Bases: object
Symmetric Key Crypto object.
This class creates a Symmetric Key Crypto object that can be used to decrypt arbitrary data.
Note: This is a reimplementation of the decryption algorithm from oslo-incubator, and is provided for backward compatibility. Once we have a DB migration script available to re-encrypt using new encryption method as part of upgrade, this can be removed.
enctype – Encryption Cipher name (default: AES)
Decrypts the provided ciphertext.
The ciphertext can be optionally base64 encoded.
Uses AES-128-CBC with an IV by default.
key – The Encryption key.
msg – the ciphetext, the first block is the IV
the plaintext message, after padding is removed.
Return a decrypted dict. Assume input values are encrypted json fields.
Return an encrypted dict. Values converted to json before encrypted
Decrypt data that has been encrypted using an older version of Heat.
Note: the encrypt function returns the function that is needed to decrypt the data. The database then stores this. When the data is then retrieved (potentially by a later version of Heat) the decrypt function must still exist. So whilst it may seem that this function is not referenced, it will be referenced from the database.
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