Client side of the heat engine RPC API.
Bases: object
Client side of the heat engine rpc API.
API version history:
1.0 - Initial version.
1.1 - Add support_status argument to list_resource_types()
1.4 - Add support for service list
1.9 - Add template_type option to generate_template()
1.10 - Add support for software config list
1.11 - Add support for template versions list
1.12 - Add with_detail option for stack resources list
1.13 - Add support for template functions list
1.14 - Add cancel_with_rollback option to stack_cancel_update
1.15 - Add preview_update_stack() call
1.16 - Adds version, type_name to list_resource_types()
1.17 - Add files to validate_template
1.18 - Add show_nested to validate_template
1.19 - Add show_output and list_outputs for returning stack outputs
1.20 - Add resolve_outputs to stack show
1.21 - Add deployment_id to create_software_deployment
1.22 - Add support for stack export
1.23 - Add environment_files to create/update/preview/validate
1.24 - Adds ignorable_errors to validate_template
1.25 - list_stack_resource filter update
1.26 - Add mark_unhealthy
1.27 - Add check_software_deployment
1.28 - Add get_environment call
1.29 - Add template_id to create_stack/update_stack
1.30 - Add possibility to resource_type_* return descriptions
1.31 - Add nested_depth to list_events, when nested_depth is specified
add root_stack_id to response
1.32 - Add get_files call
1.33 - Remove tenant_safe from list_stacks, count_stacks
and list_software_configs
1.34 - Add migrate_convergence_1 call
1.35 - Add with_condition to list_template_functions
1.36 - Add files_container to create/update/preview/validate
Deletes a given stack but resources would not be deleted.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you want to abandon.
Validate the credentials in the RPC context.
Verify that the credentials in the RPC context are valid for the current cloud backend.
ctxt – RPC context.
Returns the number of stacks that match the given filters.
ctxt – RPC context.
filters – a dict of ATTR:VALUE to match against stacks
show_deleted – if true, count will include the deleted stacks
show_nested – if true, count will include nested stacks
show_hidden – if true, count will include hidden stacks
tags – count stacks containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean AND expression
tags_any – count stacks containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean OR expression
not_tags – count stacks not containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean AND expression
not_tags_any – count stacks not containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean OR expression
an integer representing the number of matched stacks
Creates a new stack using the template provided.
Note that at this stage the template has already been fetched from the heat-api process if using a template-url.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to create.
template – Template of stack you want to create.
params – Stack Input Params/Environment
files – files referenced from the environment.
args – Request parameters/args passed from API
environment_files (list or None) – optional ordered list of environment file names included in the files dict
files_container – name of swift container
Deletes a given stack.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you want to delete.
cast – cast the message instead of using call (default: False)
You probably never want to use cast(). If you do, you’ll never hear about any exceptions the call might raise.
Get detailed resource information about a particular resource.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack.
resource_name – the Resource.
Get detailed resource information about one or more resources.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack.
resource_name – the Resource.
Exports the stack data in JSON format.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you want to export.
Return an identifier for the resource.
ctxt – RPC context.
physcial_resource_id – The physical resource ID to look up.
Generate a template based on the specified type.
ctxt – RPC context.
type_name – The resource type name to generate a template for.
template_type – the template type to generate, cfn or hot.
Returns the environment for an existing stack.
context – RPC context
stack_identity – identifies the stack
Returns the files for an existing stack.
context – RPC context
stack_identity – identifies the stack
Get the template.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to see.
Returns the full stack identifier for a single, live stack.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to see, or None to see all
Returns a context manager that filters exceptions with a given name.
name – Name to compare the local exception name to.
Raises the error unless its local name matches the supplied name.
error – Remote raised error to derive the local name from.
name – Name to compare local name to.
Lists all events associated with a given stack.
