (double value, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Format the given float or double to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting chain. More...
FormattedNumber | formatDecimal (StringPiece value, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Format the given decimal number to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting chain. More...
const DecimalFormatSymbols * | getDecimalFormatSymbols () const |
FormattedNumber | formatDecimalQuantity (const impl::DecimalQuantity &dq, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Internal method. More...
void | getAffixImpl (bool isPrefix, bool isNegative, UnicodeString &result, UErrorCode &status) const |
| Internal method for DecimalFormat compatibility. More...
const impl::NumberFormatterImpl * | getCompiled () const |
| Internal method for testing. More...
int32_t | getCallCount () const |
| Internal method for testing. More...
Format * | toFormat (UErrorCode &status) const |
| Creates a representation of this LocalizedNumberFormat as an icu::Format, enabling the use of this number formatter with APIs that need an object of that type, such as MessageFormat. More...
| LocalizedNumberFormatter ()=default |
| Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state. More...
| LocalizedNumberFormatter (const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other) |
| Returns a copy of this LocalizedNumberFormatter. More...
| LocalizedNumberFormatter (LocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT |
| Move constructor: The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter & | operator= (const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other) |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter & | operator= (LocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT |
| Move assignment operator: The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state. More...
void | formatImpl (impl::UFormattedNumberData *results, UErrorCode &status) const |
| This is the core entrypoint to the number formatting pipeline. More...
| ~LocalizedNumberFormatter () |
| Destruct this LocalizedNumberFormatter, cleaning up any memory it might own. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | notation (const Notation ¬ation) const & |
| Specifies the notation style (simple, scientific, or compact) for rendering numbers. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | notation (const Notation ¬ation) && |
| Overload of notation() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unit (const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) const & |
| Specifies the unit (unit of measure, currency, or percent) to associate with rendered numbers. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unit (const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) && |
| Overload of unit() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *unit) const & |
| Like unit(), but takes ownership of a pointer. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *unit) && |
| Overload of adoptUnit() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | perUnit (const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) const & |
| Sets a unit to be used in the denominator. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | perUnit (const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) && |
| Overload of perUnit() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptPerUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) const & |
| Like perUnit(), but takes ownership of a pointer. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptPerUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) && |
| Overload of adoptPerUnit() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | precision (const Precision &precision) const & |
| Specifies the rounding precision to use when formatting numbers. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | precision (const Precision &precision) && |
| Overload of precision() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | roundingMode (UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) const & |
| Specifies how to determine the direction to round a number when it has more digits than fit in the desired precision. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | roundingMode (UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) && |
| Overload of roundingMode() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | grouping (UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) const & |
| Specifies the grouping strategy to use when formatting numbers. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | grouping (UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) && |
| Overload of grouping() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | integerWidth (const IntegerWidth &style) const & |
| Specifies the minimum and maximum number of digits to render before the decimal mark. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | integerWidth (const IntegerWidth &style) && |
| Overload of integerWidth() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | symbols (const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) const & |
| Specifies the symbols (decimal separator, grouping separator, percent sign, numerals, etc.) to use when rendering numbers. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | symbols (const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) && |
| Overload of symbols() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptSymbols (NumberingSystem *symbols) const & |
| Specifies that the given numbering system should be used when fetching symbols. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | adoptSymbols (NumberingSystem *symbols) && |
| Overload of adoptSymbols() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unitWidth (UNumberUnitWidth width) const & |
| Sets the width of the unit (measure unit or currency). More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unitWidth (UNumberUnitWidth width) && |
| Overload of unitWidth() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | sign (UNumberSignDisplay style) const & |
| Sets the plus/minus sign display strategy. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | sign (UNumberSignDisplay style) && |
| Overload of sign() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | decimal (UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) const & |
| Sets the decimal separator display strategy. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | decimal (UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) && |
| Overload of decimal() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | scale (const Scale &scale) const & |
| Sets a scale (multiplier) to be used to scale the number by an arbitrary amount before formatting. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | scale (const Scale &scale) && |
| Overload of scale() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | usage (StringPiece usage) const & |
| Specifies the usage for which numbers will be formatted ("person-height", "road", "rainfall", etc.) More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | usage (StringPiece usage) && |
| Overload of usage() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | displayOptions (const DisplayOptions &displayOptions) const & |
| Specifies the DisplayOptions. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | displayOptions (const DisplayOptions &displayOptions) && |
| Overload of displayOptions() for use on an rvalue reference. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unitDisplayCase (StringPiece unitDisplayCase) const & |
| NOTE: Use displayOptions instead. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | unitDisplayCase (StringPiece unitDisplayCase) && |
| NOTE: Use displayOptions instead. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | padding (const impl::Padder &padder) const & |
| Set the padding strategy. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | padding (const impl::Padder &padder) && |
LocalizedNumberFormatter | threshold (int32_t threshold) const & |
| Internal fluent setter to support a custom regulation threshold. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | threshold (int32_t threshold) && |
LocalizedNumberFormatter | macros (const impl::MacroProps ¯os) const & |
| Internal fluent setter to overwrite the entire macros object. More...
LocalizedNumberFormatter | macros (const impl::MacroProps ¯os) && |
LocalizedNumberFormatter | macros (impl::MacroProps &¯os) const & |
LocalizedNumberFormatter | macros (impl::MacroProps &¯os) && |
UnicodeString | toSkeleton (UErrorCode &status) const |
| Creates a skeleton string representation of this number formatter. More...
LocalPointer< LocalizedNumberFormatter > | clone () const & |
| Returns the current (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter as a LocalPointer wrapping a heap-allocated copy of the current object. More...
LocalPointer< LocalizedNumberFormatter > | clone () && |
| Overload of clone for use on an rvalue reference. More...
UBool | copyErrorTo (UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const |
| Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred in the fluent chain. More...
A NumberFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .format() methods are available.
Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
- See also
- NumberFormatter
- Stable:
- ICU 60
Definition at line 2504 of file numberformatter.h.