heat.engine.api module

heat.engine.api module


Extract arguments passed as parameters and return them as a dictionary.

Extract any arguments passed as parameters through the API and return them as a dictionary. This allows us to filter the passed args and do type conversion where appropriate

heat.engine.api.format_event(event, stack_identifier, root_stack_identifier=None, include_rsrc_prop_data=True)[source]
heat.engine.api.format_resource_attributes(resource, with_attr=None)[source]
heat.engine.api.format_software_config(sc, detail=True, include_project=False)[source]
heat.engine.api.format_stack(stack, preview=False, resolve_outputs=True)[source]

Return a representation of the given stack.

Return a representation of the given stack that matches the API output expectations.


Return a summary representation of the given stack.

Given a stack versioned DB object, return a representation of the given stack for a stack listing.

heat.engine.api.format_stack_output(output_defn, resolve_value=True)[source]
heat.engine.api.format_stack_outputs(outputs, resolve_value=False)[source]

Return a representation of the given output template.

Return a representation of the given output template for the given stack that matches the API output expectations.

heat.engine.api.format_stack_resource(resource, detail=True, with_props=False, with_attr=None)[source]

Return a representation of the given resource.

Return a representation of the given resource that matches the API output expectations.


Format a template parameter for validate template API call.

Formats a template parameter and its schema information from the engine’s internal representation (i.e. a Parameter object and its associated Schema object) to a representation expected by the current API (for example to be compatible to CFN syntax).

heat.engine.api.format_watch_data(wd, rule_names)[source]

Translate filter names to their corresponding DB field names.


params – A dictionary containing keys from engine.api.STACK_KEYS and other keys previously leaked to users.


A dict containing only valid DB filed names.

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