It supports pagination (limit
and marker
sorting (sort_keys
and sort_dir
) and filtering(filters)
of the results.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you want to get events for
filters – a dict with attribute:value to filter the list
limit – the number of events to list (integer or string)
marker – the ID of the last event in the previous page
sort_keys – an array of fields used to sort the list
sort_dir – the direction of the sort (‘asc’ or ‘desc’).
nested_depth – Levels of nested stacks to list events for.
Get a list of valid resource types.
ctxt – RPC context.
support_status – Support status of resource type
type_name – Resource type’s name (regular expression allowed)
heat_version – Heat version
with_description – Either return resource type description or not
List the resources belonging to a stack.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack.
nested_depth – Levels of nested stacks of which list resources.
with_detail – show detail for resources in list.
filters – a dict with attribute:value to search the resources
Returns attributes of all stacks.
It supports pagination (limit
and marker
), sorting
and sort_dir
) and filtering (filters
) of the
ctxt – RPC context.
limit – the number of stacks to list (integer or string)
marker – the ID of the last item in the previous page
sort_keys – an array of fields used to sort the list
sort_dir – the direction of the sort (‘asc’ or ‘desc’)
filters – a dict with attribute:value to filter the list
show_deleted – if true, show soft-deleted stacks
show_nested – if true, show nested stacks
show_hidden – if true, show hidden stacks
tags – show stacks containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean AND expression
tags_any – show stacks containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean OR expression
not_tags – show stacks not containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean AND expression
not_tags_any – show stacks not containing these tags. If multiple tags are passed, they will be combined using the boolean OR expression
a list of stacks
Get a list of available functions in a given template type.
ctxt – RPC context
template_version – template format/version tuple for which you want to get the list of functions.
with_condition – return includes condition functions.
Get a list of available template versions.
ctxt – RPC context.
Returns the name of the error with any _Remote postfix removed.
error – Remote raised error to derive the name from.
Migrate the stack to convergence engine
ctxt – RPC context
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to migrate
Simulates a new stack using the provided template.
Note that at this stage the template has already been fetched from the heat-api process if using a template-url.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to create.
template – Template of stack you want to create.
params – Stack Input Params/Environment
files – files referenced from the environment.
args – Request parameters/args passed from API
environment_files (list or None) – optional ordered list of environment file names included in the files dict
files_container – name of swift container
Returns the resources that would be changed in an update.
Based on the provided template and parameters.
Requires RPC version 1.15 or above.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you wish to update.
template – New template for the stack.
params – Stack Input Params/Environment
files – files referenced from the environment.
args – Request parameters/args passed from API
environment_files (list or None) – optional ordered list of environment file names included in the files dict
files_container – name of swift container
Mark the resource as unhealthy or healthy.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack.
resource_name – the Resource.
mark_unhealthy – indicates whether the resource is unhealthy.
resource_status_reason – reason for health change.
Get the schema for a resource type.
ctxt – RPC context.
with_description – Return resource with description or not.
Generate an alarm on the resource.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack.
resource_name – the Resource.
details – the details of the signal.
Returns detailed information about one or all stacks.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_identity – Name of the stack you want to show, or None to show all
resolve_outputs – If True, stack outputs will be resolved
Updates an existing stack based on the provided template and params.
Note that at this stage the template has already been fetched from the heat-api process if using a template-url.
ctxt – RPC context.
stack_name – Name of the stack you want to create.
template – Template of stack you want to create.
params – Stack Input Params/Environment
files – files referenced from the environment.
args – Request parameters/args passed from API
environment_files (list or None) – optional ordered list of environment file names included in the files dict
files_container – name of swift container
Uses the stack parser to check the validity of a template.
ctxt – RPC context.
template – Template of stack you want to create.
params – Stack Input Params/Environment
files – files referenced from the environment/template.
environment_files – ordered list of environment file names included in the files dict
files_container – name of swift container
show_nested – if True nested templates will be validated
ignorable_errors – List of error_code to be ignored as part of validation
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